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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


erotic butter maelstrom
Obsessed said:
I'll look harder I suppose.

I remember it being on a balcony-like structure overlooking the court yard where he needs to be protected. In my last run, I successfully protected him in my first try using the sniper .
Snuggler said:
I remember it being on a balcony-like structure overlooking the court yard where he needs to be protected. In my last run, I successfully protected him in my first try using the sniper .

I was there. Scoured the place. Couldn't find it.

I still finally managed to do it.

I did piss off Albatross though. In my missions I mostly try to spare people and go for nonlethal takedowns... as long as they don't notice me or shoot at me. But I put a bullet in that stupid bitch mute who attacked me out of nowhere.
The Wiki is wrong, while you can go out to where it is you have to buy the intel for the rifle to appear, same as in the Moscow trainyard and last mission in Taipei.

Obsessed said:
But I put a bullet in that stupid bitch mute who attacked me out of nowhere.

You monster.


Obsessed said:
Hardly. I don't kill you unless you shoot at me. It is almost a kind of reverse Darwinism since basically the enemies that are the least alert survive.

So basically you enjoyed putting a bullet in that bitch's skull?
hemtae said:
So basically you enjoyed putting a bullet in that bitch's skull?

I just shoot all the cutscene people because those are generally the people that shot at me.

If you shoot at me I shoot back simple as that.

Also if the bitch had spoken the fuck up maybe I would have been willing to spare her.


Just finished it. I must say in the end I really enjoyed it despite its many technical flaws. The camera lag seriously made me rage quit a few times when I was trying to sneak past enemies only for the camera to freak out and make me lose my sense of direction.

The way stories and characters are intertwined in AP is exactly what I want from a strong narrative in a game. This is the kind of storytelling TV/Cinema/Books can not create, but interactive media can!

Really hope Obsidian get another shot at making a sequel to this great game. Just fix the bugs before you ship, OK? Ah, who am I kidding...Obsidian games without bugs is like Apple without Jobs ;)
This was just posted in the funny pics thread, not sure if it's a compliment or a criticism having seen the film:

Bought the game over the weekend. I'm in Rome now. Just finished that mansion mission.

This game is alright. The level designs are pretty shitty, and for the most part I find the missions pretty mundane.


Just bought this from Amazon for a mere $12.49.

I'm sure its stint on the backlog pile will be a long one, what with Ico/SOTC, Dark Souls, and AC:R coming up, but I'm still looking forward to eventually playing it.


So I'm on one of the first missions in Saudi Arabia and I've triggered pretty much every alarm possible. Ive tried being stealthy but the guards seem to have no problems spotting me from afar. Is this a game that's going to punish me in the story for going through a mission using brute force instead of stealth? Because I already screwed that up...


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Bought the game over the weekend. I'm in Rome now. Just finished that mansion mission.

This game is alright. The level designs are pretty shitty, and for the most part I find the missions pretty mundane.
Don't stick to just one hub, feel free to go between them. Certain characters will react to you differently if you happen to know particular people from the other hubs.

Amory Blaine said:
So I'm on one of the first missions in Saudi Arabia and I've triggered pretty much every alarm possible. Ive tried being stealthy but the guards seem to have no problems spotting me from afar. Is this a game that's going to punish me in the story for going through a mission using brute force instead of stealth? Because I already screwed that up...
What stealth skills do you have? The one that brings up the arrows showing you where the enemies are, once you level it up so it's oassive and always on, things get a lot easier. Also, do you have the stealthiest armor available? Are you crouching everywhere?
Amory Blaine said:
So I'm on one of the first missions in Saudi Arabia and I've triggered pretty much every alarm possible. Ive tried being stealthy but the guards seem to have no problems spotting me from afar. Is this a game that's going to punish me in the story for going through a mission using brute force instead of stealth? Because I already screwed that up...

This game will not only NOT punish you for playing however you want, it will reward you with perks for pretty much any style of play you choose.


XiaNaphryz said:
What stealth skills do you have? The one that brings up the arrows showing you where the enemies are, once you level it up so it's oassive and always on, things get a lot easier. Also, do you have the stealthiest armor available? Are you crouching everywhere?

I have that ability, but it's not passive. I'm crouching everywhere but it seems like I never have quite enough time to take down a guard or pick a lock before I'm spotted. I have to say, these controls feel clunky as all hell right now. Hopefully I'll get used to them.


Labadal said:
Today I read something that made me sad.

Chris Avellone's twitter:

:( indeed.
I had a weird dream that Sega decided to synergize and greenlit another Alpha Protocol game but instead of a sequel, it was a spiritual sequel that took place in a modern day Valkyria Chronicles universe and followed a field agent for a Gallian intelligence agency. Chris Avellone was heading the project in conjunction with a Japanese Sega team. And it had an conversation system with animated anime segments.

