And going through the summer deals for kindle, there are two books I bought a couple weeks ago but haven't read yet that are on sale. :lol Figures with my luck!
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Was it literally beginning of sentence to end of sentence, like to the period? I've never seen a problem with that but with video reviews it will hope a word in either direction at times for seemingly no reason.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:And going through the summer deals for kindle, there are two books I bought a couple weeks ago but haven't read yet that are on sale. :lol Figures with my luck!
Help Me! said:I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question. When I tried to highlight a sentence, only the first and last word were highlighted. Does this help?
"Hopping" would be the perfect way to describe how the highlighting on the new Nook looked.
Maybe Amazon will pricematch?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Didn't realize you were talking about the new nook, I got confused. Sorry about that! And no they won't pricematch since they only do returns within 7 days and it's been like 2 weeks. It's only couple bucks but just funny that when I finally caved and bought some early to have them on the device those are the ones on sale.
I just tried it out and I didn't have any trouble at all. It's as intuitive as text selection on an iPad, and I was able to select the desired text right away without any jumpiness. Maybe there was something glitchy about the model you were testing on.Help Me! said:I will agree with this. Even highlighting words was difficult. Trying to highlight entire passages was damn impossible for me. The "highlighting" was jumpy and at the end the screen would look something like this:
Some people have a difficult time with the highlighting feature.
Where I wanted to highlight the entire sentence, but only the first and last words would be highlighted. Really frustrating. I tried to get it to work for a few minutes, too. Until the person behind me started getting antsy, and I gave up.
The touch isn't about trying be more like an iPhone or playing around menus so much as it is about eliminating the keyboard, uncluttering the face, and reducing the weight. All you have is what you need: text. Kinda like a book.womp said:As for the interface, outside the original Nook's horrible one, they are pretty redundant at this point since you will be spending the bulk of your time reading and not playing around in menus much. This isn't an iPhone after all.
That said, Kindle 3 works works perfectly fine with its D-Pad/center button. If you want touch that badly, well, here ya go....But I think the above things are more important at this point of the game.
New interface is all that ever changes with these devices. From Kindle 1 to 2 to 3 to Nook to Kobo to Sony, e-ink tech is largely unchanged for years, so new hardware updates the UI instead. And that's all we consumers really can compare from one device to the next. None of them have any differences that are remotely 'drastic'. Once you've seen one you've seen them all.manics said:Once you get down to reading a book on the device, does the new Nook REALLY make it any easier to read? The screen in the same as Kindle 3. Sure there's less black screen flash, but is this a huge annoyance for you? I'm reading far more books and far more quickly than I ever have before with the Kindle. I don't see that the new Nook will be a drastic change other than their new interface with pretty pictures.
Carlisle said:I just tried it out and I didn't have any trouble at all. It's as intuitive as text selection on an iPad, and I was able to select the desired text right away without any jumpiness. Maybe there was something glitchy about the model you were testing on.
I know your pain. E-ink is the same and will provide largely the same reading experience on just about every device. So it comes down to weighing all the tiny little differences against each other. And they're so minimal it's hard to decide which to give a crap about. I went through the same thing a couple years ago when I decided on my first Nook.Help Me! said:I'll check out another store, just to be sure, but I thought it felt kinda flimsy, too. Choosing an e-reader is turning into much more work than it needs to be. lol
smhBigNastyCurve said:Kindle is the only way to go![]()
Help Me! said:Went back to Target to futz around with the Kindle again. I think I like it better than the Nook, but no touch screen kinda sucks for navigating footnotes, chapters, etc. I'm not getting an e-reader until next month, so I guess I have time to decide.
I like Amazon better than B&N-- maybe that's the answer.
commish said:Here's a pretty good review.
Theyre unquestionably trying to cause confusion in the market, presumably to increase their chances.
Yep. That's why I got a Kindle. Of course I like the device, but hardware/UI is always subject to change. The "platform" was the bigger choice for me.Help Me! said:I like Amazon better than B&N-- maybe that's the answer.
VistraNorrez said:You might be better off going with a better ecosystem. Hardware is changing pretty often now and getting cheaper even faster.
Fjordson said:Yep. That's why I got a Kindle. Of course I like the device, but hardware/UI is always subject to change. The "platform" was the bigger choice for me.
Though it's worth noting that my e-reader usage is pretty simple. I've never really cared about stuff like ePub or annotations and whatnot. Just need the eInk screen and decent prices for novels.
Carlisle said:The touch isn't about trying be more like an iPhone or playing around menus so much as it is about eliminating the keyboard, uncluttering the face, and reducing the weight. All you have is what you need: text. Kinda like a book.
Carlisle said:I'm extremely jealous of Amazon's CS and returns policy though. I think BN makes you pay $30 for the same kind of service for 2 years. I've got 2 weeks to decide if I want it... Bleh, can't make up my mind.
