I have to admit the study read like they didn't really vote racist this year as much as they Always vote racist.
Real question here though; how do we fix it? I mean I have read plenty of quality and real world applicable ideas over the years on combating racism and I'd love to see them implemented but that's entirely different than getting Independents to vote Dem in the next elections.
We lost them, and some Dems to Trump and if THOSE voters were voting race when they didn't usually how do we reach them again?
Because we need to bridge that gap fast...a lot faster than fixing systemic racism takes. I know the party is capable of it because we've done it before but how to go about that now?
Yeah I have made this argument since immediately after the election. My take is so not push for a liberal tea party or purity test, not get into an urban v rural fight,stop screaming at people that they are racist because they voted for trump. Open the tent up.
Change how the message is delivered without compromising on civil rights. Make sure that everyone is being targeted so there is no doubt that Democrats are representing everyone. A forgotten people shouldn't every have been allowed to exist.
Recognize that the xenophobic stress is caused by plutocratic influences, not by globalism,and teach that to people (liberals need to learn this too). The wh is occupied by a plutocrat who disguised his message as populism and nationalism, with a dose of alt-right nationalism, but has done nothing to help anyone but corporations, with the exception of human trafficking causes. This shouldn't be a hard argument.
Link that plutocrats hurt people of all racial backgrounds, and even be daring enough to link the plights together.
Pounce on the meals on wheels nightmare, especially in local and state races.
Highlight fiscal responsibility as a tenent of democratic ideals.
And for the love of everything focus on how killing tpp, and the wall, hurt agriculture.
Focus on literally everything that trump did to bring back coal jobs didn't bring them back. Focus on how Democrats have local plans to improve communities, and help them transition into the future.
Come up with a future deal to stabilize rural states and repurpose communities, improve urban poverty, improve infrastructure.
Tailor a plan to address the national debt,and put it into an appropriate, non-apocalyptic perspective.
Bring forward the idea of American National Healthcare: a universal system, and highlight its reliability and ease for all. Bring that forward across local state, and national races simultaneously so the idea can propagate naturally before debuting on the 2020 stage.
Anticipate the voter suppression issues ahead of time..... And act appropriately.
The 2 and 4 year cycles need to be about pain and the reminders of who caused it. Just plow it into people's heads. Then show them a party that cares about people at the local level.