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American Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterror Operation

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Water is not wet!
I think the biggest difference with this particular incident versus others is that most presidents are afforded the benefit of the doubt about this kind of stuff early on in their administrations because they've exercised some modicum of good judgment.

Whereas Trump has exercised questionable judgment at best with almost all of his decisions and policy-making, hence if a commando mission goes south and American soldiers and innocent women and children die, it's going to be normal to second guess it. Especially when you know this administration will happily lie on just about anything. They would tell us that they acquired “the capture of information that will likely provide insight into the planning of future terror plots” whether they found a bunch of Al Qaeda elites planning an attack on a highly-populated Western landmark or a bunch of civvies doing nothing but living their day-to-day lives in peace.

When you show so little regard for facts, all of your decisions are going to be doubted and scrutinized.

Agreed completely.


Why not tell Saudi Arabia to use its own troops?
We shouldn't lower ourselves and drop down to their level. We shouldn't strive to act like the GOP at all, in fact.

We should. We should be ruthless, heartless and blood-thirty in a way that will make their buttholes tighten, and we need to destroy them and burn all their houses to the fucking ground.

But that's another discussion really.

Anyway, I admit my ignorance. I knew there were drone strikes in the region, but I didn't know that we had any feet on ground in any capacity.
Why the fuck are we doing Saudi Arabia's dirty work? The fight in Yemen does not involve us, and it's a cluster fuck of murdering civilians by a disgusting, totalitarian, theocracy.
in Yemen you need Saudi Arabia to fuck off and separate the country in North and South again. Also stop bombing the people fighting ISIS and AL Qaeda.


Washington Post says this was planned for months, not sure we can really blame Trump. Unless he made a rash decision about it, which is totally within the realm of possibility.
Gotta suck getting blood on your hands for the first time.

I wonder how he's dealing with it. He's pretty emotionally fragile.

Respects to the deceased.
Washington Post says this was planned for months, not sure we can really blame Trump. Unless he made a rash decision about it, which is totally within the realm of possibility.

Depends on how important the raid is but these things always get a go/no go right before executing. Even if they have been planners for months, like the Bin Laden raid.



I'm sure the Seals were well briefed on their new ROE and expectations.

Last time Delta went into Raqqa and killed 0 civilians. This time Seals are sent to unleash American carnage on women and children.


Any evidence that its actually his fault?
I mean sure, as Commander in Chief he ultimately is responsible, but could this have happened just as well to Obama?
Who said anything about this being Trumps fault? You seem to be rushing to defend him for some reason.
Yemen is crazy, you have goat farmers in flip flops destroying Saudi Abrams tanks launching missiles at US navy destroyers and sinking UAE navy ships while also fighting against Al Qaeda.
I hope the family finds peace. What a nightmare.
The hell? Yemen? Did we have known operations going on there?
Really, people are that oblivious to everything Obama was doing mucking around there? You know, the massive Saudi Arabian disaster that his administration helped create? The actual war crimes that have been perpetrated with our weapons and by our "allies?"

Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Saudis.
oh yeah.. the President has said he wants to kill innocents on purpose, and now his army is doing exactly that. what kind of state does that make the US?
Oh please. We had a US-made bomb dropped on a funeral in Yemen three and a half months ago which killed dozens of civilians, and now you're worried about the USA killing civilians?

Give me a break.
Any evidence that its actually his fault?
I mean sure, as Commander in Chief he ultimately is responsible, but could this have happened just as well to Obama?

No fault was offered in the first place.

The article specifically stated that its the first operation he oversaw.
Just the way you read it, you make the connection between the failure and Trump.

Not really.

The military's Joint Special Operations Command had been planning the mission for months, according to three senior American officials. Obama administration aides had deliberated extensively over the proposed operation, weighing the value of any information that might be recovered against the risk to the Special Operations forces plunging into hostile territory. But administration officials ultimately opted to hand the decision on the mission to their successors.

You have jumped to defend against allegations that had yet to appear. Calm.

I know the temptation to bash Trump at every opportunity is there, but its not the way to go.

Stretching to the opposite side isn't rigorous either.


