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Alligator bites off arm of teen swimming in Florida river

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Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
awaiting alligator equivalent of this:


Yes, I just made this a spider thread.

For the first time (after seeing that GIF countless amounts of times) I noticed that TWO spiders crawl out from under toilet seat. 0_0

And fuck gators floating/swimming into your toilet water. That's my worse nightmare right there.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Sharks in the ocean, alligators everywhere else.

Is there anywhere safe to swim?

Sometimes I'm glad I live in Michigan. Granted, I'm still afraid to swim in large bodies of water anyway. I wonder what Michigan lakes and rivers have...


To all those claiming Floridians are stupid for swimming in Florida rivers, I direct you to the OP which states that only 22 people have been killed by an alligator since 1948.

Driving your goddamn car is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy more stupid.
To all those claiming Floridians are stupid for swimming in Florida rivers, I direct you to the OP which states that only 22 people have been killed by an alligator since 1948.

Driving your goddamn car is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy more stupid.

That's only fatal. The article states that 224 people have been injured so that's 198 people in just 64 years who probably lost limbs just like this kid.

Besides, did it occur to you that the reason the fatality rate is so low is because most people listen when they say not to swim in gator infested waters?


gators are so cute.

a lot of florida restaurants nears swamps let you feed hot dogs and such to the baby ones =)

That is against the law. Feeding wild gators causes them to associate humans with food which leads to attacks.

Could be wrong but isn't that a Croc and not an alligator?

No, that is an alligator. Gators are black and have rounded snouts. Crocs are green and have pointy snouts. They are also far less common than alligators and prefer brackish water.


Oh god, Florida. The one US state that I would flat out refuse to move to, no questions asked.

doesn't the chlorine kill them?

They hold their breath, and I assume they aren't drinking a large amount of the pool water. So no, why would the chlorine kill them?
God, this is the best story if they actually are able to attach the arm.

And as for those saying not to kill it, the gator population is very healthy.

Also, there are gators in nearly every body of water in Florida - what you're basically saying is "don't swim outside, ever". Which makes me wonder why you drive a car when you could get in a serious car accident at any point.

they still shouldn't fucking kill them, it's senseless.


they still shouldn't fucking kill them, it's senseless.

No it isn't. Once a gator attacks a human it is safe to assume it will continue associating humans with food, making it a public danger. Killing it is the right thing to do. Whether the kid was stupid or not for swimming where he did is irrelevant.


they still shouldn't fucking kill them, it's senseless.

It would have put handlers in a dangerous position trying to get the creature taken, sedated/restrained, so that they could have taken the arm out.

And as many have said before, animals that get a taste for how easy humans are to be killed need to be put down. They do this in incidents with any mankiller, nearly everywhere in the world.


I was watching an interview of the kid on TV. He said that after he got out of the water, he was looking for spider webs to stop the bleeding. WTF?


Human treads into gator's natural habitat during mating season.

Gator acts naturally and by instinct.

Humans kill gator.

Yay logic.

If animals get a taste of human they lose the fear and will hunt it out to get more.

That's why the animals are put down every time.

EDIT: Beaten. So everyone did know this except you. Yay education.
alligator shouldn't have been killed
get the kid to the hospital immediately but leave the gator alone

kid was stupid as fuck don't punish gators for doing what it does

You cannot be serious.

1. Yes it should have. Once wild animals taste human flesh they need to be put down...unless you want them killing/hunting other humans. It's an extremely common practice to kill animals who have eaten human flesh.

2. The arm could be reattached. Its worth a shot.

3. Your post makes zero sense to anyone that lives in the real world.


Sharks in the ocean, alligators everywhere else.

Is there anywhere safe to swim?

Sometimes I'm glad I live in Michigan. Granted, I'm still afraid to swim in large bodies of water anyway. I wonder what Michigan lakes and rivers have...
Don't you guys have muskies? Those have been known to attack people
Oh come on! What about Texas?!
at least we don't have gators in our water ways well somtimes we do its just uncommon at least in my area. The worst I've had to deal with is scorpions and snakes here and there. I found a baby rattler on our back porch once when I was kid then my dad promptly killed it. Plus swimming in rviers and lakes is fucking awesome too many fraidy cats in this thread.


I was watching an interview of the kid on TV. He said that after he got out of the water, he was looking for spider webs to stop the bleeding. WTF?

Apparently spider webs are more efficient than bandages at stopping bleeding. They're also unsanitary, though.
They just talked about this on CNN and his dumbass friends were talking about how he will be right back in the water once he's recovered.