I woke up when I realized it sounded too good to be true. :(


Amory Blaine said:
I have that ability, but it's not passive. I'm crouching everywhere but it seems like I never have quite enough time to take down a guard or pick a lock before I'm spotted. I have to say, these controls feel clunky as all hell right now. Hopefully I'll get used to them.

You're probably wearing too much stuff that lowers your sound dampening. stealthy equipment (or LACK of if it's going to give you more dampening) is key, you should be able to waltz right up behind someone and initiate a takedown. You should get stealth with the perception or whatever passive as any spec imo, seeing where guards are and where they're looking at all times is just too good not to have.
XiaNaphryz said:
Don't stick to just one hub, feel free to go between them. Certain characters will react to you differently if you happen to know particular people from the other hubs.

How do you switch different hubs? Everytime I'm in a safehouse, it only lets me choose the different missions for when I'm in that country.

I did just beat the ruines and catacombs mission. Actually, that was more fun. I love waiting for the reticle to turn red and shoot someone in the head, then quickly go into the chain shot mode.

As for being more of a Bourne character, I really don't see it. I see more of a Bond and Bauer in the options you can choose, but not Bourne. Maybe here and there I've encountered.


erotic butter maelstrom
Jason's Ultimatum said:
How do you switch different hubs? Everytime I'm in a safehouse, it only lets me choose the different missions for when I'm in that country.

As for being more of a Bourne character, I really don't see it. I see more of a Bond and Bauer in the options you can choose, but not Bourne. Maybe here and there I've encountered.

Hit select when you're at the safe house, and you should be able to bring up the mission screen. You can chose to switch to another location, or jump straight into a mission.

The Professional (B button) dialog choices are supposed to be inspired by Bourne, but I haven't seen those movies so I wouldn't know.


Just finished Deus Ex and now I'm torn between whether I want to replay DE again or AP another time. It's actually a hard choice since I adore both of them.


soultron said:
Just finished Deus Ex and now I'm torn between whether I want to replay DE again or AP another time. It's actually a hard choice since I adore both of them.

They both deserve a second playthrough if you have the time.


Ok, so I finished @ 21.5 hours of play, wrote a small recommendation for it on Steam, that can be read here, or seen below:

Ok, so I grabbed this for $2 and at that price, it is basically one of my best gaming purchases ever. Even without it though this game is great, it has the occasional pop-in, or texture issue, maybe you crouch and start floating in the air once, whatever.

The dialog system and the choices available to you are unrivaled, the characters have depth and actually hold your interest, the storyline is top shelf. I won't say it's perfect, because it isn't, but if you play it like it is -- a primarily stealth/spy based RPG -- you should get approximately 20 hours of enjoyment out of this underrated gem. Not counting what seems to be some very excellent replay value.

Title was definitely GOTY material and is now amongst my personal favorite games this generation. A- and Enjoy the ride comrades!

Also, took a neat screenshot, I like it at least. Check it out if ya like.
So what would you recommend for my veteran playthrough? I've done spy and commando, this time I was thinking a Tech/Martial Arts/Assault Rifle/Sabotage focus..although I'm a little worried how I'll fare up against the bosses when they get in my face, I'm worried that could be an exercise in frustration. Anyone done a similar play through?


Played through my first hub completely (Rome) and moved on to Taipei and did a few missions there. The more I play, the more I like this game. It gets much better once the ability to detect enemies becomes passive, then you can really play it stealthily for the most part and only resort to the shooting (for me the game's weakest mechanic) when necessary.

I love how dynamic the story line is, and knowing how much of a difference a single choice can make. Also I may be imagining it, but it seems like the more you get to know and talk to a particular NPC, the more receptive they become to your "personality". For example, in the beginning of the game Mina responds negatively to joking or flirting comments, but interact with her enough and she gradually starts to react positively.

The amount of time you get to choose a style of answer in conversation really doesn't seem sufficient. I've found too many times where the reaction "name" doesn't even make sense in context until a second before the conversation timer runs out.

The weapon customization is impressive, but seems completely unnecessary to this point. I've made it through just fine with a standard silenced pistol and an assault rifle, and the only difficulty I've had was when
you fight that Halbech dude in the museum
and even then it was only a matter of putting enough distance between me and him and saving up chain shots.

Overall I'm excited to finish my first playthrough and possibly get to a second if I can find the time. But this will probably go down as one of the best $7 gaming purchases I'll make. It's a really ambitious title that doesn't do everything well, but what it does do well more than compensates for its flaws.


