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An Open Letter To Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara (Contains: Ether)

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I thought Batman V. Superman made a ton of money?
shitting the bed with best movies of the summer 3 years in a row.

Edge of Tomorrow, Mad Max and...?

I thought Batman V. Superman made a ton of money?

Rumours suggest it needed over $900 million to earn back its development + marketing budget at the box office. It'll still make money for WB (especially with DVD/BD sales, merchandise etc) but not nearly as much as it could/should have done.
Edge of Tomorrow, Mad Max and...?

nice guys bro. it's hilarious.

they've got a lot of stinkers no doubt but I'll take WB's summer fare over disney any day of the week. they let in some interesting stuff with bigger budgets all the time. with nolan back next year it will be no different.

now whether or not this plan is a success for them is different. they're not doing as well as they hoped I imagine.


I thought Batman V. Superman made a ton of money?

It made money, but it also cost a ton of money, too. It'll probably end up turning a profit in the end if it hasn't already, but WB wanted this to gross a billion dollars at the theaters, not limp across the finish line with an assist from video sales.


Zack Snyder was a mistake. Giving key to a dude who never made one great critically acclaimed film. Someone should have sounded alarm and stop it from happening in the first place.


Zack Snyder was a mistake. Giving key to a dude who never made one great critically acclaimed film. Someone should have sounded alarm and stop it from happening in the first place.

Should've been given the boot after Man of Steel. He had his chance and he blew it with that lame film. Unsure about labeling him as a director without one great critically acclaim though. He was riding high after 300 and Watchmen. Sure, Sucker Punch was tripe but Man of Steel had potential man. He seemed the right guy at the time.
....Please be good :(

Friend of mine saw a test screening in Chicago. General impressions but I'm gonna spoiler tag anyways:

There's a good movie in there, but the movie's dragged down by a confusing plot, and too much focus on minor details / callbacks. If they cut like 15 minutes of screen time, it would be a lot better


Why are we judging state of a studio just by reading some random dudes letter. Lay off happen all the time it didn't matter if movies are bombing or making money. Just recently Disney layed off most of people in IT department and outsourcing the job after making record profit


Should've been given the boot after Man of Steel. He had his chance and he blew it with that lame film. Unsure about labeling him as a director without one great critically acclaim though. He was riding high after 300 and Watchmen. Sure, Sucker Punch was tripe but Man of Steel had potential man. He seemed the right guy at the time.

Apparently he wasn't the right guy, more like one in the list that would take the job because they needed it quickly to retain the rights or something.

Think Aronofsky, Tony Scott, Matt Reeves, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman were lined up by Nolan and his wife.


Apparently he wasn't the right guy, more like one in the list that would take the job because they needed it quickly to retain the rights or something.

heh, I completely forgot about that, but there was pressure to get Man of Steel into production on a certain timetable in the event Siegel and Schuster's families took back control of the Superman rights. WB ended up working out a deal with their estates anyway, so that time crunch was all for naught.


I always think that open letters like this to big people don't get read nor do they care, so as long as what they do still makes them money or business continues.


Should've been given the boot after Man of Steel. He had his chance and he blew it with that lame film. Unsure about labeling him as a director without one great critically acclaim though. He was riding high after 300 and Watchmen. Sure, Sucker Punch was tripe but Man of Steel had potential man. He seemed the right guy at the time.

The entire script should have been thrown out...I'm not even a Superman fan and even I know some things...

1. Superman would never allow someone to die if he had the power to stop it. ("Bye Dad, LOL!")
2. His father on earth instilled in him these altruistic traits...instead we get a scene where dad actively tells THE MOST POWERFUL BEING ON EARTH that its better to let other people die than reveal your true identity.
3. He would do everything in his power to prevent putting others in risk...like NOT fighting to the death in a major city.

There are other structural and pacing issues with the film but to pass on the 3 points above means that Snyder simply "doesn't get it"...he is instead approaching these stories and characters with an experimental eye ("Let's try something different! Something unexpected!") instead of "rehashing" old stories. I understand that motivation but abandoning the core tenets of one of the most beloved fictional characters of all time is beyond stupid and should have earned him a kick to the curb.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Good letter, and it’s exactly how I feel too. I wanted to like Man of Steel, I wanted to like BvS, I even wanted to like Suicide Squad, but I just didn’t. They are all bad movies. But yeah compared to some of the other crap WB has been making they actually seem good in comparison. Letter is on point, agreed 100%.

