Shooting main characters is also really obnoxious
Inaho was/is
a main character, not
the main character, also he was a shitty character at that. It's always disappointing to see people root for blatant Gary Stu's.
Also, how many of you remember this and still got pissed at Slaine for attacking a man that implied he was using the princess, shot him down down (they shot at each other simultaneously), and then told he considered him an enemy as his ship went down.
At this point Slaine trains his turrets, though he doesn't fire yet, he senses hostility behind Inaho's words.
Then Slaine asks if Inaho is intending to use Asseylum.
Of fucking course Slaine would have a problem with that. At this point his mistrusts has turned into suspicion. Moments after they shoot at one another.
Then, as Slaine is shot down the sky, this exchange happens.
Inaho was a bitch-made punk who had that bullet coming for that encounter alone.