Don't jog or run. To lose weight you need to do low-medium level cardio for long periods of time. Jogging and Running are high impact cardio and they wear out your legs/knees. You will get more tired more quickly and feel worn out while burning less.
I'd either do a fast paced walk, like 4.0 for 40 minutes. Or about 40 minutes on Elliptical machines. You know, the one that all the hot girls won't get off.
Well at my college anyway, there's like 6 Lifefitness elliptical machines, and like 50 other machines, and even during the summer when there's like 20ish people in ths gym, all the damn lifefitness machines are taken.
Stop drinking soda of any sort. Not even diet or cancer/loosestoolalose.
Don't drink juice. Whole fruits and water is a much better choice.
Drink water.
To get your caffeine fix, I'd recommend green tea. Not any other type of tea, because Green tea is incredibly healthy and all other teas are processed to the point that it kills of the health benefits found in tea.
Eat whole foods. Eating healthy will kill hunger and make weight loss damn easy.
Eat whole grains. What does that mean? It means that the grains used to make your bread or whatever has the entire grain in the product. Why is this important? Because white bread take the part of the grain that contains all of the calories. Your body absorbs this immediately like sugar. You will get all those calories, but you're gut is going to be empty and tell your brain that you're hungry.
There are also many health benefits in whole grains that you don't get with white.
Eat fruits and vegetables. If possible try to buy the organic varieties of these if you buy them: strawberries, spinach, anything leafy, apples, peaches, grapes. Because these have the highest amounts of pesticides. Washing them with water is a futile effort because pesticides are fully absorbed into the plant.
Eat nuts. Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios. They contain healthy omega 3 fats.
Eat coldwater fish and baked chicken.
This is a pretty good list of health foods and their health benefits:
BTW, how is the Atkins diet? I've heard while it helps you lose weight it isn't good for you.
Atkins works initially.
But there's a price. You're body goes into starvation mode as a result of the lack of carbs. It will drain the life out of you because your body will conserve what it can.
Not just energy, but your body will be lacking many essential nutrients to um...live.
If you don't stop Atkins, you'll keep the weight off but most assuredly die younger than you should.
If you stop Atkins you'll become a fat.