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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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As long as it's the animals doing the murdering it's ok? Isn't that what happens in Zoo?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

The dentist doesn't deny it. The dentist doesn't deny that they lured the animal out. The only thing the dentist said is that he "had permits" which is being shown to be not true.

Which part of this are you not getting? Because seriously, where I'm sitting, you're looking like an idiot for defending this guy. The guy was literally, squarely in the wrong every fucking step of the way. Every. Step. From not having permits to hunt on EITHER land all the way through to shooting the animal in the head and then having to go find it to put it out of it's misery.

Every. Step.

Stop defending him and this entire situation. You're wrong, sorry dude.

Can you kill African lions in places other than Africa?

This question is COMPLETELY irrelevant for the situation at hand. As for can you, I'm sure under certain circumstances, probably. I am willing to say with confidence that "hunting" is not one of those circumstances.

So should every employee who works for Koch Industries be fired because the Koch brothers are horrible people?

No, but I wouldn't be upset if they were "put out of a job", IE the Koch bitches lost all of their money. The Koch brothers have no worth to this country. That's for another thread, however.


Brian Burke punched my mom
How long before the internet finds out where his kids go to school???

Maybe if you'd visit the dentist now and then, you'd know they have receptionists and assistants.


No, are you?

Holy shit, I hope no one ever makes the mistake of bringing you in to a jury.

Who said he shouldn't go to jail. People shouldn't attack his business. DUH.

You have emotional issue dude. Therapy might help with that.

I heard hunting is a great release for aggression.

Juniors get longer leashes now?


So by that definition our ancestors were all mentally insane for surviving.

You can't just throw away millions of years of evolution. There are ways to enjoy hunting that's sustainable and humane with respect for the life you take.

Obviously this is not one of those ways.

I hope you don't eat any meat too btw

oh, I didn't realise hunting endangered animals for the sake of a trophy was now equally moral to hunting and eating meat for survival. lmao, nice false equivalence
This man most probably deserves it. But I still don't like internet hate mobs. And innocent until proven guilty is still a thing.

Succinct & correct. We should hold off on the vitriol. And yes, I know that I can get heated on these boards as well.

There is a story here, and I hope the courts get the truth.


People like this assflaw do not hide their wanna be alpha sides.
If you were around him you know what he did, you knew of his "passion" for these excursions.
There is such a thing as guilt by association.
People make choices constantly through their lives, and ignoring or turning a blind eye to someone like this and choosing to work for them is such a time.

So should every employee who works for Koch Industries be fired because the Koch brothers are horrible people?


As someone who grew up hunting and who's whole family hunts, fuck that guy. Don't kill a research animal, you know what your going after. It wasn't some mystery what you shot at.


What the fuck is wrong with you?

The dentist doesn't deny it. The dentist doesn't deny that they lured the animal out. The only thing the dentist said is that he "had permits" which is being shown to be not true.

Which part of this are you not getting? Because seriously, where I'm sitting, you're looking like an idiot for defending this guy. The guy was literally, squarely in the wrong every fucking step of the way. Every. Step. From not having permits to hunt on EITHER land all the way through to shooting the animal in the head and then having to go find it to put it out of it's misery.

Every. Step.

Stop defending him and this entire situation. You're wrong, sorry dude.

Weird post to quote.

So far nothing has been said about his permits from official releases that I can see. He isn't responsible for knowing the property owners quota situation. Zimbabwe authorities have not charged anyone with illegal baiting and have not charged him at all for anything.

It sounds very unlikely that the hunt was illegal, but so far nothing the Zimbabwe authorities are saying makes it clear this dentist was culpable.



oh, I didn't realise hunting endangered animals for the sake of a trophy was now equally moral to hunting and eating meat for survival. lmao, nice false equivalence

Apparently you have a short term memory or lack the comprehension to realize the below wasn't an exchange regarding endangered animals alone.

I don't get how anyone could pose, grinning, as they stand next to a dead animal and think that it's a happy moment or a moment deserving of anything but digust. It's a sickening image and I simply can't understand the logic behind.

they're complete psychopaths, pure and simple.

accuracy much?

if you enjoy killing, you're a psychopath as far as I'm concerned.
oh, I didn't realise hunting endangered animals for the sake of a trophy was now equally moral to hunting and eating meat for survival. lmao, nice false equivalence

Holy shit did everyone suddenly become illiterate?

You said,

accuracy much?

if you enjoy killing, you're a psychopath as far as I'm concerned.

Re-read what I posted, or if you want I can help you understand the words you see on the screen if you have trouble understanding them.
That does indeed tilt the balance to the guilty side, which is my stance too, and I can't say your argument isn't solid. Now this is discussing. You gave a coherent speech of why such a hunter wouldn't goof like that.

