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Alien 3 "workprint" edition

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Tedesco! said:
How exactly is A3 boring? Are you the kind of person who hates all that pesky "dialogue" that can be found in movies?

Entire movie is ridiculious, contrived and devoid of any meaninful dialogue bar the scenes with Clemens / Ripley / Bishop.

Unless you like your dialog:-



Tedesco! said:
I was hoping that they would spin the series in a different direction after A3. What with Ripley gone, they could go in a slew of new stories. Alas, that didn't happen, and we got Alien: Res.

Does anyone else think that the Alien : Earth Wars series would make a nice mini-series?

Yeah, Earth Wars would rock! I was hoping we'd get the Aliens come to Earth storyline that was suppose to happen with Alien 3, but alas, it was not to be.

I remember years ago seeing the teaser for Alien 3. It showed a scene of a starscape with the tagline: In Space, no one can hear you scream..." and then the camera panned over and showed the Earth, and it continued"...but on Earth, everyone can hear you scream!" I was so excited at the possibilties that Alien 3 could bring, and when it was released, it was like WTF happened to Earth. Found out later about all the behind the scenes shit that went on, but still would have loved to have seen what it would have been like if they had made it to Earth.


Well you just discounted most of the dialogue ever written by/for Tarrantino, Scorsese, The Sopranos, Deadwood, etc...

So it's boring because of the constant usage of the word "fuck"? You know it is a prison planet, the language is going to be salty.

I tend to remember a few fucks being thrown about in Aliens. Is that too a boring film?


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Found out later about all the behind the scenes shit that went on

Read as Sigourney Waever's needless involvement with the writing of the film. Actors should act, not dictate what's written. If she felt she could craft a better story, then she should have written one. Leave writers the fuck alone.
Tedesco! said:
Read as Sigourney Waever's needless involvement with the writing of the film. Actors should act, not dictate what's written. If she felt she could craft a better story, then she should have written one. Leave writers the fuck alone.



being watched
Tedesco! said:
Well you just discounted most of the dialogue ever written by/for Tarrantino, Scorsese, The Sopranos, Deadwood, etc...

So it's boring because of the constant usage of the word "fuck"? You know it is a prison planet, the language is going to be salty.

I tend to remember a few fucks being thrown about in Aliens. Is that too a boring film?

Sigh. I've gone over this is a dozen Alien threads and I'm not going to retread it again. I hate the movie from the improbable laid egg to the ridiculious escape pod designed like a 'L' shape Tetris block especially designed to plummet into the sea for maximum damage (which is impossible anyway as (THE ESCAPE PODS ARE BOLTED DOWN QUITE CLEARLY IN ALIENS - THEIR NOT EVEN THE SAME ESCAPE PODS - CAMERON! FUCK YOU AND PRISSY CONTINUITY YOU WENT THROUGH WITH THE NOSTROMO BRIDGE IN ALIENS (FROM ALIEN)) to it's occupants, through to shameless Bishop 2 to appease Aliens fans.

A 5 year old could have written Alien 3.

Only a 5 year old would have had more imagination.


Tedesco! said:
So it's boring because of the constant usage of the word "fuck"? You know it is a prison planet, the language is going to be salty.

It's not the constant usage of "fuck" that's bothersome: it's that every time a character says the word "fuck" it's like they've honest-to-God never said the word before. The prisoners act like teenagers who have just learned how to curse, who have to get up their nerve to say the word and then say it as loud as they can for maximum effect. "Then we're: fucked!" "I don't give a: fuck!" etc.

I don't hate the movie as much as some here (in fact, this thread has gone a ways toward convincing me that the movie's a little better than I previously thought), but that dialogue is weak.


Sigh. I've gone over this is a dozen Alien threads and I'm not going to retread it again. I hate the movie from the improbable laid egg to the ridiculious escape pod designed like a 'L' shape Tetris block especially designed to plummet into the sea for maximum damage (which is impossible anyway as (THE ESCAPE PODS ARE BOLTED DOWN QUITE CLEARLY IN ALIENS - THEIR NOT EVEN THE SAME ESCAPE PODS - CAMERON! FUCK YOU AND PRISSY CONTINUITY YOU WENT THROUGH WITH THE NOSTROMO BRIDGE IN ALIENS (FROM ALIEN)) to it's occupants, through to shameless Bishop 2 to appease Aliens fans.

A 5 year old could have written Alien 3.

Only a 5 year old would have had more imagination.

I'm confused by your Cameron quote. He didn't write or direct A3. The ships in Aliens are different from Alien. I assume you meant Fincher?

I just wanted an explanation. It drives me nuts when people say they hate something and then don't back up their statement. Thanks! :)


being watched
I read a good review of Alien 3 in Cinefantastique when it came out. Which basically said the movie belongs to the stupid school of writing, because the whole plot progresses simply because all the characters including Ripley behave like idiots.

edit: I mentioned Cameron in terms of the painstaking design he went into with ALIENS to ensure the continuity of the Narcissus shuttle from ALIEN at the start of the movie - it's practically identical right down to the position of the helmet.

