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American National Election Study: Racism motivated Trump voters

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So as I said, MLK all over again. MLK was detested by vast majority of white voters when he was alive. MLK was hated by them and he was "peaceful", they voted in racist policies and politicians as a response to him addressing racism.

And much like then we've had abundance of videos and photos of police dehumanizing black people, but a riot is what made them vote racist? lol okay.

I mean, let's be clear. Kaepernick is being blacklisted right now for engaging in a totally silent nonviolent protest that affects nobody, and over half of all Americans think he was wrong to do it.

It's literally impossible to conceive of a protest against white supremacy that Americans will support. Americans hate anybody doing absolutely anything to bring the topic up. It would require them to accept that it exists.
I mean, let's be clear. Kaepernick is being blacklisted right now for engaging in a totally silent nonviolent protest that affects nobody, and over half of all Americans think he was wrong to do it.

It's literally impossible to conceive of a protest against white supremacy that Americans will support. Americans hate anybody doing absolutely anything to bring the topic up. It would require them to accept that it exists.

"Americans are cowards when it comes to Race" --A.G. Holder

"We should have let Sherman finish the job" --Me
Kind of awesome how many people in this thread went straight to "yeah racism is really bad and all but ultimately we want to win elections so maybe let's not talk about it."

Once again, we already did that Democratic Party and it was terrible for people of color. But the guy who did it is still pretty popular, so, I guess, America.

Jesus I hope that's not how my earlier post came across. It wasn't my intent if so.

The guy who responded to me has some pretty good points but I think he's missing some really in your face facts about the amount of bigotry in this country. My point was only that on an institutional level we can't affect much change without our elected officials (on City, State and National levels) being of like mind to us and and how are we going to go about getting them elected to these positions.

Obviously racism is alive and kicking in this country, and anyone who thought otherwise was being willfully ignorant, but I guess what I'm asking is did we really lose so many spots the last 6 years because the people running against us were no longer hidden about their racism? If so than why did the same overt talk torpedo so many Republican candidates in years past but not this time? What's changed?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Jesus I hope that's not how my earlier post came across. It wasn't my intent if so.

The guy who responded to me has some pretty good points but I think he's missing some really in your face facts about the amount of bigotry in this country. My point was only that on an institutional level we can't affect much change without our elected officials (on City, State and National levels) being of like mind to us and and how are we going to go about getting them elected to these positions.

Obviously racism is alive and kicking in this country, and anyone who thought otherwise was being willfully ignorant, but I guess what I'm asking is did we really lose so many spots the last 6 years because the people running against us were no longer hidden about their racism? If so than why did the same overt talk torpedo so many Republican candidates in years past but not this time? What's changed?

The oppressed people got tired of taking the racist shit and stated talking black. BLM wasn't saying anything new, they were just saying it loud and proud for all to hear and not backing down when confronted over it.

boiled goose

good with gravy
See if only Hillary had campaigned in Michigan and Wisconsin we could have abolished racism.

Hillary, you had one job!

I don't get this comment.

Racism exists and has always existed. You have to Win regardless. It makes it even more crucial that You win.

Trump's victory was narrow.
Many small changes could lead to a different outcome. You don't have to sway racists. You have to isolate them and cast as wide net as possible. More people voting, less votes lost to third parties, etc.

Hillary losing to Trump does show the threat and power racism still has. But it also shows how bad of a candidate Hillary and the campaign were. Trump's not just a racist, he's also an incompetent clown.
I'd be happy for you to tell me how what I said was wrong. I'm very open to it.

I agree with you that there is a section of people, even a significant section of people, who would never be open to to the civil rights movement of BLM. I agree with you that much of it was spin, but it was spin that reached people to a broader degree than it would have otherwise. You even say that folks play on fear, and that's what alt-right and racist groups [synonymous crossover not disregarded] did. They played on the fears caused by the riots.

Riots cause fear. The news crews in the footage from different events were afraid. The business owners whose businesses destroyed, despite them having nothing to do with the it were very afraid, and very upset.

Let's not forget the other part, where black citizens are afraid of police because of the countless examples of the unlawful assaults that have happened to them, and frankly even the CHANCE that they might be suspected of something they have nothing to do with; that we can point out over and over and over.

