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Almost Human; Stars Karl Urban. Produced by J.J. Abrams. Has Androids. Cop Drama.

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The world has enough reboots, sequels, and films and TV shows based off of existing properties. We don't need to continue the uninspired march towards mediocrity, even if the source material is solid. We're doing way too much of that and have to stop.

Also, JJ doesn't create shows anymore. He doesn't write them. He stamps his name on them. You're also not watching Revolution this season, which from almost all in this thread, is significantly better. And no, it's not a success at all.

I already talked about how those other shows are uninspired, despite being completely new properties. And yeah, he may not write them and just stamp his name on them, but isn't that what he's doing here? He was executive producer on Alcatraz and Revolution as well as this new show so I'm not sure how it's any different or is he actually more involved with this show? Regardless, I just mentioned him because he's the name brand pushing the show, that wasn't my point anyways, I was just trying to sell a show on Dredd with the same actor in a similar role in a similar universe.

And yeah, I watched the entirety of season 1 of Revolution and a couple episodes of season 2 and I'm done with it. I can't force myself to watch anymore and I'm a big post-apocolypse/sci-fi nerd. I wanted to like it so badly but can't. The only thing that might make me come back to it is if someone told me the main chick character died or they wrote her out of the show, but even then, nah.


I already talked about how those other shows are uninspired, despite being completely new properties. And yeah, he may not write them and just stamp his name on them, but isn't that what he's doing here? He was executive producer on Alcatraz and Revolution as well as this new show so I'm not sure how it's any different or is he actually more involved with this show? Regardless, I just mentioned him because he's the name brand pushing the show, that wasn't my point anyways, I was just trying to sell a show on Dredd with the same actor in a similar role in a similar universe.

And yeah, I watched the entirety of season 1 of Revolution and a couple episodes of season 2 and I'm done with it. I can't force myself to watch anymore and I'm a big post-apocolypse/sci-fi nerd. I wanted to like it so badly but can't. The only thing that might make me come back to it is if someone told me the main chick character died or they wrote her out of the show, but even then, nah.

He puts a stamp on each show without much involvement. Comparing them as if JJ is somehow involved is silly -- they might as well be separate entities.

The world doesn't need any more media based on existing properties. We have too much as is. No more reboots, either. End of story. So, no, I'm much more excited about this than some Dredd TV show.


Neo Member

(sorry biggest image I could find)


He puts a stamp on each show without much involvement. Comparing them as if JJ is somehow involved is silly -- they might as well be separate entities.

Oh yes, sorry for my confusion, I agree with that, I was misunderstanding what you were saying.


Delaying the premiere almost two weeks, after they'd already put out quite a bit of advertising for the November 4th date (there are still billboards and subway ads featuring that date all over NYC), seems like a bizarre move - any word as to why?
I'll give it a go, but at this point, only because of Urban's involvement. JJ's form of producing TV the last few years has been damn near diabolical.

It's been hit and miss, but out of it we got:




And the crap has been:


Revolution (maybe?)

What else? Undercovers?
Where on earth does Abrams find any time to produce anything while working on Star Wars? I mean seriously. Producing is not easy by any means.


The world has enough reboots, sequels, and films and TV shows based off of existing properties. We don't need to continue the uninspired march towards mediocrity, even if the source material is solid. We're doing way too much of that and have to stop.

Also, JJ doesn't create shows anymore. He doesn't write them. He stamps his name on them. You're also not watching Revolution this season, which from almost all in this thread, is significantly better. And no, it's not a success at all.

I can't wait for this show. I only found out about it being delays last night though. I was so pissed! I was getting hyped to watch it, now I have to wait two more weeks. This blows.


So its a procedural? I'm out.
Is it? I really don't know but here is a quote from the showrunner, Joel Wyman, regarding the show's format:

"I can safely say there is a mythology to the program; there are very important things [going on]. What we’re trying to do is get people acclimated to the world and have them go, ‘Huh. That’s weird. Why did that happen?’ And then something else will happen. And then sort of restructure what your perceptions are of what the show is, and make it an interactive experience with the audience, and be like, ‘I thought this was just a cop show.’ In FRINGE, nobody knew in the buses [in season 1's 'The Ghost Network'] that the amber was amber. We knew it was amber, but we didn’t know why [it was there and what it really meant]. And ultimately, we put a pin in that and went, ‘Let’s not answer this now, because it’s got to be something great.’ And look what it turned into. And if you look back at the series, it totally recontextualizes that episode. So we’re trying to lay pieces in [on ALMOST HUMAN where] we can make people think, ‘There’s something going on here.’ And it’s not so front and center that you’re watching the drama about that thing right now, it’s just allowing you to realize there’s a larger thing at work here.

...But where this is different from FRINGE is FRINGE was a story about a dysfunctional family that was trying to hold it together in a time when it’s really hard to hold families together…but this is different. Because this is legitimately a police show. So if they’re not investigating cases, it would be really weird if a bunch of people in cop uniforms were hanging out at a diner all the time. If it was about their life it would be MELROSE PLACE, I guess."


Great. And if this were the first season, I would agree with you. Thankfully, that's why I qualified that with "you must not be watching the second season", which has been also seen by critics as a marketed improvement over its first season.
I just want to chime in to say that I hated what I had seen of the first season of Revolution and I was pleasantly surprised when I decided to give it another chance this season.

It's a shame that other people haven't been so forgiving. Really an enjoyable show.
- Tim Goodman's review for THR
The Bottom Line: It's 2048 in Los Angeles and the future looks, well, like we need to get more futuristic in a real hurry given that 2048 isn't all that far away. But still, it's a fun show with enough entertainment to keep you coming back if future episodes are as good as the pilot. Here's hoping they are, since broadcast television needs more science fiction.
I just want to say that the premise of Karl Urban's character description in the OP sounds like it was taken straight out of the Will Smith I, Robot and generally feels cliched.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it? I really don't know but here is a quote from the showrunner, Joel Wyman, regarding the show's format:

Sounds like the first batch of episodes will be more procedural based: ‘Almost Human’ Co-Showrunner Naren Shankar Exits:

Unlike Wyman/Bad Robot’s previous sci-fi Fox series, the heavily serialized Fringe, Almost Human is at heart a police drama. That explains the idea of bringing in a co-showrunner with extensive procedural background like CSI veteran Shankar, who served as co-showrunner on the long-running CBS crime drama and was an executive producer on another police drama with genre elements — NBC’s Grimm. While I hear Wyman and Shankar got along very well personally, like it happens with some showrunner marriages, this one didn’t quite work for this particular show.


Is it me or was this supposed to premiere this week? I keep remembering promos saying Nov 5th.

Or did it get pushed back?


you can't put a price on sparks
Oh wow I thought it was a movie at first

Karl urban on tv sounds weird. But I like it.

35 years sounds too soon though for androids. Should have been 60 years or something.
I just want to say that the premise of Karl Urban's character description in the OP sounds like it was taken straight out of the Will Smith I, Robot and generally feels cliched.

Yeah... but it's Karl Urban doing that, which I find vastly more interesting than Will Smith doing it.

Sounds like the first batch of episodes will be more procedural based: ‘Almost Human’ Co-Showrunner Naren Shankar Exits:

Makes sense. POI followed the same set up, first few episodes were procedural heavy, and then the serial stuff weaved in and NOW IT'S THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION.

It's good to start with easier stand-alone stuff to lure in new viewers.


Oh my God. It's writes itself. Let's just go with that. Hear that, OddOne?
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