I still say it's possible because I don't know exactly the circumstances and he might have been led to believe it was correct based on previous interactions with hunting grounds. But I accept your argument and it is probably the truth, based on the fact he lied before about his hunting plus all the things you said.

I still don't know if he was present at the luring itself, so might have been set up because the guys wanted a quick buck. I don't know.

there is, without a doubt, some grey area. depending on how involved he was at certain points he could of totally been just thinking he was on a friendly neighborhood legal lion hunt.

i just keep coming back to the experience. if he was just some rich jabroni who was like I WANNA HUNT A LION AND DO DOPE SHIT i can totally see some people giving him the run around and really just tricking him for his money. I was looking at the other trophys of his and saw like nothing but north American animals and thought oh hes just never hunted in africa, but then there was a few with like a leopard and other non north american native animals. so hes been around the block.

I guess what im trying to say is, even if he was tricked a little in some way, he should know better.


The facts are not debatable though. We know that he shot and cut this animals head off. As far as I'm to understand, this isn't up for debate. There is photographic evidence of this.

From that we can deduce that he shot a protected animal, right? So which part isn't clear to you? Which part are we supposed to be waiting for clarity on?

The part that he'll fabricate to weasel out of the corner he backed himself into.


Gold Member
Lured him out of a park, shot him with a crossbow, and then finished him off. That's disgusting. I'm getting fed up with that type of lifestyle. They raise their kids to do the same thing. I don't care if some people grew up on a farm, doing things like this is disgusting and it should be banned. The Jimmy John's guy did this kind of disgusting stuff as well.

It's disgusting this Lion couldn't live out his entire life without this predator coming after him.


Even if that person were, it doesn't really excuse the ignorant opinion.

Indeed. I just find it a bit funny when people will gladly munch down bacon in the morning and then go online and get worked up about people legally hunting deer.

As for his earlier conservation being an "excuse" comment, he should perhaps educate himself with this study conducted by the New Jersey Audubon Society, which found that hunting is an ecological necessity.


A common characteristic of all deer problem areas in New Jersey is a lack of deer population control through traditional hunting due to governmental or landowner prohibitions against hunting or the discharge of weapons. Past efforts to control deer populations have largely been successful in areas with good hunter access.


Holy shit did everyone suddenly become illiterate?

You said,

Re-read what I posted, or if you want I can help you understand the words you see on the screen if you have trouble understanding them.
I stand by what I said. if you enjoy the act of taking a life, I'm going to think you're fucked up.

hunting for food was/is a necessity for certain people and cultures, but the act of killing shouldn't be something someone ever enjoys doing.


Yeah, how could someone link a lack of emotion and psychopathy... oh wait.

Just because someone doesn't hold the same emotions about certain things you do doesn't mean they suffer from a lack of emotion. Like I said previously, psychopathy, like all anti-social disorders, is concerned primarily with relationship with humans (society).


That does indeed tilt the balance to the guilty side, which is my stance too, and I can't say your argument isn't solid. Now this is discussing. You gave a coherent speech of why such a hunter wouldn't goof like that.

I still say it's possible because I don't know exactly the circumstances and he might have been led to believe it was correct based on previous interactions with hunting grounds. But I accept your argument and it is probably the truth, based on the fact he lied before about his hunting plus all the things you said.

I still don't know if he was present at the luring itself, so might have been set up because the guys wanted a quick buck. I don't know.

Does it really work like that though? I can't imagine the guides would first pinpoint Cecil, lure him out of the park, try to destroy his GPS tracker, then head back to meet Palmer, tell him "Oh we just found a lion for you!," and he would go after it none the wiser.
I stand by what I said. if you enjoy the act of taking the a life, I'm going to think you're fucked up.

hunting for food was/is a necessity for certain people and cultures, but the act of killing shouldn't be something someone ever enjoys doing.

this is pretty ignorant of anything hunting.

hunting does not mean poaching. this guy is a poacher.

there are legitimate reasons to hunt. whether you agree with it or not is up to you, but to deny its importance in a lot of areas is not an opinion thats just wrong.
I stand by what I said. if you enjoy the act of taking the a life, I'm going to think you're fucked up.

hunting for food was/is a necessity for certain people and cultures, but the act of killing shouldn't be something someone ever enjoys doing.

cool, so you stand by a horribly stupid, ignorant opinion and completely ignore how you misread what I posted.

you still haven't answered if you eat meat btw, I'm very curious based on your outlandish statements about the entire hunting population
Hunting animals for sport is one of those things where I just assume anyone who is deeply into it must have a very small penis. Like you're obviously compensating for something.


Weird post to quote.