We could start with how ready you are to focus on "riots" and not all the things that led into civil unrest and reaction, and how coded all that language is.
Emotion? We saw the rallies and we know what Trump's platform was. You would have to be a fucking idiot to believe it was anything other than racism.
I think it was racism but it's also hard to ignore that, for some people, this country is changing too fast for them. On the other side you have people who are convinced the country isn't changing fast enough and bought into the "they're all the same" rhetoric and voted for a guy who wasn't a politician. In both situations the subject was divorced from reality. Trump gave people tons of bogeymen to point at for their problems and they ran with it because people always want simple solutions to complex issues.
Are there any studies on cognitive dissonance in conjunction with the media? I feel like for almost my entire life there has been a section of the media that's grown and profited from outrage and lying about what's going on. It was in full force for Obama and went into overdrive for Trump. So much so that trump parrots the same thing the right wing media puts out there. It's like a never ending circle of fuckery. It bothers me on a fundamental level that our president ONLY gets his information from Fox News.


i thought he finished his job. What did you want him to finish?

The Confederacy?

Although it's not Sherman's fault. Lincoln pardoned the Confederate leadership, got killed, and Johnson allowed Reconstruction to be rolled back. That's why white supremacy was never properly eradicated. Compare to Germany outlawing even the songs Nazis sung.

Basically, Booth won the Civil War.
Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism

Great conclusion of the article... however it seems like out-of-touch Democrats are desperate to blame their loss on everything else but the SHIT ECONOMY that Obama left behind for a good 70% of Americans. Because of a SHIT economy, racial tensions increased against illegal immigrant workers, and because of a SHIT economy, millions and millions of voters decided to stay home when the "reasonable" choice promised more of the same economic shittiness.

This study has NOTHING to do with what motivated Trump voters the most... just the degrees of racism vs authoritarianism tendencies in the voters. For example, Republican voters in 2012 had MORE racist views than Republican voters in 2016. How does that fit in the GAF hive mind that Trump won because white people hate black people? It all seems like a grand excuse for Democrats and the liberal media to NOT look at their own stench and errors in handling the last 8 years.

I am willing to bet that a BLACK genuine-sounding outsider promising jobs would have beaten Trump easily. A white out-of-touch Prima Donna pandering to corporate donors in a time half of Americans don't have enough in the bank to replace their car tires was bound to lose.
Now the real question, does Bernie understand this.

Great conclusion of the article... however it seems like out-of-touch Democrats are desperate to blame their loss on everything else but the SHIT ECONOMY that Obama left behind for a good 70% of Americans. Because of a SHIT economy, racial tensions increased against illegal immigrant workers, and because of a SHIT economy, millions and millions of voters decided to stay home when the "reasonable" choice promised more of the same economic shittiness.

This study has NOTHING to do with what motivated Trump voters the most... just the degrees of racism vs authoritarianism tendencies in the voters. For example, Republican voters in 2012 had MORE racist views than Republican voters in 2016. How does that fit in the GAF hive mind that Trump won because white people hate black people? It all seems like a grand excuse for Democrats and the liberal media to NOT look at their own stench and errors in handling the last 8 years.

I am willing to bet that a BLACK genuine-sounding outsider promising jobs would have beaten Trump easily. A white out-of-touch Prima Donna pandering to corporate donors in a time half of Americans don't have enough in the bank to replace their car tires was bound to lose.

You are full of shit.

Hillary was promising training for new jobs, thing is people dont want new jobs. They want their old jobs back. Trump was selling them a pipe dream, that he could force manufacturers to bring jobs back form overseas, re-open coal mines, and give people back the life they had from 20 years ago. Hillary made the mistake of thinking people were intelligent enough to realize that as long as you can pay someone 15 cents an hour overseas that job isnt coming back to the US so we need to start training for jobs we can be competitive on here. Unfortunately for her the 50 year former steel worker doesnt want to train on a new job, he wants to go back to producing steel.