It's a shame this serviceman died on this operation. Yemen is, and remains, a horrible situation.
The situation is extremely bad in Yemen right now. I have heard that the houthi group started forcing minors(as young as 11 years old) and young men to fight for them in Sanaa. People have not gotten their salaries in over 4 months because of huge corruption and also moving the central bank to Aden that is currently controlled by the previous government. People are literally starving in the streets of Sanaa because of the sanctions but also the because of the deteriorating the situation there.

What's the worse thing in all of this is that the world turned it's back on Yemen. Saudi Arabia is covering it's tracks with it's war crimes in Yemen that they commit basically everyday, and no one is giving amnesty to Yemenis anywhere. It's heart breaking and I really wish they got half the attention Syrians are getting right(not that the attention they are getting is bad or anything like that).


The only thing I hope for is now he has to meet the family of that fallen soldier. I wonder if he will tell them he prefers soldiers who don't get killed, or maybe now he will realize he in is now directly responsible for these types of things.
The only thing I hope for is now he has to meet the family of that fallen soldier. I wonder if he will tell them he prefers soldiers who don't get killed, or maybe now he will realize he in is now directly responsible for these types of things.

He can pay his respects, then talk about how big his crowds were, and how smart he was for giving an OK to the operation that obama was soft balling by using drones.
I wonder if he thought it would be a clean operation he could boast about it: obama said no on this one, I said yes, huge results, we got them all, zero casualties.
Then when the results came in everyone winced the draft tweet was binned and no some poor pentagon sod owns it.


The only thing I hope for is now he has to meet the family of that fallen soldier. I wonder if he will tell them he prefers soldiers who don't get killed, or maybe now he will realize he in is now directly responsible for these types of things.

Honestly wondering if he knows he is supposed to meet the family?


will gain confidence one day
It's hard to accept that a death like this was necessary or worth respecting when so many civilians were killed, and we can't even be sure for what purpose.

I feel for the family of the soldier; they needed him more than the state did.
Sometimes it feels like not enough people realize we've kept on doing shitty things to the rest of the world for the past 8 years even after Bush 2 left office.

I assume these numbers are bombs that we actually dropped ourselves right? Because like in the case of Yemen, our involvement would probably go far beyond that 35 strikes listed given all the weaponry we provided the Saudi-coalition.

Remember by the way, to the sadly uninformed, Rand Paul and Chris Murphy tried to prevent the sale of $1.15 billion in arms to the Saudis and your Senators voted 71-27 against them, in favor of selling the Saudis more of our weaponry to butcher the people of Yemen.


Yemen was one of my biggest disappointments in regards to President Obama. He had us aiding and abetting Saudi war crimes and talked very little of the humanitarian crisis he was directly spurring with our money and our bombs.

Sad how Yemen got so little attention the last couple years. Even here on GAF the threads were mostly ignored.
Why not tell Saudi Arabia to use its own troops?

ITT people don't know that Yemen has seen newer both US and SA incursions since 2015 that are still ongoing. That war is still a thing, and probably one of the better reasons to keep Saudi Arabia as an ally for a bit. (something about a ban...)

I always love hearing Americans going "ah we're totally going kick ass somewhere" and then discover they don't know the many ongoing conflicts their country is already engaged in that they're not winning and are probably not winnable in any way or form.

Not to sound like I'm quoting a certain political entity, but it is a sad thing.

oh, and while we're on it: Egypt, Iraq, Libia, Afghanistan, and others are also still in either active or passive stages of conflict. None of those countries are 'back on track' in a way that a Western nation would see it. And of course, Syria is straight up ablaze.


If he approved something with a low chance of success without casualty?
When people are shooting, there is always a risk.

Edit: the commando knew what he signed up for, the much bigger tragedy is 16 dead woman and children who never signed up for anything.


Not criticise Trump for this? What? As president of the United States of America he's formally the highest ranking individual in the military. As such it's his goddamn job to take the public blame for this. It's literally part of what he gets paid for.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
So they didn't even capture anyone? What kinda Intel are they hoping to gain then? Just use a damn drone if all you want to do is kill people.

Either they did capture somebody and its intel they won't share or this could of been done with a drone strike but Trump prefers to put boots on the ground.....


Either they did capture somebody and its intel they won't share or this could of been done with a drone strike but Trump prefers to put boots on the ground.....
They took computers and drives, they needed people on the ground. Who knows if they took any people but they got stuff, they didn't come back empty handed.
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