You cannot be serious.

1. Yes it should have. Once wild animals taste human flesh they need to be put down...unless you want them killing/hunting other humans. It's an extremely common practice to kill animals who have eaten human flesh.

2. The arm could be reattached. Its worth a shot.

3. Your post makes zero sense to anyone that lives in the real world.
Yup, there are lots of children and old people in Florida, and occasional pets getting eaten is preferable to alligators developing a taste for humans and evil plans for ambushing them in their backyards or whatnot. I'm actually sorta serious.
This event saddens me, if only because it led to the death of a beautiful reptile.

May the kid's missing arm serve a a reminder never to trespass on their domain again. I'll never, ever be able to understand the logic behind killing an animal after the event occurs. What are you accomplishing? Putting down a gator that "got a taste for people"? Don't they all?


They just talked about this on CNN and his dumbass friends were talking about how he will be right back in the water once he's recovered.
Alligator attacks are really uncommon. You are more likely to get hit by lightning. So, he's already been attacked, right? What are the chances he'll be attacked again? Like negative five or something. It's just common sense.

Pffft. Austin > anything Florida could offer. Even I know that and I'm from Minnesota.
Disney World?


Alligator attacks are really uncommon. You are more likely to get hit by lightning. So, he's already been attacked, right? What are the chances he'll be attacked again? Like negative five or something. It's just common sense.
The same as they were before he was attacked, minus 1 alligator.


I love all the thats what he gets for encroaching on the gators territory posts in this thread and the clueless why did they kill the gator posts. I wonder how many of those people enjoy going to the beach and swimming. Would you say the same thing about a shark attack victim? Stupid surfers and beach goers encroaching on the sharks territory! What about going camping and hiking? If someone was bit by a snake would the post be the same? Stupid hikers and campers encroaching on the snakes territory!


I love all the thats what he gets for encroaching on the gators territory posts in this thread and the clueless why did they kill the gator posts. I wonder how many of those people enjoy going to the beach and swimming. Would you say the same thing about a shark attack victim? Stupid surfers and beach goers encroaching on the sharks territory! What about going camping and hiking? If someone was bit by a snake would the post be the same? Stupid hikers and campers encroaching on the snakes territory!

Everywhere you look, it's an animal's territory. Where is human territory?! :(
Because reptiles imprint very easily on prey items and gators are anything but endangered.

This was not just an attack, the gator ate a portion of the person.

The eating of the arm was, in all likelihood, coincidental. We have no way of knowing whether the attack was intentionally predatory. Given the American alligator's inherent flightiness, it most likely felt the need to defend itself. They're dangerous animals, regardless of why they're attacking you. They're easy as hell to live with, really. Just don't go swimming in their territory. If they're in your territory, call animal control.

I love all the thats what he gets for encroaching on the gators territory posts in this thread and the clueless why did they kill the gator posts. I wonder how many of those people enjoy going to the beach and swimming. Would you say the same thing about a shark attack victim? Stupid surfers and beach goers encroaching on the sharks territory! What about going camping and hiking? If someone was bit by a snake would the post be the same? Stupid hikers and campers encroaching on the snakes territory!

Yes and yes. Respect nature lest it bite you. It's common sense.
That kid is a trooper. Good on them for killing that gator.

Just as a sidenote, I had some fried cajun alligator last night, and it was delicious.


The eating of the arm was, in all likelihood, coincidental. We have no way of knowing whether the attack was intentionally predatory. Given the American alligator's inherent flightiness, it most likely felt the need to defend itself. They're dangerous animals, regardless of why they're attacking you. They're easy as hell to live with, really. Just don't go swimming in their territory. If they're in your territory, call animal control.

No it's not, gators don't accidentally rip off and swallow limbs to protect turf or because they are scared.

And lol at calling animal control. What do you think happens to the gators they have people come by to pick up?


Everywhere you look, it's an animal's territory. Where is human territory?! :(
Let's just nuke the planet from orbit and come back when it's safe for us to swim in human friendly oceans and swamps, where we belong.

I suppose whatever the gator would've been eating now has a slightly better chance of dying from desease or parasites, or starving. Just switch the universe off and put it out of its misery.
Let's just nuke the planet from orbit and come back when it's safe for us to swim in human friendly oceans and swamps, where we belong.

I suppose whatever the gator would've been eating now has a slightly better chance of dying from desease or parasites, or starving. Just switch the universe off and put it out of its misery.

We own the planet, other animals should turn themselves into food/accessories or get the fuck off.
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