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Am I the only one who was NEVER grounded for "bad boy behaviour"? (Nush, GET ITT!!!)

I just realized my parent never grounded me before when I was during that phase of my life. It struck me to be surprised about that phenomenon existing in such an open and free society like Western Countries.

Has anyone on GAF ever not experienced the process of being "grounded" by mommy and daddy?
Getting grounded is for pussies.

Once, back when I was 14, I had to live with my older brother for six months after my mum got so pissed off with me that she threw me out of the house.

What happened was that I’d found a way around the adult content filters on the school computers, and printed off stacks of porn pictures that I both sold and kept sneakily putting up on notice boards all over school.

After a week I got caught when a younger boy dobbed me in, and they found all the pictures in my locker. I only got suspended for a day, but my mother, who is a full on mental feminist, blew her bloody top at me.

It was, all in all, one of my proudest moments.

My only real regret is that my very well read copy of FHM featuring Kelly Brook got confiscated.
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Getting grounded is for pussies.

Once, back when I was 14, I had to live with my older brother for six months after my mum got so pissed off with me that she threw me out of the house.

What happened was that I’d found a way around the adult content filters on the school computers, and printed off stacks of porn pictures that I both sold and kept sneakily putting up on notice boards all over school.

After a week I got caught when a younger boy dobbed me in, and they found all the pictures in my locker. I only got suspended for a day, but my mother, who is a full on mental feminist, blew her bloody top at me.

It was, all in all, one of my proudest moments.

My only real regret is that my very well read copy of FHM featuring Kelly Brook got confiscated.
That explains your avatar.....
When I was in 3rd grade, I had heard the "you and what army?" line in some movie and thought it was a great line, so I used it on my teacher (something like, saying "You and what army?" after being told I need stay on task or something like that, just a stupid kid thing).

My dad was a teacher and always stressed the importance of being respectful at school so when he found out he was pisssssed. I think the most angry he ever was at me. I dunno if I was "grounded" per say, but I just remember no videogames and no fun activities (like going to movies, etc) for a week or so.

But that's really it. I never got in too much trouble.

Props to all you golden children out there.
When I was in 3rd grade, I had heard the "you and what army?" line in some movie and thought it was a great line, so I used it on my teacher (something like, saying "You and what army?" after being told I need stay on task or something like that, just a stupid kid thing).

My dad was a teacher and always stressed the importance of being respectful at school so when he found out he was pisssssed. I think the most angry he ever was at me. I dunno if I was "grounded" per say, but I just remember no videogames and no fun activities (like going to movies, etc) for a week or so.

But that's really it. I never got in too much trouble.

Props to all you golden children out there.
Is that how you met this sweet-hearted man?


Never been grounded. My father just put the fear of God in me, which made me not repeat the same fuck-up twice. He somehow managed to do this without ever really laying a hand on me, and being smaller than me as soon as I hit puberty. Impressive.
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Faith - Hope - Love
Grounding? Yeah, eventually for bad grades I guess. That was fine and understandable, though.

Anyone else have great memories of spankings as a child...either with an open hand, a belt, or with a SWITCH (a thin tree limb) for the smallest of offensives? Even though you were a good child?

Good times. :messenger_expressionless:

Honestly though, I think it is more traumatizing to our parents than it was to me. My Mom grew up being punished even more severely for basically nothing.

Don't hit your children, people.
It's not the way.
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Gold Member
But in all seriousness fuck yeah my dad was old school I got grounded all the time. We used to live out in the country to our dial up connected at like 28 mpbs and we had those really loud modems. Once he found my porn stash that took FOREVER to accumulate when I was a young teenager because of our terrible internet and I got grounded for a long time. I even hid it in a folder that said Don't look in here.

I had to sneak online in the middle of the night with a pillow over the modem to try to muffle the stupid dial up noises so I could play Everquest.

A couple of times for terrible report card then he got used to that, I was really good in school I just didn't like doing homework. One time I gave my sister the peoples elbow on the school bus, but she totally deserved it.



Unconfirmed Member
Don't even know how many times I was grounded in my youth. I was a fucking idiot when I was younger & it wasn't due to a harsh upbringing.

Yeah, I'm from a small town, poor since all the mines & factories closed, where life can be hard in general, but I had parents who gave a shit about me & did the best they could. The problem was me.

Getting grounded was the ultimate punishment though. You could barely keep us in the house long enough to wolf down a quick meal before rushing out to gather with the crowd, hear all the news & get up to some mischief. Being kept indoors for even a week was crushing. A week? Who knows what could happen in a week. There was always something going on. Missing out on the latest excitement was just devastating.


Nope, never got grounded, they had better ways to deal with me when I fucked up.
But I was a pretty tame child, didnt do much I could have been grounded for.


Unconfirmed Member
Just occurred to me that grounding is not much of a threat anymore. My son's generation don't seem all that fussed about going out & getting up to stuff. They go out, but not all day every day like we did. Times have changed.


Grounded, not really but my parents especially my MOM kept us in line.
I grew up with 2 older brothers so she pretty much slapped us all around when we were little shits, it was well deserved every time and we never held it against her. I think it hurt her more than it actually hurt us .


I was never really grounded. But I got beaten by a belt if I was a bad boy. And I turned out okay.


grounded? yeah.

also I've met this guy over here


and this guy over here:


and mhk if you never got grounded for anything it means that you didn't do all the sidequests in your adventure.
Not really. Though the notion of actions -> consequences was frequently touched on. Not at all in a bad way. Mostly geared towards the curiosity and subsequent exploration of the world. Like with all things, moderation is healthy. Even an abundance of freedom can sort of come with its own issues, however late they make themselves known. Independence can also sometimes be surprisingly lonely.

Always hearing different stories from people and going through r/InsaneParents or r/RaisedByNarcissists can definitely be a trip.


Hold onto your panties
I just realized my parent never grounded me before when I was during that phase of my life. It struck me to be surprised about that phenomenon existing in such an open and free society like Western Countries.

Has anyone on GAF ever not experienced the process of being "grounded" by mommy and daddy?
Wrote a 'love letter ' to a mediocre crush in 9th grade using the lyrics "Stray Bullet" by KMFDM. The girl showed it to her grandmother who showed it to her Dad. I was called to the principals office the following day with the father demanding I be turned into the police. Ended up getting expelled for a month and nearly failed the 9th grade. Never did anything like that again.

funny thing...my parents didn't ground me as they felt the expulsion was enough and they thought that 'song lyrics' were barely justifiable as a threat letter.
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Lil’ Gobbie
My dad got so fed up with me for being an insolent shit head that one time he picked me up and threw me in the bathroom. I remember looking in the mirror with tears in my eyes and pretending I had been shot in the gut and was bleeding out all over the place, holden caulfield style
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I got grounded and whooped as a kid, though generally I called them beatings( it was with a belt). Mostly a good kid just had bad grades ( not that bad at the lowest usually a "C"). I do think the beatings were pointless since it never changed anything , just something that came around every report card. My mom did use the slipper on my younger siblings hands sometimes.
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