Amory Blaine said:
Played through my first hub completely (Rome) and moved on to Taipei and did a few missions there. The more I play, the more I like this game. It gets much better once the ability to detect enemies becomes passive, then you can really play it stealthily for the most part and only resort to the shooting (for me the game's weakest mechanic) when necessary.

I love how dynamic the story line is, and knowing how much of a difference a single choice can make. Also I may be imagining it, but it seems like the more you get to know and talk to a particular NPC, the more receptive they become to your "personality". For example, in the beginning of the game Mina responds negatively to joking or flirting comments, but interact with her enough and she gradually starts to react positively.

The amount of time you get to choose a style of answer in conversation really doesn't seem sufficient. I've found too many times where the reaction "name" doesn't even make sense in context until a second before the conversation timer runs out.

The weapon customization is impressive, but seems completely unnecessary to this point. I've made it through just fine with a standard silenced pistol and an assault rifle, and the only difficulty I've had was when
you fight that Halbech dude in the museum
and even then it was only a matter of putting enough distance between me and him and saving up chain shots.

Overall I'm excited to finish my first playthrough and possibly get to a second if I can find the time. But this will probably go down as one of the best $7 gaming purchases I'll make. It's a really ambitious title that doesn't do everything well, but what it does do well more than compensates for its flaws.

There's an advantage to jumping between hubs rather than fully completing one and moving on to the next one.


erotic butter maelstrom
Amory Blaine said:
Oh man
is fucking tough to kill. Anyone have any suggestions on how to go about it?

Krameriffic's suggestion works, if you're using pistols abuse chain shots, or if you're using shotguns abuse the carnage (or whatever it's called) skill. The key is to sprint from him when he charges you. You should be able to keep enough distance to avoid his melee attacks entirely. When he gets fatigued, use your chainshot/carnage and toss some nades if you have them. When he goes into shooting mode, just retreat and find a place to take cover. When his dudes came out, I just found a wall to hide behind and picked them off with long range weapons.

He was a bitch the first time, but a breeze the second with my shotgun/martial arts build.


Phew, managed to get him down to about a quarter of his health, and then he glitched and kept running into the side of the stage, so I just stood and shot him over and over again with an assault rifle. I got lucky, I only had about 10 health and no shield left.

then i let him go...


Amory Blaine said:
Phew, managed to get him down to about a quarter of his health, and then he glitched and kept running into the side of the stage, so I just stood and shot him over and over again with an assault rifle. I got lucky, I only had about 10 health and no shield left.

then i let him go...

First time I fought him, the only reason I won was because he glitched.

And after having as much trouble as I had, I did not hesitate to put a bullet in his brain.


Snuggler said:
Krameriffic's suggestion works, if you're using pistols abuse chain shots, or if you're using shotguns abuse the carnage (or whatever it's called) skill. The key is to sprint from him when he charges you. You should be able to keep enough distance to avoid his melee attacks entirely. When he gets fatigued, use your chainshot/carnage and toss some nades if you have them. When he goes into shooting mode, just retreat and find a place to take cover. When his dudes came out, I just found a wall to hide behind and picked them off with long range weapons.

He was a bitch the first time, but a breeze the second with my shotgun/martial arts build.
He was ridiculously easy for me the first time, but mainly because I had Heck poison his coke supply.


So, I got this in Steam sale and started playing.

So far I´m a couple of missions in. I like the game, but sometimes the controls are wonky and hurt the experience. I wanted to duck into cover on a tower in the mission you have to dsiable a satellite dish and instead of taking cover I manned the MG and got discovered. Had to mow some guys down. I´m trying stealth+melee+hacking, but I somehow get caught in stupid places and have to kick faces in. Which is fun. Only one point in pistols as far as weapons go, what weapon skills do I need to be able to finish the game?

Personality wise I´m all nice and professional, but if it´s good I´ll replay as a total dick, punching and shotgunning people.
Binabik15 said:
So far I´m a couple of missions in. I like the game, but sometimes the controls are wonky and hurt the experience. I wanted to duck into cover on a tower in the mission you have to dsiable a satellite dish and instead of taking cover I manned the MG and got discovered. Had to mow some guys down. I´m trying stealth+melee+hacking, but I somehow get caught in stupid places and have to kick faces in. Which is fun. Only one point in pistols as far as weapons go, what weapon skills do I need to be able to finish the game?
You can do it easily with melee and gadgets (flashbangs!), but pistols is the go-to weapon otherwise (cheapest too, I think). There's one boss that requires you to use ranged attacks... I think, though you might be able to beat it anyway. I never got that one with my melee build, so it's optional. And if you're going "professional" you're likely to avoid it.
I just finished this today. I think I got a bad ending. It was the one where
Heck and Mike drove off into the sunset in a boat. Scarlet killed Leland after shooting me (I'm still not sure how Mike composed himself/seemed fine after that shot), then I let her go. I didn't save Mina.
It was disappointing, and I'd be pissed if I hadn't made a save before the final mission to redo it differently.