Trump showed up and spouted off all the idiotic impossible dreams/policies these people have been murmuring to each other for years. They bought it hook, line, and sinker and unfortunately we are stuck with this clown for 4 years.
Great conclusion of the article... however it seems like out-of-touch Democrats are desperate to blame their loss on everything else but the SHIT ECONOMY that Obama left behind for a good 70% of Americans. Because of a SHIT economy, racial tensions increased against illegal immigrant workers, and because of a SHIT economy, millions and millions of voters decided to stay home when the "reasonable" choice promised more of the same economic shittiness.

This study has NOTHING to do with what motivated Trump voters the most... just the degrees of racism vs authoritarianism tendencies in the voters. For example, Republican voters in 2012 had MORE racist views than Republican voters in 2016. How does that fit in the GAF hive mind that Trump won because white people hate black people? It all seems like a grand excuse for Democrats and the liberal media to NOT look at their own stench and errors in handling the last 8 years.

I am willing to bet that a BLACK genuine-sounding outsider promising jobs would have beaten Trump easily. A white out-of-touch Prima Donna pandering to corporate donors in a time half of Americans don't have enough in the bank to replace their car tires was bound to lose.

As economic anxiety is one of the biggest buzzwords for how this election result happened many studies have looked at that variable. Hint I don't think it lines up with your premise here.
You are full of shit.

Hillary was promising training for new jobs, thing is people dont want new jobs. They want their old jobs back.

Tell me... what was Hillary or Obama's track record for new jobs and new training outside of the liberal metros? why would they believe her in 2016, when the middle class ended worse off under Obama? do you see now why she would fail to connect with so many? the economy was SHIT under Obama for a large large portion of the country, but many Democrats and the media lived (and continue to live) in their well-off metro bubbles.

Trump was selling them a pipe dream, that he could force manufacturers to bring jobs back form overseas, re-open coal mines, and give people back the life they had from 20 years ago.

Guess what... a new pipe dream was better for many than an old pipedream sold by Obama and Clinton: if we keep favoring corporations, eventually the wealth will trickle down. The Democrats had very very little to show for in terms of support for the middle class and the lower class. A lot of progress on social issues, but those unfortunately don't put food on the table.

Hillary made the mistake of thinking people were intelligent enough to realize that as long as you can pay someone 15 cents an hour overseas that job isnt coming back to the US so we need to start training for jobs we can be competitive on here. Unfortunately for her the 50 year former steel worker doesnt want to train on a new job, he wants to go back to producing steel.

If the former steel worker was ignored when it comes to job training opportunities for 8 years under Obama, why would he think Hillary would do better?

Trump showed up and spouted off all the idiotic impossible dreams/policies these people have been murmuring to each other for years. They bought it hook, line, and sinker and unfortunately we are stuck with this clown for 4 years.

My entire point always in this debate is that while everyone here is busy pointing fingers at the 100% racist fringe in the country that would of course vote for Trump (maybe 35% of voters out there), my point is that when wealth/income inequality reaches extremes, more and more people fall for new "impossible dreams/policies" versus the tired old shit that wasn't working (Obama and Clinton).
Tell me... what was Hillary or Obama's track record for new jobs and new training outside of the liberal metros? why would they believe her in 2016, when the middle class ended worse off under Obama? do you see now why she would fail to connect with so many? the economy was SHIT under Obama for a large large portion of the country, but many Democrats and the media lived (and continue to live) in their well-off metro bubbles.

Guess what... a new pipe dream was better for many than an old pipedream sold by Obama and Clinton: if we keep favoring corporations, eventually the wealth will trickle down. The Democrats had very very little to show for in terms of support for the middle class and the lower class. A lot of progress on social issues, but those unfortunately don't put food on the table.

If the former steel worker was ignored when it comes to job training opportunities for 8 years under Obama, why would he think Hillary would do better?

My entire point always in this debate is that while everyone here is busy pointing fingers at the 100% racist fringe in the country that would of course vote for Trump (maybe 35% of voters out there), my point is that when wealth/income inequality reaches extremes, more and more people fall for new "impossible dreams/policies" versus the tired old shit that wasn't working (Obama and Clinton).

That response requires you answering why republicans would reduce budgets and kill programs designed to help their own constituents when it came to stuff like infrastructure and green energy jobs. Remember its congress that actually sets budgets and pays for programs. I mean in the recent past we had them trying their damndest to remove healthcare from their constituents and the only reason they werent successful is because one faction of their party didnt think the cuts were deep enough!

