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Almost 1 week after release, what are your feelings on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? [No Spoiler]

Hi all,

I would like to hear from you on what is your opinion after playing some of FFVII Rebirth. Personally I am still debating wether to buy or not given that FFVII Remake also got good scores but moving that far away from JRPG was a turn off for me. Let's try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.
Hi all,

I would like to hear from you on what is your opinion after playing some of FFVII Rebirth. Personally I am still debating wether to buy or not given that FFVII Remake also got good scores but moving that far away from JRPG was a turn off for me. Let's try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.

I'd recommend thumbing through the OT, lots of peeps have voiced their opinions there:



I'm still fairly early on. Chapter 2 or 3 just saw moogles for the first time. The forced slow movement still aggravates me (especially during the flashback which killed the mood for me). Most stuff dies too quickly and is too spread out (probably for the best tbh) so I can't really get a good feel for combat but otherwise it's good/great and I'm quite enjoying it. Way more than remake.


Done about 20 hours just got to chapter 4 and done some side quest. Feel compelled to do them all before moving on in each section. It's addictive stuff.

Saw a yt video saying that if you do all the quests you'll end up with aerith at the golden saucer, so might not do one of hers to influence it tifas way.

It's a lot better than remake, started remake and gave up, completed it on the second try at playing it.

Cannot see me playing another game until this is done.


Very much loving it, but I'm only up to the moment in Junon that was the end of that part of the demo. I never wanted an FFVII remake, and I thought FFVII Remake was only "pretty good." As soon as I saw the first big trailer for Rebirth, it rekindled my love of FFVII and got me very hyped. So far it delivers but I've barely scratched the surface. I was a total JRPG freak from 1994 to, I dunno, whenever FFXIII came out and killed my boner. This is the most I've enjoyed a JRPG since... maybe Xenosaga 3.

My only gripe is the extra shitty Fort Condor minigame. Once was bad enough... four times... whoever designed this part of the game should be horsewhipped and get a written warning from Squeenix HR.
Very much loving it, but I'm only up to the moment in Junon that was the end of that part of the demo. I never wanted an FFVII remake, and I thought FFVII Remake was only "pretty good." As soon as I saw the first big trailer for Rebirth, it rekindled my love of FFVII and got me very hyped. So far it delivers but I've barely scratched the surface. I was a total JRPG freak from 1994 to, I dunno, whenever FFXIII came out and killed my boner. This is the most I've enjoyed a JRPG since... maybe Xenosaga 3.

My only gripe is the extra shitty Fort Condor minigame. Once was bad enough... four times... whoever designed this part of the game should be horsewhipped and get a written warning from Squeenix HR.
Thanks a lot for this! good to know you are liking it more than the Remake!
Done about 20 hours just got to chapter 4 and done some side quest. Feel compelled to do them all before moving on in each section. It's addictive stuff.
Nice, personally I felt the quests on Remake were super "fetchy" but its good to know they also improved on this area too.
Get out of the hinterlands grassland tutorial area as soon as you can and the game just sings. Combat is better, bosses are better, surprise return of a certain someone from Crisis Core and the banter between party members is endearing af.
Making my way to Junon and having a blast.
Best game of this generation since Elden Ring

Absolutely incredible! Can’t stop thinking about it

All future FF games need to follow this type of structure. Time to get excited about FF again like back in the PS1 glory days

Im still not convinced of the open world structure yet but this combat system, this fucking combat system is a masterpiece.


About halfway through and it's literally one of the best games I've ever played. You just don't want to stop so you can see what comes next.

I loved part 1 but part 2 is a massively superior game in every way and a staggering achievement. The content, variety, eye candy and general all-round entertainment value is off the charts. I have no idea how they managed to make this in only 4 years.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Can I ask the class a question? Would I still enjoy this game if I have absolutely zero love or nostalgia for the original, and did not particularly enjoy the first remake? I’ve got nothing against FF7 at all, and I was generally excited for the remake and bought it on day one. Yet with most Square JRPGs, I quit after about 20 hours.


