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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


Yep, found that out. I successfully held my breath twice in the same locker until he left. The third time, I thought he was gone, but the jerk was hanging out just out of line of sight. When I finally had to take a breath, he snatched me out so fast I just laughed.
I didn't have much trouble with the human and android enemies, but the alien makes me freeze and second guess myself so much that I end up hiding for long stretches. I'm going to try to just make myself move when he's up in the ceiling.

This so much
I can sneak around Androids pretty easy
Humans have amazing night vision, I swear their AI is bugged

But the Alien... the Alien makes me question all the time if it's the right moment to go forward or not.

And he is so random, he might disappear for such long stretches, while in the next save he will prowl your location like a wolf smelling fresh meat

The audio in this game is impeccable. Playing on 5.1 surround sound is so damn good, feeling the whole ship shake underneath you is awesome

Huge shootout for the audio in this game!
It's amazing

My headphones with CMSS-3D are a pure bliss in this. I can have a positional sense of everything.

It makes such a difference


Finished chapter 2 and ummmmm game is always this linear or it opens a bit later? like a tiny Metroid or something like that....
It would be helpful to see who is playing what version. I'm curious how many of you are playing last gen versions of the game and what your impressions are.


First encounter with the Alien about hour or so in (I explore a lot). On the PS4, the only issue was the stuttering in some cutscenes, I usually don't notice or care much but a bit distracting. Other than that looking forward to the ride, taking Thursday off so I can play Wednesday night, and avoid some BS meetings at work.


I just walked into a clear room that had the door open, started choking, and died. What?

Perhaps you didn't see it due to graphics settings?

There are certain rooms in the station that are filled with poisonous gas. You'll need to turn on the air filtration systems by rewiring power from a mainframe system.
Dark room with headphones? Bah. Hows about in 3D on an Sony HMZ-T1 headset, or in 3D on a TV with 7.1 surround? That's how I've been playing! Hopefully this gets decent rift support one way or another.

I can't immerse myself in this enough. It's wonderful, and I'm glad that it's scaring the heck out of me... at least the DLC did anyway. I'm not far into the single player.
Perhaps you didn't see it due to graphics settings?

There are certain rooms in the station that are filled with poisonous gas. You'll need to turn on the air filtration systems by rewiring power from a mainframe system.
Highest settings at 1440p. Must have been a glitch or pop in thing.


god dammit. i did a hard reset too, and nothing...

anyone else on XBONE having issues accessing Last Survivor?

quoting myself again, deja vu.

anyone on XBONE having issues with the Last Survivor dlc with a physical copy? i put the code in online and it took, but nothing ever downloaded and i cant figure out how to get it working,,,


Only like 40 minutes in but the atmosphere is so damn good....But wtf is up with the jittery cutscenes (ps4), they're brutal.....also does anyone know how to unequipped the flare? Ive been holding it in my hand the whole time.
Got around to playing this. I'm at the part where you're looking for the data cell. Basically the first part of actual gameplay.


I think this is gonna be too hard in a very slow kind of way...what is the difference between the modes? I chose hard cos the game told me to and I do everything everyone tells me.


so how does this Alien encounter work, is he freeroaming the station all the time?

is it possible to meet Alien early in the game eg. before
Axel is getting done?
because I swear I heard some unscripted noise and it was disturbing to say the least, I was on high alert from this moment


Neo Member
Only like 40 minutes in but the atmosphere is so damn good....But wtf is up with the jittery cutscenes (ps4), they're brutal.....also does anyone know how to unequipped the flare? Ive been holding it in my hand the whole time.

Unfortunately, it seems the cutscenes are messed up on every version (PC player here). As far as the flare, you have to equip something else in your hand like a medkit or a gun once you have one but cant just have an empty hand which is kind of annoying :(


The game warns you that it is pointless to run from the Alien as soon as it spots you, does that mean I can't attempt to run to a nearby vent or room then?
Here's a 3D youtube video of Last Survivor on PC, for anyone interested in seeing the Last Survivor DLC or seeing how the game looks using the compatibility mode 3D in Nvidia's drivers.

You can watch it in 2D too, if you don't mind the reprojection artifacts. If you don't know what those are, get ready to learn!



The game warns you that it is pointless to run from the Alien as soon as it spots you, does that mean I can't attempt to run to a nearby vent or room then?

Jim Sterling ran from the alien once in the video he posted on youtube. Made it to a locker and it didn't find him.

Most of the time it seems to get you, though.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Spoilers for, like, four hours into the game, maybe?

made it passed the first big section with the androids (the comms deck, I think).

No Alien yet, but man, that was intense. I'm really loving pretty much everything about this game other than some of the clunky, distracting cutscene stuff.

The motion tracker is ingenious. I love that they dedicate a button to focusing and unfocusing your vision. Little touches like that really work for me.


