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Almost Human; Stars Karl Urban. Produced by J.J. Abrams. Has Androids. Cop Drama.

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Oh my God. It's writes itself. Let's just go with that. Hear that, OddOne?

lol holy shit


"Bromantic Blade Runner" is the best tag a show can possibly get that isnt "The Wire with dinosaurs"

The Real Abed

Looking forward to this. Will watch for Urban. And Crook is a nice surprise. I really hope this does somewhat well. We all know Fox has screwed people over before. Well, they all do actually. But I have my fingers crossed.



Oh my God. It's writes itself. Let's just go with that. Hear that, OddOne?
My slighly modified suggestion to better match the font on the poster:


I love playing with unicode charters.
My slighly modified suggestion to better match the font on the poster:


I love playing with unicode charters.
That looks cool, but unfortunately it screws up anyone trying to search by thread title.


but fox especially so. they always cancel their sci fi shows. #FireflyNeverForget
Well, to be fair Gail Berman cancelled Firefly and she no longer works at FOX. Alcatraz and Terra Nova arguably deserved to be canned, and FOX did give Fringe a 100-episode run.
Obviously you're not a BrownCoat. Or Sarah Connor Chronicles. Or the countless other pretty good shows they never gave a chance.

Firefly was 10 years ago. TSCC ratings went to shit on season 2, of course it was going to get cancelled. Name one recent show that was cancelled too soon by Fox.
Somebody call the waaaaaaahmbulance, the Firefly fans are here.

They gave y'all a hundred episodes of Fringe. Fuck, even SyFy would have canceled on them. Alcatraz sucked. Terminator, as good as it was, it's ratings were shit. It got lucky with that second season, where they could have wrapped up the story, and didn't cause they were hoping for a Hail Mary.
Obviously you're not a BrownCoat. Or Sarah Connor Chronicles. Or the countless other pretty good shows they never gave a chance.

To be fair, they actually did give the shows a chance by financing the pilot and putting them on television in the first place. How many amazing show ideas/pilots haven't even gotten that far? And Sarah Connor Chronicles got two seasons, which is more than enough of a chance. Now if you want to complain about something like Lone Star that was pulled after two episodes I'd agree that wasn't given a chance.

Every network cancels shows. It just so happens Fox takes chances on more niche shows and ends up canceling them because they don't pick up an audience. Honestly I'm okay with Fox greenlighting things like Almost Human and Sleepy Hollow and giving them a chance.
The Mob Doctor was awful.
From what I head,Lone Star was actually good and it was a shame it was cancelled too soon but the ratings were horrible and there´s no way they were going to bounce to acceptable levels.
Firefly was 10 years ago. TSCC ratings went to shit on season 2, of course it was going to get cancelled. Name one recent show that was cancelled too soon by Fox.

Exactly. I enjoyed TSCC but the ratings slide from when it premiered (during the writer's strike) to when it was finally canceled is pretty funny to look at. It debuted to huge numbers and then just bled and bled until Fox had no choice but to kill it.

Every network cancels shows. It just so happens Fox takes chances on more niche shows and ends up canceling them because they don't pick up an audience. Honestly I'm okay with Fox greenlighting things like Almost Human and Sleepy Hollow and giving them a chance.

This is really what it comes down to. Fox is easily my favorite network out of the big four. Since they air more stuff I'm interested in they also cancel more stuff I'm interested in which is exactly what one would expect.
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