Look at Alien 3 - Sulaco - yet the sleep chambers are clearly different from the ones in ALIENS and now they can move on rails, which from their design in ALIENS, is clearly not possible! It's that shitty don't give a toss attitude I hate - same attitude they had towards the characters of Hicks & Newt - killed off without a second thought due to the silly design of the escape shuttle that they should never have been in due to THE FACT THE PODS CAN'T MOVE ON RAILS!


There is a very good website that chronicles the tremendous fuck-up that was the writing process of A3. If anyone remebers the url, please post it.


Jacobi said:
I don't think

Well there's your problem right there! 30-40 minutes of new material was used. If you don't like a movie, that's fine, but don't bad mouth something you've not seen. It's pointless. Go rent it tonight. Odds are you'll like it better than you liked the original print.

-edit- 41 minutes, actually.


If you are a fan of the Alien series, then I would say yes, if only to see where it could have gone. Some of them are very, very bad though. FYI.


LakeEarth said:
Wow, look at all those scripts. Are any of em worth reading?

I've read the William Gibson one--it's flawed, but interesting, primarily because a couple of ideas from it ended up in a slightly different form in Alien Resurrection. He screws with the mythology of the movies too much for my taste, though.

If I were going to read any of the others (which I might if I have time this weekend, actually), I'd go with the one by David Twohy (writer/director of Chronicles of Riddick) or Rex Pickett (author of the novel Sideways, which was made into the film with Paul Giamatti that came out last year).


I might glance at one. I'm not that huge of a Aliens fan but I was interested in reading the one that "should've been".


Tenacious-V Redux
Alien 3 commits the biggest sin. It's simply dreadfully boring.
That is ironic coming from a guy with a previous avatar from Stanley's boring Clockwork Orange :)

But to be serious, Alien 3's biggest sin was having characters people didn't sympathize with. Other than Ripley, you almost wanted these guys to die... that isn't good.

The workprint makes A3 much, much improved and takes it from "unwatchable" to "wow i wish fincher didn't f-up this movie so badly".


Has someone here read Green Lantern vs. Aliens BTW ? They should change the story a bit and make a movie out of it :D
The cyro pods move on rails because they drop down 45 degrees into the floor and then drop into the escape ship. They don't move across the floor like a train. There is nothing in the ship design in Aliens to say that this couldn't happen.

Alien 3 does have story failings but they are repaired by the extended edition. We learn WHY the prisoners decided to try to kill the beast instead of sit and wait it out. We also get to know who is who more as there is far more character development.

If anyone is confused about the tunnel layout at the end it isn't all the difficult to figure out. Image a long hallway that leads toward the lead mold. Every 25 feet along both sides of the hallway there is a door. These doors lead down somewhat circular hallways. They want to close all the doors down the length of the hallway so the creature has no way out of the hallway. They then want to engage the piston that works its way down the hall and moves flush with the entrance to the lead mold.

The workprint version of the film includes the cow bursting sequence. Fincher said in Cinefex magazine the he never liked the cow sequence because it didn't look right to him. If he were to go back and re-edit it he would likely still chose the dog scene.

Fincher hates the movie for the memories the situation and the lack of control not because he hates his work. Even Cameron likes the movie on a photographic level just not on a story level.

Sigourney's view on the film series is more based off her experiences with the first film. She loves that movie more than the others and her perspective comes from that experience. Giger's sexuallized creatures plays into her thoughts for the films. It was implied that Lambert is raped by the creature in the first film as she is seen hanging dead with her pants down.

In the end I'm just happy the snow white concept was thrown out as was the wooden planet idea. The script Renny Harlin was going to direct was terrible as was the Gibson concept. They could never get a good idea for the film. The dark horse comic series had its moments but a lot of the dialouge and ideas were taken from Alien and Aliens leaving very little original in there aside from some action scenes and a few concepts with training the Aliens to be used as weapons (which later appeared in Resurrection)


Lambert was definitely raped.. watch the restored scene.. the Alien reacts with imediate insterest in Lambert, (the first women it encountered). Remember the Alien takes on the character of whatever host it's born from... Kane was a male... The Alien even has a mock erection with it's tail (desturbing to say the least),,,,

Alien 3 was well directed, but it was doomed from the start... If you watch the 100s of hours of bonus material and commentaries from both box sets (like I have) you'll learn that there are a half a dozen people who think they have the right idea on which direction they series should have gone after Aliens..... none of them agree.. yet all of them own part of the rights..

The one thing they do agree on is that Sig Weaver has to be in the films no matter what.. I feel her story was finished with the 2nd movie... The series does not need her!

It will never be fixed, the series will only get worse, too many people fighting over it.

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