I really wish Ryan Murphy would turn down his style a few notches, and I think every single season could have been amazing. Some good ideas, great actors and interesting mash-ups, but everything after season 1, I think, is overstylized to its own detriment. The execution of the ideas comes across as more and more awkward every season. Part of it is probably the director of photography as well. The teasers for each season are almost always great and well received, as well, which makes me wonder why they don't inject some more of that tone and style into the show itself. Obviously, those are super short, and they are making a full tv series, but the ethos presented in the teasers and the final product is very very different. The last season I watched to completion was Coven, by the way.
A year off between seasons would also do wonders.
With all that said, I still check in for at least a few episodes each season because i really do still want to like it. I may even finish up Hotel at some point. It seemed to offer at least a few interesting visuals, but Freak Show didn't even have that, for me.