Wow you are attributing trickle down economics to democrats now. Good lord. If you look at what Obamacare does its basically wealth redistribution hidden as best as he could.
"How come so many Obama voters jumped to Trump?!?" is a generally uninformed narrative, and one that actually displays people's ignorance on what racism actually is in the modern age and how it manifests.

People who vote for black men aren't automatically not-racist. That's not how racism works. You can have a person who, for all intents and purposes, saw Obama and the Disney-esque story of Hope and Overcoming Obstacles and still be racist. There was a lot of feel-good voting in favor of Obama because it pushed a narrative that the country as a whole is overcoming obstacles. It doesn't necessarily shine any realistic light on what it means to be black in the US at this day and age, doesn't really get into any discussion about minority relations, etc. It's essentially the same mentality of people who superficially idolize MLK but then turn around and decry BLM, decry protesting in general, make shit statements like "I don't see color", etc. It's a disconnect between a fantastical, almost biblical approach to civil rights in US history and the realities of what is happening today. I know we constantly joke about people who think "But Obama's president! Racism is over!", but you'd be surprised at the millions who legitimately think just that: racism is over, black men can be president, now all you n____s in the inner cities pull your pants up and stop protesting and looting and get jobs!!!!

I do have to wonder how many of these threads, how many studies, how many discussions that clearly, objectively, undeniably outline the REAL impact the country's innate racist tendencies played into this election before people stop saying "no no no, you're wrong! It's REALLY about the economy!" And they do this in THIS thread, where there's verifiable fact that this wasn't the case. How fucking stubborn do you have to be to see these studies and still think "the economy tho".


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Bernie understands that the economy was and still is the number one issue uniting ALL Americans.

A lot of minorities like myself are less concerned about the economy when our place in society is under constant threat by a bunch of belligerent bigots. Talk about the economy but don't act like it's the end all and be all for everyone.


A lot of minorities like myself are less concerned about the economy when our place in society is under constant threat by a bunch of belligerent bigots. Talk about the economy but don't act like it's the end all and be all for everyone.

True. They're not seperate issues. We know from history and extensive study that the "rising tide lifts all ships" analogy doesn't hold true.
That response requires you answering why republicans would reduce budgets and kill programs designed to help their own constituents when it came to stuff like infrastructure and green energy jobs. Remember its congress that actually sets budgets and pays for programs. I mean in the recent past we had them trying their damndest to remove healthcare from their constituents and the only reason they werent successful is because one faction of their party didnt think the cuts were deep enough!

It is a core belief of the Republican right to destroy centralized power (reduce federal budget and kill federal programs), in exchange for idealized "freedom" and chasing self-interest only. The right-wing voting block in this country believes that government is intrusive and stands in their way of progress. They have been duped of course, because the Republican version of personal choice is to let corporations play by their own rules, and fuck the poor and disadvantaged that can't keep up. You can find this mentality across races from Republicans, and it is one of the (IF NOT THE MAIN) guiding principle for conservatives in the US.

Wow you are attributing trickle down economics to democrats now. Good lord. If you look at what Obamacare does its basically wealth redistribution hidden as best as he could.

Show me how Reagan's, Clinton's, Bush's, and Obama's policies differ in their treatment of corporations and the financial elite. They all licked their boots, and tilted the balance of power towards shareholders in a dramatic way, and away from workers. The rejection of Hillary in 2016 was a in a big way a rejection from workers who felt disenfranchised by an establishment that has favored big donors through policy quite blatantly and quite objectively in the last 40 years.

As far as Obamacare goes, the redistribution of wealth and profits happened TOWARDS the health care industry players who drafted large parts of the final bill, and have been ultimately the main beneficiaries of it.

A lot of minorities like myself are less concerned about the economy when our place in society is under constant threat by a bunch of belligerent bigots. Talk about the economy but don't act like it's the end all and be all for everyone.

