Cutty Flam

I am now inviting all dads (that I know of) to this thread. It is time. I’m going to need you guys to subscribe to Crunchy Roll, and read the manga of One Piece weekly

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I’m gonna need you to pass on this story of a lifetime to future generations manAnime, not even once.
I’m gonna need you to pass on this story of a lifetime to future generations man
We’ll set you up with a waifu who has enough milk to provide for a dozen newborns, CunthAny titties?
Usopp may have his haters, but they know. They know never to even think of picking a fight with the Almighty Soppmaster
Ceallach You wake up in the dead of night with little energy, scarcely enough to even lift a bottle of water to your lips to sip an eighth an ounce of water. Feverishly, you ache. And then all of a sudden, a rumbling and thunderous footsteps gather closer and closer to your door, before it is fully kicked off the hinges, glides over your head and takes off the top portion of your hair rendering you the ‘friar’ look. Your would-be petrified eyes (if not for the astronomical threat in front of you) dart frantically to the sight of Kratos and Zeus, chests heaving in anger / fists clenching with, pulsating veins and arms shivering with rage, angrily pointing at their kin Atreus, who lies below your bed with a blade deep in his deltoid. They are at full power. You are bedridden, with the strength of a soybean, even wakefulness alone being far too taxing to bear. Yet in front of you are two foes seething with the intention to annihilate, wanting nothing more than to unleash their full wrath upon you
Multiply the battle power of Kratos and Zues combined by about 8.3, and you have what it would be like to face Usoppon his bad day
You see,Fushitsusha ,
Ceallach hates Usopp, but he dares not disrespect him. The Sniper King is too modest. He feigns fearfulness, but in reality, Usopp has the ability to take on all the sea kings in the Grand Line, in a half asleep drunken stupor. It’s all part of the plan
Mihawk is an interesting character. He’s the strongest swordsman. But if you want my opinion, Shanks is on a completely different level. Based off what I’ve seen and know, and many other long time fans have seen, we can assume as much. There are a few instances in which this is made clear. I hope nobody will spoil it for you on youtube or anywhere (or maybe you are one who doesn’t mind looking forward into upcoming arcs) because there are some legendary arcs ahead with some admirable moments to witness. If you have found that One Piece is a highly enjoyable anime / manga experience, you’ll get there before you even know it and then soon after, finding yourself revisiting the crazy scenes and such all the time lmao. That’s just how it goes with One Piece. Once you see something insane you’re going to want to see it a dozen more times at least
With Shanks, it’s tough to say just how strong he is because we still know very little. But based off what I’ve seen and have considered, overall prowess, Shanks is a top 6 character. In my mind, based off of theories I think align with what is most likely accurate, his placement iscurrently the 3rd most powerful character in One Piece. But at that level, it’s a game of inches. He’s probably the greatest pirate alive currently, save Luffy, but Blackbeard is so treacherous and hard to read at this point that I suspect I could be wrong. And then there are two others...I have in mind. And then still, there are three others more currently ...It’s all very tough to say who is the strongest character and/or pirate. There has been just enough info to go off of, and contemplate this topic, but barely enough to come to any conclusive answers
But there is one character you must see. I would say that anyone who enjoys anime must see and know this character with full context. But unfortunately for most casual anime watchers, they will likely not reach that far in the anime
But I’d like to share a little story and song that sort of relate to the character I’m speaking of and how I feel. The character’s contributions and actions left such an impression upon me, that one day in the gym I played a song from the game, Shadow of the Colossus (PS2), and a certain part in the song reminded me mid-set of this character, and (his/her) unbelievable, enormous presence in the related arc to said character. I was doing heavy dumbell lunges, suffering or more accurately said, ‘enduring’ through these very strenuous working sets of walking lunges, trying to pull everything I had from the reserves of my will and spirit to stay in the zone and continue past the burn of those final reps, endure the microtearing of the prolonged eccentric part of the lunge and contract the muscles with all my concentration, sweat pouring and surrounding my skin like a full on layer of water. And when I heard this part in the song, it reminded me of said character and the legendary everything that had taken place and it all brought out within me the most insane willpower and strength to persevere to reach my goals and achieve. Seriously helped me tap into some Zoro level training intensity; since I had to endure crazy amounts of time under tension. Listen to 0:54 to about 1:42 — that part of the track makes me think of this character. Imagine a warrior so fierce and powerful, so above the rest that you almost wonder if human. Basically like witnessing several conquerers all in one. Ghenghis Khan + Alexander the Great + Attila the Hun but in One Piece form as a single protagonist/antagonist however you see it as. It’s like going up against an angel of death, seeing a demigod challenge men, fight men, yet this character is definitely human...Imagine that level. This character imo is the most impressive I have seen in my entire time watching various anime (although I hear Guts is otherworldly as well). It’s just fucking insane, this character. And all that this character has displayed in such short time. All in one arc. Fucking legendary. It’s just legendary, no other way to describe the statement this character made through all efforts. So amazing, that the arc passes by quicker than you can even realize; that’s how high in entertainment value it is. To me, at least it was. Man......
