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An Open Letter To Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara (Contains: Ether)

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Seriously wtf happened at Warner Bros? Shitting the bed the past few years and doesn't seem to be getting better.
Everyone's favorite reporter Faraci has already said that he's heard great things about Wonder Woman. And that's more than he's said about other DCEU stuff. And he's been accurate more than not.

He was also hopeful about Suicide Squad being DC's first critical hit like a day before it's first premier.


Strap on your hooker ...
I agree with the general sentiment expresed. WB gets a director with one breakout success and then the studio seems to keep throwing tentpole releases and ballooning budgets at them, no matter how much that first success zooms away in the rearview mirror. It's like the studio heads pick out their own personal golden boys and rather than pull back at a failure, they double down even harder. Happened with the Wachowskis, happening with Snyder.

Someone has a big movie that under-performs, let alone several, start putting them on smaller projects. Simple as. If they're good filmmakers, they'll find a way to claw back. If they're not, they won't, and that's a shame! But finding out a director lost their mojo through shitty underperforming small movies is a much better way to get the news than through shitty underperforming huge movies.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Seriously wtf happened at Warner Bros? Shitting the bed the past few years and doesn't seem to be getting better.

Alan Horn, then motion picture president of WB, was pushed aside (he has since took office at Disney and it shows), and Tsujihara took his post in 2011.

Films that have been scheduled and released since 2013 are under the leadership of Kevin *with some few exceptions like Mad Max as they were greenlit under Alan Horn*
For what it's worth I agree with the letter writer to an extent, although I think it's an incredibly hard job to predict what audiences will like, just look at some of the masterpieces that have bombed, I for one am FAR more excited for Andy Serkis' Jungle Book than the dreck one that just came out.


He was also hopeful about Suicide Squad being DC's first critical hit like a day before it's first premier.

I remember Snider from(used to be from) the Wrap saying he's hearing good things about SS just before release, so many people were going into that thing wanting to like it, makes the "biased" claims even more pathetic.

Anyway get ready for the denial phase...



Ok so maybe he was hoping it would steer the DC movieverse into a whole different direction instead of critical reception.
Yeah, the takeaway that I got was that he thought it would have better legs and a smaller drop than BvS. He has definitely not shied away from reporting negative rumors about DCEU. He was the reported BvS being a mess, and was pretty much mum on SS aside from the reshoots (not positive or negative).
I agree with the general sentiment expresed. WB gets a director with one breakout success and then the studio seems to keep throwing tentpole releases and ballooning budgets at them, no matter how much that first success zooms away in the rearview mirror. It's like the studio heads pick out their own personal golden boys and rather than pull back at a failure, they double down even harder. Happened with the Wachowskis, happening with Snyder.

It's not necessarily a bad strategy. Spielberg has had plenty of misses over the years but if you were a movie studio executive, you'd still want to secure him long term. WB in the past established long lasting partnerships with Eastwood, Kubrick, Nolan and many others. Sometimes it paid off and sometimes it didn't but those were almost always good investments.

I like that WB used to be a filmmaker driven studio that kept financing the Wachowskis even though all of their post-Matrix ideas always looked like bombs even before the cameras started rolling.

The problem is that I don't think they are filmmaker driven anymore. Despite what he says, I seriously doubt that Suicide Squad is truly David Ayer's movie and BvS was also butchered (I still hate the Ultimate Cut). And Patty Jenkins, with her lack of credentials (no trying to be a dick, she just has a relatively small resume), looks like a studio director who could easily be pushed around. But I hope I'm wrong on that front.

WB: get rid of Snyder because it doesn't work. Stop being reactionary. Become a filmmaker driven studio again.

Edit: While I was reading the article, I kept trying to remember who Gracie Law was because the name sounded familiar. I thought she had to be a relatively well-known studio exec but no, that's a damn Big Trouble character! Well, good choice of pseudonym.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Can confirm Wonder Woman is indeed a mess.

Yea, I don't know why people are suddenly so in to it. It's the cheapest looking. Gal Gadot is alright in the trailers, but I still doubt her acting abilities. Wonder Woman looks like it has horrible action set pieces too. It'll be a disaster on every level.

Worst part is that you can tell they retroactively boosted the saturation of some of the colours to undo some of that horrible green pallet they decided to use to hide the cheapness.




Damn, Gracie Law reference. But does the author of the article have green eyes? I need to know!


