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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.

Just saw a couple of streams and I know a turd when I see one. What a bummer, I really wanted this to be good. Let's hope I'm wrong but I cannot unsee what I saw.


Man, I really hope this doesn't suck. I usually don't pay much heed to reviews for games that I'm really hyped for, as usually I can get something out of them. However, after the great burn that was Colonial Marines it'll be easy to wait for bargain bin pricing on this if they are terrible.

If it gets bad write ups I guess I'll move my pre-order over to purchasing Shadows of Mordor or The Evil Within.


That empress stream looks more like she doesn't know how to play the game at all than the game itself being horrible.

Ok i think that whoever is playing on that stream is trolling for views lmao. This is like watching someone crash the plane intentionally in a shmup over and over again.
Just saw a couple of streams and I know a turd when I see one. What a bummer, I really wanted this to be good. Let's hope I'm wrong but I cannot unsee what I saw.

That empress stream looks more like she doesn't know how to play the game at all than the game itself being horrible.

That's what I was thinking. People seem to be freaking out over a lack of the alien, but that is just one side of what the game, and franchise, has to offer. The androids hunting her in this stream are relentless and she isn't doing a great job of trying to sneak past them and survive. I think this game was always going to have split opinions, purely on the basis that it is a horror/stealth game, not horror/action. Most of the streams I've seen so far seem to have people trying to either bash/shoot their way through, or sprint everywhere. That doesn't seem to get you very far in this game.

Are they serious with that checkpoint system? Loading into a android choking you out is...eh.
The streamer chose to save at that point. She's pretty awful at the game, but I'm glad she's streaming it.

I'm waiting for the reviews tomorrow, but I'll probably pre order unless they are universally terrible. They got the look down for sure, and that might be enough to make it worthwhile to me.
I've decided that even if the game is terrible I am still going to get it because the visuals and atmosphere looks so spot on and I just want to be in that world.


The fact they are allowing reviews to come out Friday tells me all I need to know. Aliens CM wouldn't allow reviews until launch day. They are confident in the game they released which I hope means good reviews.


Two things entered my mind watching Mermaid's stream.

1. The game may be quite boring.
2. Twitch chat is the worst. Full of 10 year old boys acting the cunt thinking they are funny.


is a goddamn bear
Pacing I get.. but damn.. 1 hour is terrible pacing. And even if it's 1 hour.. at least entertain the gamer with something to do besides roam around. It would have been nice to see other soliders or people and talk with them.. maybe get sent to fix stuff in the basement or something.

I'm getting it anyway but damn.. I want to see more.

Are you familiar with the horror movie, "The Descent"? In that movie, the monsters don't appear until well into an hour of the movie. It's still a fantastic and scary movie.

I recall it took quite a while for the actual monsters to really show themselves in Amnesia as well.

If the alien appears after the player finally begins to get comfortable in the environment, that's great design tbh.


I see this game pretty similar to Bioshock.

Bioshock -> Shooting, exploration and genius environment.

Alien -> Stealth, tension, exploration and genius environment.

This what I see from the game was show.
The fact they are allowing reviews to come out Friday tells me all I need to know. Aliens CM wouldn't allow reviews until launch day. They are confident in the game they released which I hope means good reviews.

this is what I'm hoping.

We'll get a good idea tomorrow, though.
Regardless, I expect this game to be pretty polarizing when it comes to general opinions.
I, for one, am thrilled it's going to have moments (maybe even long stretches) where nothing IN YOUR FACE happens. I want to soak in this atmosphere. That said, I'll understand those that ding the game for being too 'slow' at times.


I'm gonna say something super disgusting to 99% of gaffers so please don't see the spoiled part if you are not prepared:

It always takes so much away from these games when the deaths mean nothing or at the most a minute or two of re-tracking your steps. In a perfect world this would have been a rogue-like.
There I said it. Now take out your pitchforks and be done with it!


I'm gonna say something super disgusting to 99% of gaffers so please don't see the spoiled part if you are not prepared:

It always takes so much away from these games when the deaths mean nothing or at the most a minute or two of re-tracking your steps. In a perfect world this would have been a rogue-like.
There I said it. Now take out your pitchforks and be done with it!

I agree that death and failure should MATTER in a game. stakes existing in itself creates tension.
I'm gonna say something super disgusting to 99% of gaffers so please don't see the spoiled part if you are not prepared:

It always takes so much away from these games when the deaths mean nothing or at the most a minute or two of re-tracking your steps. In a perfect world this would have been a rogue-like.
There I said it. Now take out your pitchforks and be done with it!

Nothing too radical about this, IMO. Would definitely crank the tension up to 11.

This is why they should have the hardest difficulty level set up like this; i.e. for those that want to torture themselves. ;)


Just watched few minutes of Mermaldempress and

#1 game looks amazing visually, really fucking stunning
#2 she is struggling


She pulled out a handgun in that stream...I thought there was no combat in the game?

there is. you can fight against humans/synthetics with conventional weapons and bombs and stuff. THAT SAID, as others have pointed out, this isn't a run and gun style game, so combat options will likely feel limited at most points -- that's my speculation.

I don't know this for sure but it may also be possible to repel the alien with weapons, or perhaps only in certain situations, not sure. Details are fuzzy on that one. I know the flamethrower can definitely save you from it.
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