0:54 to 1:42
Stiflers Mom
King of Foxes
I am now inviting all dads (that I know of) to this thread. It is time. I’m going to need you guys to subscribe to Crunchy Roll, and read the manga of One Piece weekly
Don’t lie, if Usopp-senpai asked you on a date this would be youLol, you guys are dicks, No wonder you all love Usopp so much,
Look at his nose. Now imagine the dick. There is probably hentai of this.Our boy Usopp knows how to treat a woman. There will be no disappointments
His 8,000 subordinates are actually all female admirers truth be told
My friend sent me some One Piece hentai out of the blue yesterdayLook at his nose. Now imagine the dick. There is probably hentai of this.
Your ass better survive bruh, I’m only going to have like two people that I know of to discuss it all with once it ends. I’m not sure how many people on this site have caught up and are ready to go. My need is forI'll see the end before I die?
Seriously. The women in One Piece are gorgeousOda's female side characters are always so cute.
I'm convinced he started drawing Nami and Robin and everyone the way he does once he saw those figure checks start rolling in.
Long ring long land isn't fillerBaratie arc = 10/10
Dressrosa arc = 9.8/10
Drum Island arc = 10/10
Enies Lobby arc = 10/10
Fish-Man Island arc = 9.0/10
Impel Down arc = 10/10
Jaya arc = 8.9/10
Levely arc = 7.0/10
Little Garden arc = 7.4/10
Loguetown arc = 8.2/10
Long Ring Long Land arc (filler) = Did not rate
Marineford arc = 10/10
Orange Town arc = 6.7/10
Post-Enies Lobby arc = 10/10
Post-War arc = 8.5/10
Punk Hazard arc = 8.7/10
Return to Sabaody arc = 7.6/10
Reverse Mountain arc = 8.8/10
Romance Dawn arc = 10/10
There is only one Waifu and her name is Alvida. Dat devil fruit transformation....Shout out toSakura Doritos as well
The craziest mammal in the thread. Watching One Piece with his pants down and surfing the seas for waifu
I'm up to Wano, but out of One Piece until I get back.Your ass better survive bruh, I’m only going to have like two people that I know of to discuss it all with once it ends. I’m not sure how many people on this site have caught up and are ready to go. My need is forFushitsusha ,
brap ,
Ceallach to continue the voyage. Need others aboard too so when that day comes, we’re having a monstrous GAF banquet all across the forums discussing all the glorious days and times we had watching One Piece—discussing long into the nights and spilling drink on plenty of blouses. There will be a booth for One Piece tattoos as well, free of cost. I’m getting Usopp tatted on my forehead
Seriously. The women in One Piece are gorgeous
Me on the bottom right#2 Perona
Such an interesting Goth design, the queen of ghosts is the best.
Your ass better survive bruh, I’m only going to have like two people that I know of to discuss it all with once it ends. I’m not sure how many people on this site have caught up and are ready to go. My need is forFushitsusha ,
brap ,
Ceallach to continue the voyage. Need others aboard too so when that day comes, we’re having a monstrous GAF banquet all across the forums discussing all the glorious days and times we had watching One Piece—discussing long into the nights and spilling drink on plenty of blouses. There will be a booth for One Piece tattoos as well, free of cost. I’m getting Usopp tatted on my forehead
Wow you're right. I wonder why I thought it was? Maybe I accidentally read it or thought I had somewhere...Long ring long land isn't filler
Lmao aw hellll no man. Bitch looks like a damn barrel of fried cheese jalapeño poppers drenched in fucking lard. Coby needs to get his revenge on that disgusting + disguised Snorlax of a walrus if they ever meet at sea againThere is only one Waifu and her name is Alvida. Dat devil fruit transformation....
We don't know man, Luffy hasn't even gone on a date yet. Only certain females may have intel on his rubber woodHow long can Luffy stretch his dick?
Fuck yea dude. Which episode are you on?LOL, I'll try!!![]()
Fuck yea dude. Which episode are you on?
OHHHYEAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! Suuuuuperrrrr hyped about itAlabasta done. Hype me up for the next partCutty Flam ! How would you describe it?