Anyway, I really, really enjoyed my time with it. I loved the conversations and how real they felt. The voice work was amazing for the major characters and I looked forward to each conversation with people.

I also liked how the consequences of your actions were apparent, though one REALLY bugged me. It was on the mission where
you first encounter CIA agents. Somehow I killed one (I did almost all missions with hand-to-hand), and I never noticed during the mission (found out in the results screen). It must have been when I tried running to jump-kick him and I executed him =/ Anyway, fastforward to the Leland conversations and he shows the estate where I "killed numerous agents," with a bunch of bodies strewn about the monitor images. I ONLY KILLED ONE, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, AAAARGH. That shit bugged the hell out of me; killing a CIA agent by mistake, I mean, and it being used against me. Ugh.

I was determined to do all missions with takedowns and hand-to-hand. That was extremely effective. Some of the missions felt simple, but they were extremely enjoyable. I liked discovering things to hack, finding dossiers, buying intel to "unlock" some things in missions, etc. Loved it all.

I wish there were a NG+ or something. Is my only option to see the other endings (besides YouTubing the other endings) really to start a new game from scratch? I want to at least keep all the info I found/unlocked.

This is my favorite track in the game.


dragonlife said:
I just finished this today. I think I got a bad ending. It was the one where
Heck and Mike drove off into the sunset in a boat. Scarlet killed Leland after shooting me (I'm still not sure how Mike composed himself/seemed fine after that shot), then I let her go. I didn't save Mina.
It was disappointing, and I'd be pissed if I hadn't made a save before the final mission to redo it differently.

I wish there were a NG+ or something. Is my only option to see the other endings (besides YouTubing the other endings) really to start a new game from scratch? I want to at least keep all the info I found/unlocked.

I don't think that's the "bad" ending. Also, if you did that run using the recruit class, then the veteran class should have opened up which will allow you to significantly speed through things.
hemtae said:
I don't think that's the "bad" ending. Also, if you did that run using the recruit class, then the veteran class should have opened up which will allow you to significantly speed through things.
Well, I did say "a" bad ending :p It just seemed so underwhelming.

And I don't remember what class I chose -_-
Wow, I retried the final mission with different choices and it was so much better. It was pure awesome.

I already started my second playthrough as a Recruit. Now I know what to upgrade for sure this time around, so that's exciting. ALSO, I'm equally excited to make different decisions :D I've already unlocked more dossier info on the initial characters than I did in my entire first run...and it was only the first chapter, haha.

What are the chances of more Alpha Protocol? Seriously, I'm in love.


dragonlife said:
Wow, I retried the final mission with different choices and it was so much better. It was pure awesome.

I already started my second playthrough as a Recruit. Now I know what to upgrade for sure this time around, so that's exciting. ALSO, I'm equally excited to make different decisions :D I've already unlocked more dossier info on the initial characters than I did in my entire first run...and it was only the first chapter, haha.

What are the chances of more Alpha Protocol? Seriously, I'm in love.
I think you got one of the better endings to get the first time through. For my first couple games
Scarlet was just a reporter to me.
When I found out more several games in i thought that was really cool.

Sega has dumped the franchise and there was back and forth over who owns the IP. I think that ended up as it is Obsidian's but they may not use it again. Myself I want the dialog to come back.


Grayman said:
I think you got one of the better endings to get the first time through. For my first couple games
Scarlet was just a reporter to me.
When I found out more several games in i thought that was really cool.

Sega has dumped the franchise and there was back and forth over who owns the IP. I think that ended up as it is Obsidian's but they may not use it again. Myself I want the dialog to come back.

Why? WTF.

Also, yes. This is by far the best conversation system around. They should try making another of these contemporary spy thrillers, if we can't have AP2.
YES. The conversation system is my favorite part. It felt like every decision really did matter, and that's an amazing feat. The way the game reveals information based on what you choose is just incredible, and it's easy to notice why when you play it more than once.

The care that went into the plot's intricacy is to be commended. And I don't mean the overall story, but the journey getting there and all the possibilities of doing so.

I'm gushing. This has become one of my favorite games already. I may have to hunt down a 360 copy and have fun getting the Achievements, since I played the Steam version.
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