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Amazon Kindle |OT| of eInk superiority

No charge?

I think Amazon gives you one free replacement, no questions asked. The next replacement would still be heavily-discounted.

Anyone have impressions of the Kindle Touch with special offers?

Do the offers come up in the middle of page turns or something or is it worth it to shell out an extra $40 to avoid them?

I jailbroke my Kindle to have custom screensavers, but I disabled that for the special offer subscription. They only show up as a screensaver, or at the bottom of the Table of Contents (Home) page; never while reading. They'll save you a lot of money in the long run.


Just found out that they don't sell the Kindle Touch in Canada. The fuck is this.

edit: or the Nook! Come on!

They probably will eventually, but if not just head on over the border, you're close enough. My brother in law got his cousin to bring up the Nook touch for him.

lawblob said:
Amazon is awesome. 5 minute phone call is all it took to convince them to send me a new Kindle to replace the one my wife stepped on in heels and broke. One day shipping, no less!

Told ya, Amazon is very fair about these things. If you start to make it a habit though they'll be less forgiving.
I'm just not happy with the Kindle Touch so far.

1) I can't seem to download my existing content. It keeps saying pending and nothing ever shows. Even after a reboot of the device.

2) I seem to always have to enter my WiFi password for some reason. How come it's not saving that?


I'm just not happy with the Kindle Touch so far.

1) I can't seem to download my existing content. It keeps saying pending and nothing ever shows. Even after a reboot of the device.

2) I seem to always have to enter my WiFi password for some reason. How come it's not saving that?

You'll need to download them from your Archived items.

No idea, it should save it. Maybe there's a check box you missed?
So I finally translated my dad's Kindle 3 to Spanish, it was easy and fast. :D

Now that it's jailbreak'd, what else can I do to it that is useful?


I'm just not happy with the Kindle Touch so far.

1) I can't seem to download my existing content. It keeps saying pending and nothing ever shows. Even after a reboot of the device.

2) I seem to always have to enter my WiFi password for some reason. How come it's not saving that?

Sounds like you just have a dud. Call Amazon support I bet it'll sort it out.
I just got $30 in iTunes gift cards from my grandparents for Christmas and I don't use iTunes for anything. I'll probably just give them to my family, but before I do is it possible to buy books from iTunes and convert them to be usable on Kindle? I know Calibre can convert ebooks but I can't seem to find whether it's possible to do it to read iBooks on Kindle.
I just got $30 in iTunes gift cards from my grandparents for Christmas and I don't use iTunes for anything. I'll probably just give them to my family, but before I do is it possible to buy books from iTunes and convert them to be usable on Kindle? I know Calibre can convert ebooks but I can't seem to find whether it's possible to do it to read iBooks on Kindle.

Not worth it.

Find someone who wants an iTunes gift card and trade them for Kindle.
What are the default font, spacing, and size settings on the Kindle Touch. Been searching the web for a while and can't find such a simple piece of information. Please Halp!


My mom got me the lighted Touch case for Xmas, and of course it didn't work. :( My poor Touch shall remain caseless for a while still.
PD James's Death Comes To Pemberley is Amazon UK's book of the day. It's not great but it's a good read for people who like Pride & Prejudice.

They're also doing 12 days of deals starting on the 26th. A Game of Thrones already looks to be discounted to £1.99, so take that for what it's worth.

Anyone else here doing any deal hunting for books? I'd like to get The Hunger Games on the cheap if I can. I was put off by the fact that it's a young adult novel but my lit friends won't shut up about it.


I just got $30 in iTunes gift cards from my grandparents for Christmas and I don't use iTunes for anything. I'll probably just give them to my family, but before I do is it possible to buy books from iTunes and convert them to be usable on Kindle? I know Calibre can convert ebooks but I can't seem to find whether it's possible to do it to read iBooks on Kindle.

Doesn't Apple use ePub? You can convert those, but there's probably some kind of drm too.
Yep drm, definitely will prevent you. I don't think you can strip it either. The current eBook market has incredibly high walls so it doesn't seem immediately apparent to me how to get iTunes purchases onto Kindle. And frankly, if I had to pick one, it's Amazon. Tends to be cheaper, plus it works on Android devices.


We got my grandpa the kindle and he really likes it. I love how small it is, might actually replace my kindle keyboard. My mom got my a jar that counts change and it turns out I saved up about 80 bucks over the past couple of months. Might just buy it for myself.


Just got a $79 Kindle. What kindle cases would you all recommend to use? Light attachments?

If you can afford it, go with the official lighted case. Yea, it's pricey and it's nearly the price of the Kindle ($60), but it's worth it. Most of the people that complain about it generally haven't used the lighted case.