My impression from this thread is thatOHHHYEAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! Suuuuuperrrrr hyped about itFushitsusha I hope you enjoyed it to its fullest. I tried to advise new fans earlier to have the patience in each arc; as it took me three sagas to realize that I missed out a slight bit, by not paying full attention at maybe a stretch of a few episodes or so in each of them. It wasn’t until the third saga I was actually confronted and taught by the anime itself (Oda really) that my lack of patience was a huge mistake; everything adds up
That’s a huge deal. Alabasta saga is pretty extensive. Would love to hear anything that stood out in your opinion (or anyone else’s if they’ve gotten as far) about the entire string of arcs before Alabasta and the Alabasta arc itself but the next saga is a very wild trip. Things are definitely amplified
I’ll try to give a spoiler-free little summary of what to expect next soon. I actually wrote a little summary but had to delete it because this upcoming saga should be something you see unfold for yourself. Very good saga. There’s a really cool arc with an outstanding fight (imo) preceding the main arc of the saga
It’s a memorable one for sure. Curious to hear what you think of it. I would hope others don’t spoil anything for you. I know I wanted to talk about it and give spoiler-free glimpses of what to expect but I ended up going a bit overboard myself
Would love to hear anything that stood out in your opinion (or anyone else’s if they’ve gotten as far) about the entire string of arcs before Alabasta and the Alabasta arc itself but the next saga is a very wild trip.
Crocodile and Nico Robin
My impression from this thread is thatSkypieaSky Island is where some quit watching or take an extended break? Along with your comment to have patience this actually makes me more curious if anything. I checked how you ranked it. Seems promising.
No one actually died lol. Pell, Chaka and Igaram. Pell was especially laughable how worthless he was. Stupid bird keeps getting shot and crashing. This got rectified later with the "ultimate sacrifice". He was a good character still. Queen being absent (photograph at the end). Poison and the handy antidote (Why not give it to him before the beatdown, story-wise? Luffy is a freak but he shouldn't be able to shake off being poisoned that easily. I get it though, showing his resolve and strength, but it removes some tension). Zoro's steel cutting technique. Nothing really significant haha, unless you had something specific in mind.
Crocodile was a cool villain. The best and most proper one so far? Good voice acting and a very cold, calculated manner especially and it was always "just one more episode" to see what his plans are. His scenes were something extra. Robin is useless so far just reading books for several episodes, rather have Vivi join. It was obvious she was not entirely on Croc's side, helping the team several times or on standby during confrontations. And being in the opening before things had concluded
A favorite thing is seeing the bounty for Luffy grow and everyone's reaction.![]()
I thought the same thing before I had given it a chance. I was watching Hunter x Hunter like the near the beginning to middle of it when one day my coworkers and I were all discussing One Piece. Only one of us (three of us total) were caught up in the anime (the friend who told me about it in the first place and had suggested it) and us other two were just talking about it deciding we'd both check out a random episode. Well later that day after work, I relaxed in my bed, put the wired ipod earbuds on and picked an episode at random. I picked episode 474, which I would later find out, happened to be where one of Luffy's most daring feats would take place. But to get back on point, I was heavily off-put by the looks of the anime. I thought it was strange at the time. I thought it was childish (mainly because at the time I watched that few seconds with English DUB of all things) and the characters were so different from any other cartoon or style I had seen that nothing really added up. It was very foreign to me at the time and I completely dismissed the anime after like idk maybe 20-30 seconds of checking out that episode at random. I even heavily ridiculed it with my friend who had also looked up some things the next day when we were all at work. It wasn't until like another 7 months or so maybe longer (after I had watched HxH) that I decided to give it a try. My fiend had told me that Luffy has as much resolve as Gon when I had asked him for a similar character to Gon. He put his fingers to his chin, looked up in though, and said "Luffy" and I was in disbelief but also sort of impressed at his answer (bc my friend is very concise and intelligent mathematics / hardcore deep thinking type) and I was more or less astounded that Luffy could even be close to Gon. Luffy looked like a little boy, just a kid. But at the time, I knew little about animeWhy is it so ugly?
Why is it so ugly?
Compared with what?The manga is certainly ugly most of the time.
Compared with what?
I just want to know what the comparison is? Obviously its not Berserk level, it will always be limited by the weekly time frameWith any well drawn manga.
A lot of times I don't even know what's happening in the manga because is so bloated and badly draw is not even funny.
Oda can make some beautiful illustrations DB style, but the manga itself isn't that well executed.
I've only recently started reading the manga last few months because the manga is a fair amount ahead of the anime, but Wano Kuni is gorgeously drawn and conceived. The world building and attention to detail is very high up thereWith any well drawn manga.
A lot of times I don't even know what's happening in the manga because is so bloated and badly draw is not even funny.
Oda can make some beautiful illustrations DB style, but the manga itself isn't that well executed.
LOL niiiiceeeCutty Flam , how about using this avatar for a while since it combines both your favourite things: One Piece & Hip-Hop