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Aliens Versus Predator Official Thread of Interspecies Carnage and Bill Paxton Quotes

aegies said:
The game is getting bad reviews because it's not good. I understand that in some ways, it's a game that someone could convince themselves they really like because of the fan-service, but as someone who's seen Aliens something like 36 times, has bought every Alien and Predator movie multiple times, who has watched the bonus material for every movie in the quadrilogy multiple times, who saw AVP and AVP: Requiem in theaters, it's not worth 60 dollars. It just, isn't.
You'll definitely need to say more than "It just, isn't" in your review because all I can tell from this post is that you watch movies a lot. Is it "isn't" because the story offends you as an avid movie fan or is it "isn't" because you don't like the controls?
If you played the shit out of the demo and loved it, and if all you want is, essentially, the same AVP Rebellion made 10 years ago (and really, it is really, really, really similar, mechanically and aesthetically), then more power to you.
...Isn't that why everyone's getting this? Might be why it was given to Rebellion in the first place and why it has the same name as the previous one, not AvP3.


I should be doing hw said:
You'll definitely need to say more than "It just, isn't" in your review because all I can tell from this post is that you watch movies a lot. Is it "isn't" because the story offends you as an avid movie fan or is it "isn't" because you don't like the controls?

...Isn't that why everyone's getting this? Might be why it was given to Rebellion in the first place and why it has the same name as the previous one, not AvP3.

A forum post isn't my review. The story doesn't "offend" me. And by "feels the same" I mean plays like an 11 year old PC game in the year of our Lord 2010.
I view this game as an enhanced remake/retelling of the original game, I'm not really sure what everybody else's expectations where for this. It seems like the people that are hating on it expected it to be something that it isn't and wasn't even positioned to be.

...it's not worth 60 dollars. It just, isn't.
To say that a game with 3 separate campaigns, with 3 completely different playable races, with a multiplayer focus that takes advantage of the franchise with many different modes etc. is not worth $60, you mustn't have played many games at all this gen.


I should be doing hw said:
I view this game as an enhanced remake/retelling of the original game, I'm not really sure what everybody else's expectations where for this. It seems like the people that are hating on it expected it to be something that it isn't and wasn't even positioned to be.

To say that a game with 3 separate campaigns, with 3 completely different playable races, with a multiplayer focus that takes advantage of the franchise with many different modes etc. is not worth $60, you mustn't have played many games at all this gen.

So far this year I've played through Bayonetta, Army of Two, Mass Effect 2, Dante's Inferno, Bioshock 2, and Aliens vs. Predator, and those are just this years releases that I've completed. So, you're wrong, in that regard. And no, I don't feel like the game that's there is worth the money. There's not as much content as you think.

Look, you're going to buy it, clearly. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. But it's disingenuous for you to accuse reviewers who have completed the game (in all likelihood) of dishonesty for disagreeing with an opinion you've convinced yourself you will have. If you buy it, I sincerely hope you have fun with it. I never want someone to have a bad time playing a game. I just happen to feel, after playing the entire thing, that someone is more likely than not to not enjoy it, and I went into it with a much more open mind than I think most would.


I should be doing hw said:
To say that a game with 3 separate campaigns, with 3 completely different playable races, with a multiplayer focus that takes advantage of the franchise with many different modes etc. is not worth $60, you mustn't have played many games at all this gen.

It doesn't matter how many campaigns and multiplayer modes there are when they all suck. The game is a POS and the reviews are reflective of that.


Defcon said:
It doesn't matter how many campaigns and multiplayer modes there are when they all suck. The game is a POS and the reviews are reflective of that.

2 "bad" reviews and a plethora of others rating it 8 or higher. Stop blowing it out of proportion. Online MORE than makes up for what little shortcomings there are in singleplayer. Game is great and a must play for fans. Id recommend a rental to skeptics who would give it a fair shake. Its not like any other game on xbox or ps3. And you haven't had a chance to play it on pc and have it look this good.


Anyone pick it up at midnight? My friend I were the only 2 people online so we decided to call it a night. Can't wait to play in full games tomorrow..


Loves Robotech S1
Unicorn said:
Anyone pick it up at midnight? My friend I were the only 2 people online so we decided to call it a night. Can't wait to play in full games tomorrow..