My feelings are I want to play it. but waiting to finish soe other stuff first. I suppose getting it on the first sale it gets doesn't hurt.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I dropped it last night. Couldnt do one more mini mission. This is not what I want from my video games. I didnt spend $70 to play ps1 era mini games for dozens of hours.

I like the combat somewhat, and i enjoyed it during the first two open worlds, but the last 5-6 hours have been extremely poorly paced with them forcing mini games on me during story missions. Fucking 6 straight Queens Blood matches. I wanted to kill myself. Then you get to the beach and its even more mini games. Before that, there was the parade mini game. I cant fucking do it.

Then there is the story which feels like it hasnt even begun and im 25 hours in. There has been a total of one major event happen in the game, but then you go on a boat immediately after and the story resets. What are the stakes? Why are we having fun at a resort after we just had fun on the boat? I was done with the action packed story in spiderman 2 in just over 15 hours.

Lastly, and this is by far the most annoying one, but I really dislike how childish and goofy everyone acts in this game. Aerith was cute in the first game, but here shes acting like Yuffie in the game who is supposed to be 14 but acts like a 5 year old. Barret has become a fucking joke. No one takes anything seriously.

I honestly dislike everything about the game. Even the combat which is great when you are fighting normal enemies, but the moment they introduce airborne enemies, you lose track of them and you spend the rest of the fight just chasing them. The combat system was not designed to fight flying enemies and i feel like half of the enemies are flying.

Havent been this turned off by a game since Cyberpunk. And Im not going to force myself to play it like I did cyberpunk. Clearly, I am not the target audience since so many love the game, so I will just drop it for now and come back later, but i never ended up liking cyberpunk and elden ring upon returning so i doubt i will ever come to like this game either.
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It's much more of a game than Remake was, i didn't want to know more about FF7 remakes after playing that, and this one's great so far, just ended the Cosmo Canyon part, struggling not to spoil myself about how's this game ending.

What FF16 should have been, or what FF17 should be, sadly i doubt SE has the talent to do a game like this from the scratch, but there's some hope back losing it all with FF16.

Been thinking this will probably be my GOTY since outside of Avowed, there's nothing that appeals to me that much, and that game is not looking as good as i thought it would.

It has some flaws, like pacing sometimes, some cringe childish scenes that aren't for everybody, or the graphics.

But talking about the technical aspect of the game, a shame that's whats being discussed the most, yea, it's not good, but this game's been for development for 4 years only?, it has a lot of content and different stuff to do and different systems, of course it'd look much better if it has 5-6 years as most AAA's do nowadays, but if this is the price to pay to be able to end the trilogy in 2028 instead of in 2030-2032, i'll gladly take it, and i hope more AAA's take this route with shorter development times by sacrificing some of the graphical aspect.


Gold Member
I can only squeeze in an hour or two a day, but it doesn’t matter because I’m always coming across something fun, or surprising. With a lot of games like this, you can spend hours playing them without feeling like you are getting anywhere. It’s different with FF7:R because it’s always engaging. I love it.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Can I ask the class a question? Would I still enjoy this game if I have absolutely zero love or nostalgia for the original, and did not particularly enjoy the first remake? I’ve got nothing against FF7 at all, and I was generally excited for the remake and bought it on day one. Yet with most Square JRPGs, I quit after about 20 hours.
This game is so much better than Remake, it's not even funny. I even posted in the OT how Square did everyone dirty by making the first game a huge corridor RPG (similar to 13) because it'll sour everyone on the experience of the new series before it gets to the good stuff (this game). I even specifically said there'd be people like you that bounced from Remake and won't want to give Rebirth a shot - but you should.

There's also a pretty good recap video you can watch from the main menu, that explains what happened in the first game and how it ended so that, story wise, you won't be lost.

Structurally and comedically, I'm finding this VERY similar to Like A Dragon and Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The game has random asides that aren't part of the main story, but keep things fresh and interesting throughout. One moment you'll be in a tense situation escaping town while being hunted down by troops with guns - the next thing you know, you might be playing a Rocket-League style mini-game, playing cards, or visiting a secret bar that has its own theme song and only allows bald men to enter (What are you, some kind of mop head?). It's zany at times, but it's got a massive amount of heart and charm that I think translates well. It's also got a great battle system, fun upgrades, and not nearly as much menu-fiddling as the last game.