The economy is not the end-all-be-all topic, but racism can't be treated as the end-all-be-all explanation for why Democrats lost in 2016. Democrats like it that way, because it absolves them of anything they did wrong in the lead-up to the election. They can forever blame it on racists coming out in droves behind Trump, while ignoring the millions of Democrats and dozens of millions of independents that did not particularly care for the shit show of options presented to them (including Clinton's promise to stay the course in what was objectively the #1 issue on most voters' minds: the economy).
The economy is not the end-all-be-all topic, but racism can't be treated as the end-all-be-all explanation for why Democrats lost in 2016. Democrats like it that way, because it absolves them of anything they did wrong in the lead-up to the election. They can forever blame it on racists coming out in droves behind Trump, while ignoring the millions of Democrats and dozens of millions of independents that did not particularly care for the shit show of options presented to them (including Clinton's promise to stay the course in what was objectively the #1 issue on most voters' minds: the economy).

I don't know what Democratic party you're looking at but the one I've been observing has been overhauling its leadership and figuring out what the hell went wrong with the 2016 election.

Please show me definitive proof that both Democrat voters and the DNC are hiding behind "racism" so as to actively avoid talking about Clinton's campaign shortcomings. Because that's the narrative I see constantly being pushed but it doesn't match up to reality.


I don't know what Democratic party you're looking at but the one I've been observing has been overhauling its leadership and figuring out what the hell went wrong with the 2016 election.

Please show me definitive proof that both Democrat voters and the DNC are hiding behind "racism" so as to actively avoid talking about Clinton's campaign shortcomings. Because that's the narrative I see constantly being pushed but it doesn't match up to reality.
With all I've read these past few months I just get the impression people become upset when focus is put on the racial aspect of people's swayed to vote for Trump.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The economy is not the end-all-be-all topic, but racism can't be treated as the end-all-be-all explanation for why Democrats lost in 2016. Democrats like it that way, because it absolves them of anything they did wrong in the lead-up to the election. They can forever blame it on racists coming out in droves behind Trump, while ignoring the millions of Democrats and dozens of millions of independents that did not particularly care for the shit show of options presented to them (including Clinton's promise to stay the course in what was objectively the #1 issue on most voters' minds: the economy).

You seem to be under the impression I'm confused about why the Dems lost. I'm not. I also don't give a shit about how much people harp on the economy when a liar, a fraud and a disgusting human being ran a campaign on blatant bull shit and bigotry. They might not be all racist but they're cool with racist bull shit. The fact my and others dignity and safety is of such little concern to a large part of the country is far more important to me.
I don't know what Democratic party you're looking at but the one I've been observing has been overhauling its leadership and figuring out what the hell went wrong with the 2016 election.

It seems like the DNC remains just as two-faced as it was under Hillary. They plant a Clinton loyalist with a nice superficial "progressive" label (the pro-Wall Street loyal Tom Perez), and only support local special elections when it is a loyal corporatist running (like Ossoff in GA). Bernie is trying hard to bring people together, and it revolves around the economic injustice affecting people across all races. More importantly, aside from climate change, the instability wrought by income/wealth inequality is one of the main destroyers of past civilizations. We are reaching that boiling point across the world, with the US being the mecca for promoting unchecked pursuit of self-interest to the detriment of the whole.

Please show me definitive proof that both Democrat voters and the DNC are hiding behind "racism" so as to actively avoid talking about Clinton's campaign shortcomings. Because that's the narrative I see constantly being pushed but it doesn't match up to reality.

Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?
It seems like the DNC remains just as two-faced as it was under Hillary. They plant a Clinton loyalist with a nice superficial "progressive" label (the pro-Wall Street loyal Tom Perez), and only support local special elections when it is a loyal corporatist running (like Ossoff in GA). Bernie is trying hard to bring people together, and it revolves around the economic injustice affecting people across all races.

Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?

Nope, but it's painful obvious how hilariously biased you are going by your initial comments in this post. We have an article about how the crap Bernie has been spouting, about economic anxiety, being provably wrong yet you go off on an embarrassing tangent about how Clinton sucks, the DNC sucks and how amazing and unifying Bernie is for trying to sweep this fact under the rug. Just stop
It seems like the DNC remains just as two-faced as it was under Hillary. They plant a Clinton loyalist with a nice superficial "progressive" label (the pro-Wall Street loyal Tom Perez), and only support local special elections when it is a loyal corporatist running (like Ossoff in GA). Bernie is trying hard to bring people together, and it revolves around the economic injustice affecting people across all races.

