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Amazon.com reader reviews: "My Pet Goat"

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Presidential material, through and through!, July 6, 2004

After reading the enclosed story "The Pet Goat," I was stunned by its lyrical beauty and easy cadence. The tempo, the choice of words, and the layout on each page captured my imagination so much that it took me about seven minutes to recover my bearings.
I never like to read - I don' like to make my brain work that hard. But I think this is the most wonderful book in the world. When I was sittin' in that class, and Andy told me the US was under attack - why, I just had no idea what to do! I sat for a while waitin' for somebody to come and tell me what to do, but they did'n. Then I decided I just better do somethin' to make me look busy and like I knew whut I was doin'. So I picked up this book and acted like I was readin' it. I think the kids where real impressed that I was readin'. But what I don' understand is why that teacher was zoomin' that camera in on my face the whole time.
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