Unlocks in 7 hours. :D


I can go and pick this up right now... need some more reviews :( People telling me the game is really bad, other gaffers saying it's great. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Lord Phol

Game is looking good, might have to look into a DX11 card for the new computer I'm getting.
Hope the multiplayer doesn't die off too fast though, was impossible to get into a game running the PS3 demo :s.

Defcon said:
It doesn't matter how many campaigns and multiplayer modes there are when they all suck. The game is a POS and the reviews are reflective of that.

But the reviews look good to me, since when are 7s and 8s bad?


luka said:
I can't wait. Is "it just isn't" going to be the basis for your entire review? That would bring it in line with the other 2 "bad" reviews. On another note, since when is 5 bad? On a 10 scale, 5 is average.
Maybe you should realize that some people appreciate different things in games and don't want everything to be a mainsteamed CoD clone with 2-button mechanics, nor do they care if it's super sleek and polished if it offers something unique. STALKER was one hell of a glitchy, unpolished game but it has a substantial following because it goes against the grain. Going by the demo, I like the game. I liked the old ones and I like this more. Someone else's opinion isn't going to change that. It's worth my $60, thank you.

STALKER is one game that's a great example to show that a game can be far greater than the sum of its parts.


Lord Phol said:
But the reviews look good to me, since when are 7s and 8s bad?

Why so low?

Damn, I have to wait until Friday before this unlocks on Steam. Can't wait to jump into Team Deathmatch.
aegies said:
I mean plays like an 11 year old PC game in the year of our Lord 2010.
I say this without irony...

awesome. i really hope so. AvP Classic still holds up today as a replayable game where the core gameplay has never gotten old.

but tell me this, what 11 year old PC game has such a robust melee system in place?

i don't have a problem with the reviews. sometimes a game that gets mixed or bad reviews turns out to be something i still love (played Daikatana online a TONNES for the record).

I've played the demo and it told me all i needed to know other than whether or not SP was worth my time and whether or not the DX11 effects i upgraded my PC for were worth it.


aegies said:
...I mean plays like an 11 year old PC game in the year of our Lord 2010.

I've seen this get thrown around a lot. I'm still wondering what does that really mean?
Does it have to do with the movement of the character? Lack of iron sight? No instant knifing/granade throwing? No autoregen? No cover system?

Because if all these things represent "modern" gaming, then please i'd like to have some more of that "11 year old PC game" games.


To be honest, as soon as I heard the Motion Tracker noise and saw the ammo counter on the Assault Rifle, I knew this was the game for me. :D

The Survivor Mode is the one I am looking forward to the most, just for the chance to play some different co-op with friends.


aegies said:
A forum post isn't my review. The story doesn't "offend" me. And by "feels the same" I mean plays like an 11 year old PC game in the year of our Lord 2010.
How is that a bad thing? I personally prefer the way AvP controls to HALO. Health regen and floaty controls be damned
rSpooky said:
THis has 4 player online coop doesnt it? If it does , how is that, any good?
two very small maps, you have to survive wave after wave of aliens as humans. sounds limited but it's supposedly very replayable. the collectors version has four maps instead of two, and those extra maps will be available as DLC for the rest of us at some point, date and pricing yet to be confirmed.

there are also two extra MP maps in the collectors which will also be available as DLC at some point.

unfortunately you can't get the collectors for PC here in the US. those extra maps will i'm sure become available on PC too. hopefully sooner rather than later.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
To say that a game with 3 separate campaigns, with 3 completely different playable races, with a multiplayer focus that takes advantage of the franchise with many different modes etc. is not worth $60, you mustn't have played many games at all this gen.
Uhh, I don't think he was complaining about the lack of content, rather, the quality of it. If the game was four times as long it would still be shit.


Tripwood said:
I've seen this get thrown around a lot. I'm still wondering what does that really mean?
Does it have to do with the movement of the character? Lack of iron sight? No instant knifing/granade throwing? No autoregen? No cover system?

Because if all these things represent "modern" gaming, then please i'd like to have some more of that "11 year old PC game" games.

I'm also wondering about this. I would understand if it was a game like Painkiller, Serious Sam or something along those lines; run and gun without any real objectives, a real old school shooter. But from the videos I've seen of the single player, it looks and plays very similar to many other shooters out there right now.