I like Bernie sanders and think he is a good person but Bernie is also a politician and has in the past shown that he is a hypocrite. He voted for the 94 crime bill knowing full well what the consequences were but he voted anyway because it contained an assault weapons ban and the violence against women act provision. His vote for the 94 crime bill helped doom a generation of young black and latino men to being stuck in the criminal justice system for life. The dude even had the nerve to put this quote on his campaign website "You can't throw vulnerable people under the bus just because it's politically expedient." and yet in the past he has shown that he will do so. Bernie is not infallible.

Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?

Its not a narrative when its the truth.
It seems like the DNC remains just as two-faced as it was under Hillary. They plant a Clinton loyalist with a nice superficial "progressive" label (the pro-Wall Street loyal Tom Perez), and only support local special elections when it is a loyal corporatist running (like Ossoff in GA). Bernie is trying hard to bring people together, and it revolves around the economic injustice affecting people across all races. More importantly, aside from climate change, the instability wrought by income/wealth inequality is one of the main destroyers of past civilizations. We are reaching that boiling point across the world, with the US being the mecca for promoting unchecked pursuit of self-interest to the detriment of the whole.

You need more than simply sprinkle in buzzwords like "corporatist" and "pro-Wall Street". And this doesn't have anything to do, at ALL, with what I was saying. I asked for proof that the DNC is using racism as a shield to avoid changing anything about its platform, you instead went off on a tangent about corporate loyalists.

Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?

No, not really. People keep bringing up race because people like you keep trying to pretend it wasn't a factor, that we shouldn't talk about it, that we should just pretend it never existed because it's more politically expedient to do so.
To go a bit further on it, I think the Ferguson riots caused fear. It showed damage to establishments, and damage to order. There is plenty of footage showing hatred and racism towards white journalists, police and cameramen, and there was hatred and accusations of race betrayal for black journalists, police, and cameramen. That stuff spread, and people saw it.

None of that was good for the BLM cause, and none of that was good for "race relations," and all of that was on film. That got circulated by alt-right people hardcore.

There's so much racism here, I'm overawed.


Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?

Because those of us who aren't bankers understand that racism exists and was the predominant issue in the last election.

Actually even the investment banker understands that! There's literally just one guy who frantically constructs scaffoldings of denial whenever the topic come up. It's really mysterious.


It seems like the DNC remains just as two-faced as it was under Hillary. They plant a Clinton loyalist with a nice superficial "progressive" label (the pro-Wall Street loyal Tom Perez), and only support local special elections when it is a loyal corporatist running (like Ossoff in GA). Bernie is trying hard to bring people together, and it revolves around the economic injustice affecting people across all races. More importantly, aside from climate change, the instability wrought by income/wealth inequality is one of the main destroyers of past civilizations. We are reaching that boiling point across the world, with the US being the mecca for promoting unchecked pursuit of self-interest to the detriment of the whole.

Isn't that the narrative that has stuck for 90% of GAF posters in these kinds of threads?

I can't even with your posts. You know what Trump is doing right now and the republicans have been doing for the last 40 years, yeah?

hint: Trump won't redistribute America's wealth. If anything, he's gonna redistribute some bucks into his own pockets.
I will say that Bernie understands, but also that he understands yelling racist at them is not helping.
So the goalposts have been moved from "it's economic anxiety" to "we should pretend it's economic anxiety to avoid hurting their feelings"? It's not like the next Democratic presidential nominee is going to stand up there and finger wag at Trump voters or say that he/she doesn't want their votes, but we should be honest with each other about what happened here.
i thought he finished his job. What did you want him to finish?

There were a lot of Confederates and their poor, White boot-lickers that needed to see a noose around their necks. That was a political decision that reverberates even today.

If the Civil War had been fought a-hundred years later, I'd like to believe we would have been more concerned with a de-Bubbafication of the Confederate states, rather than leaving the job half done after the Northern merchants rid themselves of competition with large slave-labor industries.