Game is pretty good but can be annoying at times...complete stuck in the 4th mission,the stuff with the working Joe's and trying to find an alternate terminal...map is detailed but useless sometimes so I try stuff,get caught,one of those get caughts was kinda cheap,bullets do nothing,so I wasted some and decided to reload...I just dont know what to do or where to go in this section for now...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Game is pretty good but can be annoying at times...complete stuck in the 4th mission,the stuff with the working Joe's and trying to find an alternate terminal...map is detailed but useless sometimes so I try stuff,get caught,one of those get caughts was kinda cheap,bullets do nothing,so I wasted some and decided to reload...I just dont know what to do or where to go in this section for now...

The motion tracker has a waypoint. See the little glowing green rectangle that moves as you spin around? That's the path you need to follow.


Dark room with headphones? Bah. Hows about in 3D on an Sony HMZ-T1 headset, or in 3D on a TV with 7.1 surround? That's how I've been playing! Hopefully this gets decent rift support one way or another.

I can't immerse myself in this enough. It's wonderful, and I'm glad that it's scaring the heck out of me... at least the DLC did anyway. I'm not far into the single player.

Damn that sounds amazing.
Just had my first proper encounter with the Alien and it's tense as all hell

Playing on 5.1 is intense too as each footstep the Alien takes is a huge THUD in my subwoofer so I can literally feel the alien


I now understand why people think the game is long. It's not about the content as such, (very vague spoilers)
but the pacing and climaxes. You think you just reached a peak because of everything going to the most extreme bombastic end you can imagine and then the game ebbs and flows to other high points

I'm not complaining though, I like when games
take their time to mess and throw the player around the room
, so to speak.


Ugh hospital beds with a cloth hanging over them making it harder or impossible to go underneath depending on the positioning of the bed. Such realism. Space cloth is impenetrable.
The synthetics and save system are ruining this game for me. i cant stand playing 20 minutes without saying and dying. ill be playing, see my objective, nothing on my radar, do my objective then all the sudden the alien is right behind me leaving me nothing to do but die. 20 minutes wasted. and the synthetics are just fucking annoying and out of place.


Dark room with headphones? Bah. Hows about in 3D on an Sony HMZ-T1 headset, or in 3D on a TV with 7.1 surround? That's how I've been playing! Hopefully this gets decent rift support one way or another.

I can't immerse myself in this enough. It's wonderful, and I'm glad that it's scaring the heck out of me... at least the DLC did anyway. I'm not far into the single player.

Try on a 110" screen via projector, sitting 7 ft away!!! My wife actually sat in the chair ~4ft away while i played......fortunately, we didnt reach the alien yet, but she was still covering her eyes every timei entered a service tunnel


First impressions on PS4 are . . . not good.

I thought I'd jump in with the DLC mission, Crew Expendable. The checkpoint system (in this case, no manual saves at all) immediately made its presence known. Still, the game saved after major milestones, so I was OK.

Until I went
down into the air ducts and kept getting caught by the alien. What the hell? My flamethrower is gone and replaced by the spark-prod thing that . . . does nothing?
Died nearly a dozen times and quit out to the main menu.

What am I supposed to do?

Also, how do I hold my breath?

Starting the game proper. People weren't exaggerating about the choppy cutscenes. Absolutely eye-scraping. Even more offensive than the lip-syncing, which looks like it's using tech from 1979.

Ah, well. Time to go to the bridge. Except one of the NPCs fails to cue and I arrive, ignorantly waiting for something to happen. The captain stands there, glassy-eyed, not responding to me at all.

Reload the game.

Quit the game.

Put in Forza Horizon 2.

I'll give it another shot sometime because the streams I watched last weekend looked amazing, but goddamn . . . right now, this feels like I've made a big mistake.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Looks like you were just unlucky, man. If it happens again, try to uninstall the game and play it again. Hope you get to like it.
Okay, I must be playing this wrong, because I've just got slaughtered five times in a row at the very first
encounter with armed dudes, after you pick up the busted tuner
. Stealth games are usually where I'm a viking, so damn.


Sitting here playing on my pc with headphones on. The Alien is stalking me in a room, im chilling in a locker. My 7 year old decides to sneak out of bed and sneak up on me. Felt something touch my shoulder and I about jumped out of my skin. Not cool.


Okay, I must be playing this wrong, because I've just got slaughtered five times in a row at the very first
encounter with armed dudes, after you pick up the busted tuner
. Stealth games are usually where I'm a viking, so damn.

Go in, woman runs away, don't puck up tuner, get to know the lay of the land, pick up items etc, go back and save. Now you can just go in and trigger the script by picking up the tuner. I killed them all with a wrench hit to the back of the head.

The more I play the more scared I am but also the game is starting to turn into a really bad stealth game the more I die in an encounter. There's no tension left when it's my fifth attempt to get from point A to point B.


Sitting here playing on my pc with headphones on. The Alien is stalking me in a room, im chilling in a locker. My 7 year old decides to sneak out of bed and sneak up on me. Felt something touch my shoulder and I about jumped out of my skin. Not cool.

What I would give to see this. Lol


Yeah the cutscenes are all over the place. But my god, the game is so good looking. I'm so fucking scared to move in this game and I'm only like in the first hour and haven't even seen the damn thing yet. I'm scurrrd!


I just walked into a clear room that had the door open, started choking, and died. What?