Obviously based on a few of the replies here, it's not everyone's cup of tea. Some people want it to take itself more seriously, which is fair I suppose. Some wish it had fewer mini-games, though I've played for 30 hours and have only encountered two that were required to advance - and even then you don't have to do well in them, you just have to play them. It's got a few technical issues, but those are easily overlooked since the game is genuinely fun.
I just finished the second area world Intel. I absolutely love it, but there is some checklist fatigue.

I also don’t understand why they went all in with Chadley. He is so annoying in this game.
I can imagine players who didn’t played Rebirth will have the same reaction to him, like the one guy in the David S Pumpkins sketches in Saturday Night Live.
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Overall Amazing. Loving the mini games (especially queens blood) and the nostalgic set pieces. And the music... incredible.

I do have some complaints though.

-Performance mode obviously...I always choose 60fps, but the visual tradeoff here is just not worth it

-Some annoying characters and dialogue.... Kyrie and Yuffie need to STFU. Some of the NPCs are just...awkward.

I do wish regular enemies posed more of a challenge overall. I am playing on dynamic and enjoy the boss fights, but some regular enemies die super quick.
Lastly, and this is by far the most annoying one, but I really dislike how childish and goofy everyone acts in this game. Aerith was cute in the first game, but here shes acting like Yuffie in the game who is supposed to be 14 but acts like a 5 year old. Barret has become a fucking joke. No one takes anything seriously.
just as I was starting to think 'y'know, maybe I've been wrong about this whole ffvii remake thing. maybe I really oughta give it a chance', just I was slipping into darkness - splash! i get doused with a bucket of ice water, & all is well again. i unfortunately no longer have any tolerance at all for the stuff you're describing, never mind it involving the 're-imagining' of characters i treasure. so, thanks, man. i needed that...

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
just as I was starting to think 'y'know, maybe I've been wrong about this whole ffvii remake thing. maybe I really oughta give it a chance', just I was slipping into darkness - splash! i get doused with a bucket of ice water, & all is well again. i unfortunately no longer have any tolerance at all for the stuff you're describing, never mind it involving the 're-imagining' of characters i treasure. so, thanks, man. i needed that...

Are people kidding themselves? Final fantasy games have always had these quirky characters, that’s part of the charm


Its really good. I wasn't too hot on Remake overall, I liked it but I also disliked a lot about it. But Rebirth I generally like everything I played so far, which is about 20 hours.

Sidequests are generally short, and have good payoff. And NPC sidequests are pretty good actually.

The pacing isn't in fact much different from the original game. You need to catch a chocobo in area 1 to progress, which is true to the OG. But in area 2 you can make a beeline for Under Junon as per the original game too. You can skip a lot of content really, if you desire so. I decided to do everything so far, and it goes by pretty fast. Some NPC quests are long, mainly the ones about these relics, some continue in further chapters.

Queens blood is one of the best card games out there as well.
Are people kidding themselves? Final fantasy games have always had these quirky characters, that’s part of the charm
'quirky', eh? while I agree that the original did indeed have lots of quirk, I personally don't consider failed attempts at humor &/or adorableness as 'quirky':

we're just gonna have to agree to disagree...
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I'm still only in Chapter 2 about 6.5 hours in. Doing some exploring and side quests and what not. But so far I'm enjoying it. I feel like things are just starting to open up. I've just been trying to get a sense of the world, the combat, and Queen's Blood. So obviously not too far into the story.

I'm also trying to just enjoy the game rather than rush through. So far, so good. I'd recommend.
I enjoyed Remake but Rebirth is boring. The open world is generic and the story pacing is awful. Is Final Fantasy XVI similar?


I didn’t start playing it until a couple days after release and I’m still only about half way (I assume). I’m enjoying it a lot more than Remake, which I felt was still trying to figure out its new combat system. This one is much more refined and enjoyable.

There is some open world bloat but it’s manageable. My unpopular opinion is I don’t think the Queen’s Blood card minigame is as great as everyone says. I find it tedious and boring. Plus the game forces you to play it to progress the main story line far too many times.
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