I grabbed it when it was temporarily free a while back. Seems pretty popular, but I didn't get into it enough to read the later books. Starts off with a combination of myth and reality, but seems to completely drop the reality along the way.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Has anyone read The Paradise War: Book One in The Song of Albion Trilogy? I'm wondering if I should get it while it's on sale.
Downloaded Moby Dick from Project Gutenberg as Mobi:Help Me! said:Good points. I guess I just trust Amazon more. Plus, I like the Kindle a smidge better. I hope Father's Day brings a price cut.
Sorry for the bump/edit, but I have a quick question about conversion software:
When converting from Mobi to ePub to LIT, does the layout, structure, etc. change in anyway by converting the text to a new format? Does the process fuck it up in any way?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Has anyone read The Paradise War: Book One in The Song of Albion Trilogy? I'm wondering if I should get it while it's on sale.
Manics said:$1.99 man, grab it, you spend more on a burger. ;-)
commish said:That's pretty much my position on 99% of my iOS purchases![]()
Wow, I just looked at the top 80 and wasn't even remotely interested in a single book...Zaraki_Kenpachi said:And going through the summer deals for kindle, there are two books I bought a couple weeks ago but haven't read yet that are on sale. :lol Figures with my luck!
You must have missed the book on OasisMeier said:Wow, I just looked at the top 80 and wasn't even remotely interested in a single book...
outunderthestars said:The L.A. Noire collection is free for a limited time. Has some of the best pulp/hard boiled authors all in one place!
HiroProtagonist said:Downloaded Moby Dick from Project Gutenberg as Mobi:
Moby Dick in Mobi format
Fetched Metadata in calibre - with no other editing.
Converted MOBI to EPUB:
Moby Dick in EPUB format
Converted EPUB to lit:
Moby Dick in LIT format
I'm not sure why you'd want to end with a .lit file. They are not well supported, and take twice as long to convert.
Manics said:You must have missed the book on Oasis
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
This one?
Anyone recommend any books that are on sale?
Amen.womp said:I have the Nook, Nook Color and Kindle 3 in my surrounding family, they are all great for their own reasons. The fact the choice is so hard and there are options for everyone's personal outlook is IMO the greatest part of all this.
I hear you. My fiancee reads on her Nook Color while I read on my e-ink Nook. At night I have my crappy little clamp-on light to read while hers is in full backlit glory. However, the other day we did a bit of outdoor reading and I could barely see her screen at all while mine was as clear as the blue sky we were sitting underwomp said:My wife reads her Nook Color while I read my Kindle 3. The only thing that seriously makes me jealous is how she can read it easier in the dark/in bed at night. Sure I have that little LED on my leather case but...It just isn't the same.
Ah, my bad.Manics said:LOL, no man I just made it up cause Meier is a big Oasis (the band) fan.
Carlisle said:I hear you. My fiancee reads on her Nook Color while I read on my e-ink Nook. At night I have my crappy little clamp-on light to read while hers is in full backlit glory. However, the other day we did a bit of outdoor reading and I could barely see her screen at all while mine was as clear as the blue sky we were sitting underGoes both ways. Sadly, most of our reading is done at night in bed so she wins
VistraNorrez said:Maybe I'm the weird one but I have no desire to have a backlight reading device. I'm perfectly happy keeping a lamp on or using a book light before I go to bed. I hate staring into an LCD screen, a foot and a half from my face, in an otherwise completely dark room. For whatever reason my eyes don't want to blink and they feel all fucked up after a while.
VistraNorrez said:Maybe I'm the weird one but I have no desire to have a backlight reading device. I'm perfectly happy keeping a lamp on or using a book light before I go to bed. I hate staring into an LCD screen, a foot and a half from my face, in an otherwise completely dark room. For whatever reason my eyes don't want to blink and they feel all fucked up after a while.
Musan said:
A thorough comparison between the nook and the kindle. Bottom line is that while nook has better hardware, kindle has the better ecosystem and services.
outunderthestars said:The L.A. Noire collection is free for a limited time. Has some of the best pulp/hard boiled authors all in one place!
commish said:Yeah, I posted that review a couple of posts up above
I'm guessing the lack of the amazon ecosystem will be less of a drawback for would-be Nook purchasers now that the Nook has been rooted and able to run Android apps. Can't be long before it is running the Kindle program, which would give Nook users the best of both worlds.
commish said:
Help Me! said:Does rooting void the warranty? Probably a dumb question, but I'm pretty techstoopid.
commish said:Can't be long before it is running the Kindle program, which would give Nook users the best of both worlds.
VistraNorrez said:Yay more Nook talk in the Kindle thread.
It will not give you the best of both worlds. A major part of what makes Kindle CS so great is how well they respond to problems with the hardware.