Highest settings at 1440p. Must have been a glitch or pop in thing.

I walked into a room exactly like that and almost died. There's a very faint green tint to the smoke but hardly noticeable. Couldn't find anywhere to turn the air filtration on so I just left it.

Don't click the following spoiler if you're less than half way through. I think about half way anyway. Hard to tell but it's about that level:

I couldn't believe you actually got to explore another Engineer ship. Or is it the same one? I didn't notice a hole in the Engineers chest, unless I missed it, so I guess it isn't? Man, walking around that thing was phenomenal. When you rope down and see those eggs you just know exactly what was coming! I didn't understand what they were talking about with the name tags and bags of the crew from the Nostromo though. Unless they meant that's some gear they left when they were there during the movie? Which would mean there was a hole in the Engineers chest?
Go in, woman runs away, don't puck up tuner, get to know the lay of the land, pick up items etc, go back and save. Now you can just go in and trigger the script by picking up the tuner. I killed them all with a wrench hit to the back of the head.

The more I play the more scared I am but also the game is starting to turn into a really bad stealth game the more I die in an encounter. There's no tension left when it's my fifth attempt to get from point A to point B.
So I
did all that, clubbed one dude, and then the remaining guys all stood frozen with their guns drawn at the point where I had killed him. Like statues. For thirty seconds or so. Until I walked up and smacked another in the back and his friend on the floor below instantly turned and shot me twice, dead.

I don't think I've ever failed at the first hurdle of a game like this in my life. I've just spent the last 40 minutes failing this section.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Once the alien faces my way. I stop moving, go as slow and low as possible and hide behind/underneath something.
Works like a charm so far.

Years of MGS stealthng is coming in handy here for this game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
So I
did all that, clubbed one dude, and then the remaining guys all stood frozen with their guns drawn at the point where I had killed him. Like statues. For thirty seconds or so. Until I walked up and smacked another in the back and his friend on the floor below instantly turned and shot me twice, dead.

I don't think I've ever failed at the first hurdle of a game like this in my life. I've just spent the last 40 minutes failing this section.
My advice: after picking up the device by the elevator, run up the stairs to your right and head around the back of the room. You'll only have to avoid one person if you're fast. Once you're through the door, they don't follow you.

This is the only stealth section of this nature in the game. You get the motion tracker very soon.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Not really enjoying the synthetic stealth sessions. Feels less like Alien, more like a standard stealth game. Not scary, just annoying.

For people who have finished it, what percentage of the game is synthetic? If it's half and half, I'm not sure how I'll feel about continuing.


So I
did all that, clubbed one dude, and then the remaining guys all stood frozen with their guns drawn at the point where I had killed him. Like statues. For thirty seconds or so. Until I walked up and smacked another in the back and his friend on the floor below instantly turned and shot me twice, dead.

I don't think I've ever failed at the first hurdle of a game like this in my life. I've just spent the last 40 minutes failing this section.

That happened to me with one dude but it kinda worked for my benefit. After that I've had no problems. Also you can just skip killing them altogether if you want. The right way to exit is
from when you enter that room (when the lady originally spotted you), the exit is on the second floor and to your back right. The door is locked until you initiate the encounter. It's also the door from where they come, I think

Not really enjoying the synthetic stealth sessions. Feels less like Alien, more like a standard stealth game. Not scary, just annoying.

For people who have finished it, what percentage of the game is synthetic? If it's half and half, I'm not sure how I'll feel about continuing.

No matter what people who have finished the game say, just keep playing a little so you get to properly experience what the game has to offer in terms of Xenomorph avoiding. It'll still be a shitty stealth game no matter what but at least it's scary as fuck for the first couple of deaths.
That happened to me with one dude but it kinda worked for my benefit. After that I've had no problems. Also you can just skip killing them altogether if you want. The right way to exit is
from when you enter that room (when the lady originally spotted you), the exit is on the second floor and to your back right. The door is locked until you initiate the encounter. It's also the door from where they come, I think
Oh, I know the area intimately and exactly where I need to go. It just seems crazy that
they can spot you peeking over a railing from one side of the raised area to the other. I even tried just flat-out running, but that way I get shot by two people instead of one.




I've been watching some of the streams and it seems like in some areas the alien stays up in the ceiling vents for the most part and there's more freedom to walk around - as long as you don't make a lot of noise.
I'm currently in the hospital level and it's like I have him on a leash. I hope the next levels give me a little more breathing room.


Neo Member
Not really enjoying the synthetic stealth sessions. Feels less like Alien, more like a standard stealth game. Not scary, just annoying.

For people who have finished it, what percentage of the game is synthetic? If it's half and half, I'm not sure how I'll feel about continuing.

I'd say its more 75% alien with sprinkles of synthetic / human enemies throughout. Usually you only get a synthetic / human section after a large alien one.
Not really enjoying the synthetic stealth sessions. Feels less like Alien, more like a standard stealth game. Not scary, just annoying.

For people who have finished it, what percentage of the game is synthetic? If it's half and half, I'm not sure how I'll feel about continuing.
I'm about half way through the game and the sythetics are pretty common. Probably %40 synthetics
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