I know aegies doesn't want to take clicks away from his review or whatever, but at least post some quick impressions to explain why it's bad in your opinion.


randomwab said:
I'm also wondering about this. I would understand if it was a game like Painkiller, Serious Sam or something along those lines; run and gun without any real objectives, a real old school shooter. But from the videos I've seen of the single player, it looks and plays very similar to many other shooters out there right now.

I know aegies doesn't want to take clicks away from his review or whatever, but at least post some quick impressions to explain why it's bad in your opinion.
It doesn't stand up to his impression of the Aliens/Predator/AvP films (he's seen Aliens 36 times and watched AvP 1 and 2 in theaters, btw). It's similar to the old AvP PC game.


Will be at work for at least six hours after the Steam unlock, but can remote log in to the PC from work and start the download :D


BattleMonkey said:
How long is each campaign? Yea there is 3 of them, but doesn't mean much if they are like 2-3 hours each.

That's what is being thrown around roughly. Doesn't seem to bad considering all three combined hit around 6-8 hours, which seems to be about average for most shooters these days sadly. I mean, I blew through Modern Warfare 2's single player in about 6 hours.


I think the fact that the game looks and plays really bad for 2010 is a bad thing not a good thing. FPS' always get compared to one another even though they offer different experiences. Maybe its not a big deal on PC but on consoles, I would compare to whats in the market right now. I mean if the running animations look really frigging bad, then thats a sign of bad things to come.(even gun models look dull) COD games never have had crazy graphics(KZ2) but atleast the tech is not outdated and animations and such are good. AVP not so much. Everything seems dull and plays like a last gen game, sorry but it does feel like a PS2 FPS in today's standards. That to me is a huge let down since im a big FPS fan.

I will rented down the line and if anyone doesnt mind those things then great, go for it. I mean its probably a great game for AVP fans which is cool and all but for FPS fans, I'd say rental first.


TurtleSnatcher said:

I'm hearing 16th for regular edition

17th for collectors.

Yeah, I got the call from Gamestop last night. They'll have it by "Wednesday afternoon". Wonder if the call was different for non-CE customers?

Also, quick rant on people getting hung up on reviews.

I had a blast this gen with Chromehounds, EDF 2017, and Onechebara, and those games reviewed for shit. This is because professional reviewers need to maintain credibility by reviewing games in an objective manner. If they said, "EDF 2017 is a great game, an action classic, 9.5/10!" they would get ridiculed and their status as a "professional" reviewer would be called into question.

It doesn't mean the game isn't fun. Put stock into what your sci fi loving peers say about the game, and ignore the pros on this one. Please.


randomwab said:
That's what is being thrown around roughly. Doesn't seem to bad considering all three combined hit around 6-8 hours, which seems to be about average for most shooters these days sadly. I mean, I blew through Modern Warfare 2's single player in about 6 hours.

On hard I think it's something like:

Marine: 6 hours.
Alien: 2 hours
Predator: 3 hours


Cheech said:
Yeah, I got the call from Gamestop last night. They'll have it by "Wednesday afternoon". Wonder if the call was different for non-CE customers?

Also, quick rant on people getting hung up on reviews.

I had a blast this gen with Chromehounds, EDF 2017, and Onechebara, and those games reviewed for shit. This is because professional reviewers need to maintain credibility by reviewing games in an objective manner. If they said, "EDF 2017 is a great game, an action classic, 9.5/10!" they would get ridiculed and their status as a "professional" reviewer would be called into question.

It doesn't mean the game isn't fun. Put stock into what your sci fi loving peers say about the game, and ignore the pros on this one. Please.

One of my favourite games last year was Bionic Commando. I think all the reviews gave it pretty average to low scores, but I really enjoyed it, much more than a ton of other high profile AAA titles.


From that review thread,

Game Informer gave it a 5.75/10

Game Informer (AUS) gave it a 8.7/10

That's a 3.05/10 spread between two divisions of the same publication. Sounds like this game is somewhat split between those who can handle the controls and enjoy it, and those who struggle with them.


JoeBoy101 said:
From that review thread,

Game Informer gave it a 5.75/10

Game Informer (AUS) gave it a 8.7/10

That's a 3.05/10 spread between two divisions of the same publication. Sounds like this game is somewhat split between those who can handle the controls and enjoy it, and those who struggle with them.

