reminiscing over our favorite arcade machines.


Gold Member
Great game too. I completed it once. Got a shitload of redemption pts. Might had been 1,000. Pretty sure it was 50 floors. If you got good reflexes you should be able to make it to the final 10 floors.

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I can't find any images of it online, and I can't find any forum post or anything about it... which makes me think I had some sort of feaver dream dreaming this up,

So, when I was younger, more than like 14 years ago or so, I played Crazy Taxi on an arcade machine that was build into what looked like a replica of one of the Taxis in the game. not a direct replica, but the same style. you basically sat in the driver seat of this slightly smaller than normal front row bench... and yeah, there was a decently big screen in front of you and you had the gear shifter and a steering wheel.

I am pretty sure I played it in one of two amusement parks. it was either in an arcade inside of Holiday Park or one inside of Europa Park... I can not remember which park it was... but I swear it existed! even tho I can literally not find a single piece of evidence for its existence online.

I hope I am not going crazy... (pun not intended)

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Who else remembers this one?

oh wow. I do remember this. the arcade I used to hang out in got it for a little while. it has a bicycle pedal and you had to keep pedaling to increase speed and what not right? I don't think I've played it back then, but looking back at it now, it's definitely a fun game.

Lots of nostalgia in this thread, I spent *a lot* of time (and quarters!) in arcades from the late 80's onward. Many of my favourites have already been posted but here are a few more:


So much goodness in one machine, from Metal Slug to Samurai Showdown.


The classic quarter eater, fond memories of grimy bowling alleys.


So happy this eventually came to Dreamcast.


Me wrecking people with Orchid and the sounds of "ul-tra, ul-tra, ul-tra" still echo even now.


I used to play both players and dual wield the pistols, true story, never saw anyone else do it lol. Also bought on Dreamcast with 2 lightguns 👌


Hi-octane mech action, loved this cabinet.

I could go on and on, great thread 👍

Edit: will also add, arcades are alive and well here in Japan, I sometimes go for the nostalgia.

I did seen some people do the double guns with House Of The Dead and some other shooting games before. it's always a fun watch when people do that because it looks so cool like some John Woo movie character. :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I can't find any images of it online, and I can't find any forum post or anything about it... which makes me think I had some sort of feaver dream dreaming this up,

So, when I was younger, more than like 14 years ago or so, I played Crazy Taxi on an arcade machine that was build into what looked like a replica of one of the Taxis in the game. not a direct replica, but the same style. you basically sat in the driver seat of this slightly smaller than normal front row bench... and yeah, there was a decently big screen in front of you and you had the gear shifter and a steering wheel.

I am pretty sure I played it in one of two amusement parks. it was either in an arcade inside of Holiday Park or one inside of Europa Park... I can not remember which park it was... but I swear it existed! even tho I can literally not find a single piece of evidence for its existence online.

I hope I am not going crazy... (pun not intended)

I wonder if it's some kinda custom made things? but seeing there were some interesting variants of arcade machines back then, I won't put it pass Sega to have one of those you described made for promotion or what not.


It's a puzzle/action game where you need to disable the ALL SEEING EYE in each level, by turning the red paths blue. The trick is you can only jump across gaps when the eye is closed. Then when you fly to the next level, you have to navigate a TETRA field, shooting any that get in your way.

Here's a gameplay video. Remember this is from 1983.

I don't think I've ever seen this game before, it looks like such a fun game for the time.
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