Well, it's basically this: if you do a lot of reading in low light situations, get the lighted case. If not (or you rather turn on a lamp), just buy another, cheaper case.
Just got a $79 Kindle. What kindle cases would you all recommend to use? Light attachments?
Pretty much what was already said - only get the lighted case if you know you won't just turn on a different light or what have you. Personally I didn't see the need for it.

bob page

Yeah I don't really see the need for a case on the $79 kindle- the device isn't worth enough for me to invest in a case and it's built pretty well.


Seriously, the screen on this thing is amazing. My mind was so blown when I first ripped off the screen protector film and realized that the instructions for removing it wasn't on the film but displayed on the screen itself.

It also displays PDFs much better than I thought it would. As long as you strip margins and headers and footer they are well readable even on the rather small screen. I'm so pleased with this thing!
Hey KindleGaf - I wrote a book for NaNoWriMo 2010 (that I then revised and edited) that I've recently made available on Amazon for the Kindle.

Now thanks to Amazon's new Kindle Direct Publishing Select, indie authors can make their books free for up to 5 days during any 90 day period.
So from today through Thursday (12/29) my novel A Selective History of Max Werner will be free: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006J7CD26/?tag=neogaf0e-20

If you're interested, here's a little more about the book:

It's a young adult novel about a teenager named Max Werner who can see in the dark. When the book starts, he uses this ability to steal and generally be a nusiance.
This all changes when his little sister blackmails him and makes him bring her along. Things get more interesting from there, with a few sci-fi/fantasy things thrown in.
It's not meant to be some great literary work, but hopefully you'll find it as entertaining and funny as I did writing it.

If you're into this sort of thing, some of the inspirations for this book were Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Don Quixote, Oliver Twist, and The Graveyard Book (Please note
that by listing these books as inspiration I am by no means saying my book is as good).

One thing worth mentioning is that the book contains a lot of footnotes that are critical to the humor, which I know can be a bit of a pain to read on the Kindle,
but hopefully the formatting is good enough to not interfere with the reading experience (If anyone has done their own Kindle formatting I'd be interested in any tips or
feedback you might have). Also, I'm not sure how many people here have published books on Amazon, but I'd be happy to answer any questions about the process.

So that's it - I hope anyone who decides to grab it enjoys it!


Hey KindleGaf - I wrote a book for NaNoWriMo 2010 (that I then revised and edited) that I've recently made available on Amazon for the Kindle.

Now thanks to Amazon's new Kindle Direct Publishing Select, indie authors can make their books free for up to 5 days during any 90 day period.
So from today through Thursday (12/29) my novel A Selective History of Max Werner will be free: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006J7CD26/?tag=neogaf0e-20

If you're interested, here's a little more about the book:

It's a young adult novel about a teenager named Max Werner who can see in the dark. When the book starts, he uses this ability to steal and generally be a nusiance.
This all changes when his little sister blackmails him and makes him bring her along. Things get more interesting from there, with a few sci-fi/fantasy things thrown in.
It's not meant to be some great literary work, but hopefully you'll find it as entertaining and funny as I did writing it.

If you're into this sort of thing, some of the inspirations for this book were Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Don Quixote, Oliver Twist, and The Graveyard Book (Please note
that by listing these books as inspiration I am by no means saying my book is as good).

One thing worth mentioning is that the book contains a lot of footnotes that are critical to the humor, which I know can be a bit of a pain to read on the Kindle,
but hopefully the formatting is good enough to not interfere with the reading experience (If anyone has done their own Kindle formatting I'd be interested in any tips or
feedback you might have). Also, I'm not sure how many people here have published books on Amazon, but I'd be happy to answer any questions about the process.

So that's it - I hope anyone who decides to grab it enjoys it!

Thanks for the free book... I'll check it out when I have the time. :)
Thanks for the free book... I'll check it out when I have the time. :)

Good for you! "Bought." I'm glad to see more authors exploring YA writing.

Cool, thanks! It's funny because at this point in my life (where writing is just a hobby) I would prefer it if Amazon would let me list a book for free all the time instead of requiring a price. I would much rather see dozens or hundreds of people read my book for free rather than have 1/100th of the readers but make a few bucks.

Plus, with all the classics for free, it's not like letting indies go free would hurt the market.


aka andydumi
Hey KindleGaf - I wrote a book for NaNoWriMo 2010 (that I then revised and edited) that I've recently made available on Amazon for the Kindle.

Cool, I am going to read it and give a review. Looking forward to it.