Honestly, I think the reviewer for GI NA ordered something called "AVP" , and reviewed that. regardless if it was a movie or a game disc...he figured it was the same! He then proceeded to pop it into his 360, and reviewed whatever loaded up on screen.

Meanwhile Game Informer AUS ordered the new video game published by Sega.
Cheech said:
Yeah, I got the call from Gamestop last night. They'll have it by "Wednesday afternoon". Wonder if the call was different for non-CE customers?

Also, quick rant on people getting hung up on reviews.

I had a blast this gen with Chromehounds, EDF 2017, and Onechebara, and those games reviewed for shit. This is because professional reviewers need to maintain credibility by reviewing games in an objective manner. If they said, "EDF 2017 is a great game, an action classic, 9.5/10!" they would get ridiculed and their status as a "professional" reviewer would be called into question.

It doesn't mean the game isn't fun. Put stock into what your sci fi loving peers say about the game, and ignore the pros on this one. Please.
yeah, the message we got before I came in to do my shift (part time Gamestopper here) was that CE would be wednesday, and regular we could expect tuesday late morning (in other words today, and around about the time of the steam unlock).


TehSw1tch said:
Honestly, I think the reviewer for GI NA ordered something called "AVP" , and reviewed that. regardless if it was a movie or a game disc...he figured it was the same! He then proceeded to pop it into his 360, and reviewed whatever loaded up on screen.

I like the idea of them bitching about the controls not realising they were watching a DVD.

"When I attempted to aim down the iron sights with the left trigger, the framerate crumbled to an unplayable level, and a massive bug would stop all sound. Then upon shooting with the right trigger, the framerate would rocket forward to an unplayable superspeed. Oddly, jumping with A would restore the framerate, although our character wouldn't actually jump. To call the controls "buggy" would be an understatement. Hopefully a release day patch will iron out the kinks in the controls."
randomwab said:
"When I attempted to aim down the iron sights with the left trigger, the framerate crumbled to an unplayable level, and a massive bug would stop all sound. Then upon shooting with the right trigger, the framerate would rocket forward to an unplayable superspeed. Oddly, jumping with A would restore the framerate, although our character wouldn't actually jump. To call the controls "buggy" would be an understatement. Hopefully a release day patch will iron out the kinks in the controls."

This has not happened to me at all whatsoever on the 360 version. Really. WTF!!!!

Also played more over the weekend. Got a few more levels into the Alien campaign and predator. I'm the farthest in the marine though. Overall. Solid game. I really get tense during the marine, as for the Alien and Predator, it just turns into straight up fun. Ripping up aliens and marines is BAD ASS! :D Not sure for some of the really low scores unless they got pre-release copies that were buggy as shit.


This thread is kind of sad...just a bunch of folks making excuses for a game that they haven't even played (a multiplayer demo only).

I love the Aliens and Predator universes...and this game definitely has my interest. But a "wait and see" approach has never made more sense than with this title. I understand your passion...but the reviews are just opinions of people. They're not all moneyhatted and BS...when you finally play the game you may even agree with some of what they said. Perhaps not.


Gold Member
Despite the cheap price on play.com, i can see why my friends stopped using the site. They misrepresent the availability of their stocked products. As far as i know, the site reports the game as in stock - ships within 24 hours. If that was the case they would have mailed the fucking thing yesterday -_-


The marine campaign had soo much promise but the fact your lone wolfing 96% of the time just didnt feel right when your on a whole planet with marines (and your not a predator) and the level objectives get really terrible about holding a specific location until they unlock an elevator you just got out of so you can leave, however the controls are pretty well done, the checkpoint system isnt terrible and the sound effects really are a joy to hear, but bad rebellion for not working a better story into it.

The alien campaign is terribly short, the controls can work really well but the transition/grab system can leave alot to be desired and can be the cause of some cheap deaths, and to top it off you have other xenomorphs with you the entire time. The Predator really felt gimped when it comes to cool weapons and is more of a upclose and personal killer in the game, dont get me wrong the sneak elements are great but I wish they had incorporated a few more player models into the game, and when you play thru as both the alien and the predator and start grabbing your prey and getting really upclose and personal you'll understand, I swear they only have 6 player models for marines and it really is sad when you wipe 3 out in a row and they all look exactally like the main female character from the marine campaign.