It's such a shame that those on the lower rungs will suffer for this more than any of the execs. 2015 was not a good year for WB, 2016 might be alright for them if "Fantastic Beasts" turns out to be good, or "Sully" & "Live By Night" gets some nominations when Oscar season comes along. But, investors have got to be feeling the sting of "BvS" losing a potential extra $700 mil of gross if it had only been good.

I caught a matinee of The Legend of Tarzan the other day, and it had a trailer of Fantastic Beasts as a lead-in. The trailer felt very off as it was essentially JK Rowling speaking to the audience and saying "This movie is going to be awesome and you should go watch it!" instead of letting the film and its trailer stand for itself.

I don't know who in WB marketing green-lit that trailer, but it was probably the first time I've seen a trailer like that in a theatre.


And calling a movie a mess before it hasn't even hardly entered into post-production is something I wouldn't worry about that much.
Wow. I hope this is real. I can sympathize. Many times I've played great-looking and coded games that are let down by its story and direction and imagine how the excellent technical team must feel (*cough*Killzone*cough).


Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess

I caught a matinee of The Legend of Tarzan the other day, and it had a trailer of Fantastic Beasts as a lead-in. The trailer felt very off as it was essentially JK Rowling speaking to the audience and saying "This movie is going to be awesome and you should go watch it!" instead of letting the film and its trailer stand for itself.

I don't know who in WB marketing green-lit that trailer, but it was probably the first time I've seen a trailer like that in a theatre.

Really? Most of what I've seen for "Fantastic Beasts" has looked pretty decent. I can't recall seeing a trailer like that play. Do you know if it was just a random featurette for First Look, or an actual trailer, green warning sign and everything? Besides that, trailers for it look pretty decent and I'm hoping WB doesn't fuck it up by half-assing the story just because it's a trilogy. I'd love if they did one contained story and then alluded to some greater threat towards the end, instead of eschewing answers for cliffhangers.
I caught a matinee of The Legend of Tarzan the other day, and it had a trailer of Fantastic Beasts as a lead-in. The trailer felt very off as it was essentially JK Rowling speaking to the audience and saying "This movie is going to be awesome and you should go watch it!" instead of letting the film and its trailer stand for itself.

I don't know who in WB marketing green-lit that trailer, but it was probably the first time I've seen a trailer like that in a theatre.

I've seen several trailers like that, not just from WB. I don't know why, it's some Hollywood fad where famous person/actor in that movie talking directly to the camera going "omg plsss see this guyssss" apparently is endearing to moviegoers or something? It's really terrible.

Really? Most of what I've seen for "Fantastic Beasts" has looked pretty decent. I can't recall seeing a trailer like that play. Do you know if it was just a random featurette for First Look, or an actual trailer, green warning sign and everything? Besides that, trailers for it look pretty decent and I'm hoping WB doesn't fuck it up by half-assing the story just because it's a trilogy. I'd love if they did one contained story and then alluded to some greater threat towards the end, instead of eschewing answers for cliffhangers.

These trailers usually have the lead actors (or the most famous person in the production, like Rowling) sitting down in an interview-style setting directly talking to the camera going "omg this movie's gonna be great it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be great pls go watch guys lol xoxo~!" for like 30 seconds before playing the trailer proper. It's baffling and tacky, I've no clue which fucker thought was a great idea to sell a movie.

The last time I saw it was for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where Megan Fox and Will Arnett were promoting this thing where the first X ticket buyers would get some TMNT branded thermus or some shit.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess.
Somehow missed this part because of being enthralled by the ether.

If that's true then that's gonna be a double whammy of disappointment considering this is the first high profile female superhero in a blockbuster film since for-fucking-ever


Here insider's can confirm that Wonder Woman was a mess but they couldn't do the same before she saw Suicide Squad?
A good CEO makes money, first and foremost.... your definition of good may vary

A bad CEO can increase revenue and profit in the short term by cutting costs. When shit hits the fan, they can move on and leave a company that's tanked.

Might want to be more specific in your definition.


Has there ever been an "Open Letter" that wasn't embarrassing as fuck to read?

What exactly is embarrassing about it?
If your gonna come out with bold statements like yours, you otta back it up. This isn't gonna end well for you bud.


Unconfirmed Member
The inside word on Mad Max was that it was a mess until it began test screening.

It doesn't necessarily mean anything this far out.


The doom and gloom around WB here is a bit funny, they are still making good money and no outright bombs this year.

Sony and Paramount are in much worse shape
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