Needed something lighter to sandwich between my current read, Kafka's Trial and my next in line, Storm of Swords.
So I'm a european that loves reading books in english. My biggest problem with doing this is when I have to look up words in a dictionary too much. I've experienced this alot when reading the Song of Ice and Fire books.

Is the dictionary in this thing good?

Is it a good device for a european?

Is the Kindle Touch the best one to choose or is the no touch-screen version better? I saw that it had better reviews.

Also, is it worth it to get the version with no adds?


I'm european too and english is not my native language. The dictionary is great, you just put the cursor on the word you want to look up and it shows you the dictionary entry. There are even dictionaries out there that show you translations. I guess it's a great way to improve your english skills.
I'm european too and english is not my native language. The dictionary is great, you just put the cursor on the word you want to look up and it shows you the dictionary entry. There are even dictionaries out there that show you translations. I guess it's a great way to improve your english skills.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too! Dictionary on the fly.
I'm european too and english is not my native language. The dictionary is great, you just put the cursor on the word you want to look up and it shows you the dictionary entry. There are even dictionaries out there that show you translations. I guess it's a great way to improve your english skills.

If you read books in other languages can you have multiple dictionaries? For example if I read a French book can I have a french dictionary and while reading a Spanish book have a spanish dictionary pop up?


Ended up ordering the $79 kindle. Got my kindle keyboard and case sold off. Hopefully I get to read a bit more during winter break.
They should implement footnotes the same way. The current way is cumbersome, but allowing a popup at the top/bottom with the footnote information makes a ton of sense.

I completely agree! I have found that with the Kindle Touch (just got one for Christmas) jumping to footnotes isn't too bad, but it requires a super precise touch to make sure you don't start highlighting. I've also noticed that if you hold the tap just a half-second too long it brings up the definition instead of jumping to the note, which is annoying.

Still, the dictionary implementation is really nice. I wish I had it when reading Oliver Twist a few months back. So many of the archaic words Dickens was throwing out had me jumping to my phone every few pages to look stuff up.

el retorno de los sapos said:
If you read books in other languages can you have multiple dictionaries? For example if I read a French book can I have a french dictionary and while reading a Spanish book have a spanish dictionary pop up?

That's an interesting question. If no one else has answered by the time I get home I'll give this a try and let you know.


aka andydumi
I think you can have multiples. You can even have custom ones.

Apparently, there is a fan made dictionary for the Game of Thrones universe. Its mostly names and locations to give a quick memory jolt but it works the same as any other dictionary.
Ended up ordering the $79 kindle. Got my kindle keyboard and case sold off. Hopefully I get to read a bit more during winter break.

Yeah, I picked up the $79 dollar one as well, will be here tomorrow! : )

For those of you who have the $79 dollar one, like it well enough? Screen size okay, etc.?


Yeah, I picked up the $79 dollar one as well, will be here tomorrow! : )

For those of you who have the $79 dollar one, like it well enough? Screen size okay, etc.?

Screen size is the same as all the other Kindles, except the DX, dating back to the Kindle1. It's a good screen size as long as all you're doing is text. Anything to do with graphics (comics, pdf's, etc) would require a larger screen and/or higher resolution.

(Can't wait for Color E-Ink kindles!)


paid requisite penance
2 questions to people who own David Sheff's Game Over:
- Does the content of the Kindle edition correspond to the latest paperback edition?
- What's the difference between the original paperback edition and the second? Like, assuming the Kindle edition is the same as the first edition, can I still go with it without losing out too much?
Got a kindle for christmas! At first I was kind of meh about it but now I'm ecstatic! I love downloading samples and having all my books in one place! My only gripe with mine is it is not touch screen.

Right now im reading the Hobbit. What's everyone reading? Would love to read a damn fine book in any genre when I finish.


Can you jailbreak an ad supported Kindle Touch and have multiple screensavers? I've looked around but I seem to keep finding this assertion that you'd have one screensaver and that's it. Unless you pay Amazon to make your Kindle non-ad supported.
Got a kindle for christmas! At first I was kind of meh about it but now I'm ecstatic! I love downloading samples and having all my books in one place! My only gripe with mine is it is not touch screen.

Right now im reading the Hobbit. What's everyone reading? Would love to read a damn fine book in any genre when I finish.

I grabbed a bunch of the free classics straight away, but the first thing I'm going to read is Sherlock Holmes. I am ashamed to say I've never read any Holmes stories so I'm really excited to get started. (I'm reading a hardcover copy of The Moon is A Harsh Mistress so I won't start Sherlock Holmes until I finish that)

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Apparently, there is a fan made dictionary for the Game of Thrones universe. Its mostly names and locations to give a quick memory jolt but it works the same as any other dictionary.

I need this. Someone please link to it.
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