Multiplayer will save this one but I kinda feel let down, considering the same maps are used thru all 3 campaigns and its funny how
the same planet has a colony, jungle, and predator pyramid all right by each other, they could have atleast spiced it up a bit and gave us a ship to fight on
sk3tch said:
This thread is kind of sad...just a bunch of folks making excuses for a game that they haven't even played (a multiplayer demo only).

I love the Aliens and Predator universes...and this game definitely has my interest. But a "wait and see" approach has never made more sense than with this title. I understand your passion...but the reviews are just opinions of people. They're not all moneyhatted and BS...when you finally play the game you may even agree with some of what they said. Perhaps not.

Though some of us have indeed been playing it. I have had it since Saturday night. I went into this game with low expectations so I've been generally pleased. The fact that this is the best game from Rebellion since their last AvP game is comforting because lord knows everything else they have done since then has been pretty much shit.

This game might not do anything super new and it might just be a rehash to some expecting them to take the AvP franchise in a bold new direction, but really...if you were a fan of the older games or the series in general, I can't see how you couldnt play this game with a smile on your face. Justified for a $60 dollars purchase, thats not my call. Everyone has their own justification of whats worth spending money on or not. Having a great time playing it though? Def!
slasher_thrasher21 said:
This has not happened to me at all whatsoever on the 360 version. Really. WTF!!!!

Also played more over the weekend. Got a few more levels into the Alien campaign and predator. I'm the farthest in the marine though. Overall. Solid game. I really get tense during the marine, as for the Alien and Predator, it just turns into straight up fun. Ripping up aliens and marines is BAD ASS! :D Not sure for some of the really low scores unless they got pre-release copies that were buggy as shit.
i honestly think it's just a case of reviewers facing time pressures and a poor environment to test the multiplayer in.

i know in the past i didn't have the patience for games that other people loved, that just took time to get a hang of and to enjoy... and i hated those games (yes Jedi Knight 2 I am yet again bitching about you). it's just one of those games where at least a big portion of it doesn't get fun until you've invested a few hours of practice into it... and not everyone is going to be willing to work through the frustration of playing as an alien say to start having fun with it.

of course people that buy the game can just play as the other two species, but reviewers don't have that choice. they've got to try out the whole thing.
sk3tch said:
This thread is kind of sad...just a bunch of folks making excuses for a game that they haven't even played (a multiplayer demo only).

I love the Aliens and Predator universes...and this game definitely has my interest. But a "wait and see" approach has never made more sense than with this title. I understand your passion...but the reviews are just opinions of people. They're not all moneyhatted and BS...when you finally play the game you may even agree with some of what they said. Perhaps not.
for me the biggest issue i have with these reviews is how they gloss over the multiplayer in what for me and a lot of people is a game i'm really looking at as a multiplayer game.

i know how well the core mechanics play out now having played the demo. i know how fun it is fighting against and playing as all three species. i know that 'works' and provides a more engaging, unique and deeper MP experience for me in a demo that only had one map and deathmatch.

the more interesting multiplayer modes and maps are in the full game. i know that the full game is going to be worth $45 (in my case for the PC version with various discounts whatever) because it has 7 times the modes (including the ones i'm actually excited about playing) and 8 times the maps.

if the single player is meh, that doesn't really matter to me. the demo has convinced me that this is an online game i'm going to put probably hundreds of hours into and if that isn't worth your money i don't know what is.

i KNOW from the demo that the multiplayer alone justifies my purchase... that's why it's so weird to see it barely mentioned in some of these reviews.

it's different, it isn't for everyone, but it's unquestionably for me. i HATE the Quake 2/4/Quake Wars stroggverse, but I loved Quake Wars because of its asymetrical teams each with their own quirks and balance. it's much more interesting for me to fight against a team that have different weaknesses and strengths to my team. that's just the kind of MP i really get into.

it wasn't a love for the world that made me love Quake Wars. it was satisfying core gameplay. the demo totally proved that to my tastes at least, AvP has that in spades.

the old school map i can see not being to some tastes, but hey, we get a map in the full version with a shape shifting pyramid... and i can't think of any other DM map like that.


Played half an hour as Alien. All the transitions gave me a headache, especially the bad-ass grabmove from the ceiling.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Any word on PC performance?

I'm still mildly interested in this, but it's very hard to put any faith into Rebellion at this point.
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