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Alligator bites off arm of teen swimming in Florida river

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No it's not, gators don't accidentally rip off and swallow limbs to protect turf or because they are scared.

And lol at calling animal control. What do you think happens to the gators they have people come by to pick up?

Incidental. As if relocation is simply out of the question.

And I think I'll defer to greater authority than your's when it comes to what an alligator will or will not swallow by accident.

some of us don't like living in a bubble or being shut ins its nice to be out in nature if you can't enjoy thats its your problem

I enjoy nature just fine. I just accept that if I fall victim to an animal while doing it, the fault is mine and not the animal's.
You cannot be serious.

1. Yes it should have. Once wild animals taste human flesh they need to be put down...unless you want them killing/hunting other humans. It's an extremely common practice to kill animals who have eaten human flesh.

2. The arm could be reattached. Its worth a shot.

3. Your post makes zero sense to anyone that lives in the real world.

they don't kill leopards in India when there have been cases of them wandering into a village and freaking out and attacking a person. no proof that gator will absolutely start wandering out to look for people to eat.


People should be aware of dangerous local wildlife if they want to enjoy it and not be the death of it.

Don't swim with large alligators.



Gator-free, dogg. Gators are freshwater-dwelling animals.


Gator-free, dogg. Gators are freshwater-dwelling animals.

I just felt like pointing out that we also have crocodiles in Florida and they don't mind salt water. They don't really go north of the everglades, but the reality of it is that no body of water is really safe in Florida.


You guys can quote my name, if you want.

Sucks that he lost his arm, but he should have known it wasn't smart to swim in a river down here. Should only be swimming in the ocean or Gulf. Alligators really don't bother us down here, especially on land. Just don't go into their water turf!

Only swim in the ocean or gulf? But what about sharks?!

And here is a story about an alligator found in the ocean off of Palm Beach, Florida: http://www.divephotoguide.com/underwater-photography-special-features/article/alligator--ocean/


I just felt like pointing out that we also have crocodiles in Florida and they don't mind salt water. They don't really go north of the everglades, but the reality of it is that no body of water is really safe in Florida.

Wow. I was born and raised in Florida and I had no idea there was such thing as the American Crocodile. I thought there were only gators in Florida. Pretty cool.


Trucker Sexologist
The eating of the arm was, in all likelihood, coincidental. We have no way of knowing whether the attack was intentionally predatory. Given the American alligator's inherent flightiness, it most likely felt the need to defend itself. They're dangerous animals, regardless of why they're attacking you. They're easy as hell to live with, really. Just don't go swimming in their territory. If they're in your territory, call animal control.
If that's the case, then we also have no way of knowing that it wasn't. The fact that gator attacks are rare makes this one look like a giant asshole. If Bitey costs an arm and a leg next time then the public will be extremely angry.

This also prevents them from breeding and possibly passing on their love of human flesh to their offspring.


Unconfirmed Member
They killed the alligator? So idiotic. Alligators, bears, raccoons, wolves -- all will fall in the name of human convenience. We will clear cut the entire fucking planet and have only each other to eat. Someone warm up the New Thread button.


swimming in Florida RIVERS?

what could possibly go wrong. we have 2 bigass coastlines for a reason.


Gator-free, dogg. Gators are freshwater-dwelling animals.

actual natives bringing knowledge, wasted before the HURRR DURRR FLORYDA jokes. you grow up near shit that can kill you, you learn about it. some people don't, and we get threads.

Florida has been taking massive L's recently. Wow.

usually northern FL, yeah. this time, the L belongs to the kid though, and apparently he's going right back in so he's holding it well, albeit with one arm.


They killed the alligator? So idiotic. Alligators, bears, raccoons, wolves -- all will fall in the name of human convenience. We will clear cut the entire fucking planet and have only each other to eat. Someone warm up the New Thread button.

yeah, I hear alligators are really struggling in florida.


They killed the alligator? So idiotic. Alligators, bears, raccoons, wolves -- all will fall in the name of human convenience. We will clear cut the entire fucking planet and have only each other to eat. Someone warm up the New Thread button.

Judging by your avatar, you look delicious.
I think it's common to kill an animal when it severely injured or killed a human.

Nope, its when it draws blood, eats a part of, or kills a human. The reason is because if we dont, then over time we would be put on their "list of acceptable animals to hunt and eat"
I bet he was either a Dolphins or Gaints fan. Good job Gator!

This is a joke, a kid losing his arm is not something is a sad thing
Here's the thing you need to know about us floridians... We don't give a fuck. When you grow up swimming in the shark attack capital of the world, gator infested water, and dealing with the general craziness of the things that happen in this state, you just stop caring after a while.


The more I read the gaf the more scared I get of ever visiting Florida, not that I have a reason to go in the first place, though.

But still, have to agree with people saying this isn't unexpected. Even outside of Florida I refuse to swim in rivers/lakes since you never really know what is in them. I've only been in 1 river my entire life and it was a sectioned off beach-like area with a lifeguard and such.


The more I read the gaf the more scared I get of ever visiting Florida, not that I have a reason to go in the first place, though.

But still, have to agree with people saying this isn't unexpected. Even outside of Florida I refuse to swim in rivers/lakes since you never really know what is in them. I've only been in 1 river my entire life and it was a sectioned off beach-like area with a lifeguard and such.

your life must be crazy exciting

Here's the thing you need to know about us floridians... We don't give a fuck. When you grow up swimming in the shark attack capital of the world, gator infested water, and dealing with the general craziness of the things that happen in this state, you just stop caring after a while.

this guy...this guy right here gets it


your life must be crazy exciting

Not everyone wants an exciting life, I just wanna browse the net and play video games.

Though I mean, on the topic of swimming, I had a local pool close enough to walk to as a kid. It's not exactly like I needed to jump into a river to go swimming. Would have taken longer to get to one than just going to the pool. Though looking back the river was probably cleaner than that pool....
Is it even possible to reattach an arm that has been in a gator's mouth? Aren't they filled with horrifying bacteria that gets into the tissue?
wow i will never go to florida.how can you guys live like that.risking your life just for dumb water when there are thousands of other things you can do.
wow i will never go to florida.how can you guys live like that.risking your life just for dumb water when there are thousands of other things you can do.

I guess it has it's upsides as well but you do have a point, it's not just wildlife hazards either, they get fucking Hurricanes there all the time :(


They killed the alligator? So idiotic. Alligators, bears, raccoons, wolves -- all will fall in the name of human convenience. We will clear cut the entire fucking planet and have only each other to eat. Someone warm up the New Thread button.
We're not wiping out the whole species. Just the singular ones that show aggressiveness towards humans. Otherwise, we're happy to coexist with them.

I look forward to your knee-jerk thread, though.
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