So far nothing has been said about his permits from official releases that I can see. He isn't responsible for knowing the property owners quota situation. Zimbabwe authorities have not charged anyone with illegal baiting and have not charged him at all for anything.

It sounds very unlikely that the hunt was illegal, but so far nothing the Zimbabwe authorities are saying makes it clear this dentist was culpable.

"Sorry officer, I didn't realize that those signs that say speed limit are laws. I thought they were suggestions." Are you fucking kidding me? He's ABSOLUTELY responsible for making sure that where he's hunting is legal. Baiting, as far as I can tell, isn't illegal. That's not the point. The point is, he and his escorts lured a protected animal off protected land to land they didn't think was protected so he could kill it.

They're not going to charge him for anything because he wasn't the one in charge. That doesn't mean he *shouldn't* be charged with anything. But hey, if you want to continue to protect the guy, go for it. We can continue to tell you you're wrong.

The part that he'll fabricate to weasel out of the corner he backed himself into.

But but but! It wasn't illegal because there aren't laws against it! that makes it not wrong! And and and he didn't know it was a protected animal! and and and he TOTALLY didn't lure it off. Because there's NO proof of that whatsoever. Except they dragged a carcass behind a truck and scented the area!! But.. but...


Indeed. I just find it a bit funny when people will gladly munch down bacon in the morning and then go online and get worked up about people legally hunting deer.

As for his earlier conservation being an "excuse" comment, he should perhaps educate himself with this study conducted by the New Jersey Audubon Society, which found that hunting is an ecological necessity.


I grew up in NJ and can confirm that there are fucking deer absolutely everywhere. In my town at least.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Man, that guy's Yelp page is getting blasted.

When I'm shopping for a dentist, I seek out sociopaths who enjoy big-game hunting of endangered creatures. I mean who ELSE would you want digging around inside of your mouth? Walter Palmer must be so kind and compassionate since he likes to participate in killing predators. What a man! I'm sure he isn't compensating for ANY type of self-esteem issues. Just think of turning your smile over to him. Don't show up in a lion suit though--you might not leave the office alive. He might even decapitate you and put you on his wall as a trophy.

Walter Palmer is an upstanding example of white male privilege. I hope his family is proud of him. I know I am. He should be lauded for demonstrating a caring and compassionate approach to Mother Earth and her creatures. What's next on your list? How about a baby elephant? I'm sure the head would look GREAT on your office wall.

Definitely check this guy out. Shake his hand and tell him that PETA is watching.



C'mon, dude, of course it was. They didn't name it posthumously.

Well obviously more than zero people knew the Lion's name yesterday. But now probably more than a million(?) know the name today. I'm asking how big is the delta. Was this lion on WWF t-shirts or something? Headlines and coverage have been expressing a sort of familiarity with the animal. I'm wondering if I was just out-of-the-loop or if there's some anthropomorphizing going on.


:( literally destroying whole families.

I am not trying to cry but as a cat owner seeing well all animals who are very rare being killed like this makes me so damn angry. Fuck that guy who did this..fuck him and fuck every poacher there is. Such majestic lions need to stay alive but those fucking assholes keep killing them for sport fuck them :(


"Sorry officer, I didn't realize that those signs that say speed limit are laws. I thought they were suggestions." Are you fucking kidding me? He's ABSOLUTELY responsible for making sure that where he's hunting is legal. Baiting, as far as I can tell, isn't illegal. That's not the point. The point is, he and his escorts lured a protected animal off protected land to land they didn't think was protected so he could kill it.

They're not going to charge him for anything because he wasn't the one in charge. That doesn't mean he *shouldn't* be charged with anything. But hey, if you want to continue to protect the guy, go for it. We can continue to tell you you're wrong.

Waiting to hear his involvement is protecting him, ok!

It's clear you're not familiar with guided hunts. In most cases (can't say about this one because we don't know) the guides most important job is to give the illusion that the rich sucker is doing something awesome. It's unlikely to me that he had any part of the luring process.

He was probably behind a blind where the pro guides told him to be, waiting. And he was on huntable land, that part both parties agree to. Making sure all the property owners permits, etc. are in order is not the impetus of the hunter in most countries with these types of expeditions, it's the job of the guide.
Weird post to quote.

So far nothing has been said about his permits from official releases that I can see. He isn't responsible for knowing the property owners quota situation. Zimbabwe authorities have not charged anyone with illegal baiting and have not charged him at all for anything.

It sounds very unlikely that the hunt was illegal, but so far nothing the Zimbabwe authorities are saying makes it clear this dentist was culpable.

Because bribery is a perfectly reputable way to hunt. He paid almost sixty thousand dollars to hunt Cecil. Sound legit to you?
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