There were a lot of Confederates and their poor, White boot-lickers that needed to see a noose around their necks. That was a political decision that reverberates even today.

If the Civil War had been fought a-hundred years later, I'd like to believe we would have been more concerned with a de-Bubbafication of the Confederate states, rather than leaving the job half done after the Northern merchants rid themselves of competition with large slave-labor industries.

Blame John Wilkes Booth. If Lincoln had lived, reconstruction would have been completely different.
What is it about people with "storm" in their usernames

I've used this alias since Diablo 2. I loved thunderstorms and tornadoes growing up when I was a kid. The Platinum part came from Jay-Z's "Can I get a," which was probably my favorite song at the time. I thought the two sounded good together, and I just rolled with it since.
So the goalposts have been moved from "it's economic anxiety" to "we should pretend it's economic anxiety to avoid hurting their feelings"? It's not like the next Democratic presidential nominee is going to stand up there and finger wag at Trump voters or say that he/she doesn't want their votes, but we should be honest with each other about what happened here.

Yeah again it's change how the message is delivered without changing the context.

I've used the phrase in the past "you can affect change if you lose, but you can't enact change unless you win".

This is why it ties into President Obama when one of his campaign positions was "marriage is between a man and a woman", which is apathetic at best to a civil rights cause, but it doesn't completely ostracize people who disagree. He won, and he got to sign an executive order to protect transgender people. If we continually lose, and Justices are placed on that Supreme Court that take radical opinions, then it just pushes advancements for civil rights back.

Today, over 50% of Republicans are in support of gay marriage. That's a lot of progress.

A lot of people want to basically make purity tests on everything right now as a liberal tea party response, which I just think is a set up to continually erase gains over and over. If people go out and just point to Trump voters and say "Trump voters are racist", then how is that going to be a welcoming push to get them to vote for Democratic candidates, or towards supporting causes that advance civil rights? It doesn't. That's why the purity tests are a mistake, and the backlash towards Trump voters is a terrible decision.

Again, we have a variety of people from Senator Sanders to Van Jones going out, talking with Trump voters, listening to them, and engaging them.

Take this from Rahm Emanuel.
"If you don't win, you can't make the public policy. I say that because it is hard for people in our party to accept that principle. Sometimes, you've just got to win, OK? Our party likes to be right, even if they lose."

He added, "I don't go to moral victory speeches. I can't stand them. I've never lost an election. It's about winning, because if you win you then have the power to go do what has to get done.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The reaction to Kaepernick should put to rest any idea that a more "respectful" BLM would have gotten an iota of further support from some people
Yeah again it's change how the message is delivered without changing the context.

I've used the phrase in the past "you can affect change if you lose, but you can't enact change unless you win".

This is why it ties into President Obama when one of his campaign positions was "marriage is between a man and a woman", which is apathetic at best to a civil rights cause, but it doesn't completely ostracize people who disagree. He won, and he got to sign an executive order to protect transgender people. If we continually lose, and Justices are placed on that Supreme Court that take radical opinions, then it just pushes advancements for civil rights back.

Today, over 50% of Republicans are in support of gay marriage. That's a lot of progress.

A lot of people want to basically make purity tests on everything right now as a liberal tea party response, which I just think is a set up to continually erase gains over and over. If people go out and just point to Trump voters and say "Trump voters are racist", then how is that going to be a welcoming push to get them to vote for Democratic candidates, or towards supporting causes that advance civil rights? It doesn't. That's why the purity tests are a mistake, and the backlash towards Trump voters is a terrible decision.

Again, we have a variety of people from Senator Sanders to Van Jones going out, talking with Trump voters, listening to them, and engaging them.

Take this from Rahm Emanuel.

I definitely agree about a need for some degree of electoral pragmatism (which is part of the reason I voted for Hillary in the primary), but I don't see how it relates to diagnosing the problem. Racial resentment was the core of Trump's appeal. I think Democrats should be careful about how they talk about this if/when it comes up, because of course you don't want to alienate voters if you can avoid it, but being openly hostile to this obvious fact, as Bernie has been, is a bad look. It's also counterproductive: if you're dishonest about what Trump's appeal was, if you don't understand the cause of what happened, you can't build a good strategy to win in the future.
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