I really didn't want to hear WW was another mess. :(

Yeah, I hope WW turns out really good, it looks great from the trailer. But then so did Man of Steel too, and Suicide Squad as well. If the WB execs fuck with WW in editing and ruin it then I’ll be literally pissed off about it. I’m hoping they wisen up though instead.
Not surprised to already hear skepticism inside about WW. I thought the trailer looked good but after impressively fucking up MOS, BvS and SS I'm already kinda waiting on the red flags for Wonder Woman.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
This guy is my hero.

How Zach Snyder still has a job, let alone still being at the helm of the DC universe, I will never know.


... That spoiler is a hyperbole right? I planned on watching BvS tomorrow but now I might reconsider. Wtf?

8 minute/mom bit
? No, that is not hyperbole, not even slightly so. It is not the end of the film though, so you are not spoiled for the whole thing in case you might decide to give it a watch. Let me just state that there is a logical reason behind the backlash the film (and Snyder/WB) got (quality).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
It got too real right here

What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over.

Holy shit.


You can tell how wrong Snyder is when he just throws out Olsen for his excuse of shock but what shock, he is meaningless to the audience since we've never had the time with him. Snyder basically amounts to for the lols, flip it wow, it does something right guys! He seems to think symbolism and mythology sprinkles on his ice cream makes it great but it's sprinkles on a steaming turd and as random.


Came for the ether and found a horribly written rant instead.

Why's she including Mad Max in the list of bad movies/decisions? That's fucked up.
To be fair, The Matrix essentially became the template for every action movie since, so it's fair that they were given tons of chances even if they ended up not being able to capitalize on them.

Snyder hasn't done anything that's anywhere near as groundbreaking.

Eh....he did 300. Maybe not as big as The Matrix but I'd argue it's almost as influential on a pop culture level. Especially these days.
Came for the ether and found a horribly written rant instead.

Why's she including Mad Max in the list of bad movies/decisions? That's fucked up.
Not Fury Road... THIS


god please no. they're literally the last ones standing right now.
As crappy as WB is, I don't want Disney to be the only ones in the game putting out anything good because eventually this too will get stale.

Not Fury Road... THIS
Goddamn I forgot about this. I think I laughed out loud in the theater first time I saw the trailer. A veteran dog with PTSD children's movie? Who the fuck approved this?

Eh....he did 300. Maybe not as big as The Matrix but I'd argue it's almost as influential on a pop culture level. Especially these days.
The biggest influence 300 had was that meme for a weekend and maybe having a long string of lackluster copycats that would never repeat the success of 300.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
300 is to men what Twilight is for women.

It’s strange, when I saw 300 in the theater I loved it. When I bought it on disc and watched it again, I thought it was okay. With every subsequent viewing though I seem to like it less and less. I’m not sure why that is, but it’s definitely how I feel about 300.

Watchmen DC though, I legit love the hell out of that film by Snyder.

MoS I feel very meh about, BvS I strongly disliked, and I’m waiting to rent SS out of the Redbox when it hits it. I have no hype at all for JL since they have Snyder doing it, I wish they would have given it to someone else.


300 is bad and whatever pop culture impact it had dissipated years ago. The Matrix is a modern classic.

god please no. they're literally the last ones standing right now.

Standing against what? WB is making plenty of shit now, and doing so for entirely commercial reasons. This ain't the filmmaker driven WB anymore.


Ah nice to have reminder that batman v superman had like 10 minutes of batman and superman actually being together in the movie. In a near 3 hour movie. Fucking lol

Compare to civil war which had 2 key much better executed hero versus hero battles, including probably 3-4 other key action scenes in general.

Is it true though that despite the near 1 billion revenue that this movie cause people to get fired?
Ah nice to have reminder that batman v superman had like 10 minutes of batman and superman actually being together in the movie. In a near 3 hour movie. Fucking lol

Compare to civil war which had 2 key much better executed hero versus hero battles, including probably 3-4 other key action scenes in general.

Is it true though that despite the near 1 billion revenue that this movie cause people to get fired?

Both movies also had an antagonist who tricked our heroes into fighting each other as well as using their mothers to trigger the fight.


Came in expecting someone being "Ether'd" and saw someone whining instead. Thread does not deliver. Where's the ether? That shit that makes your soul burn slow?
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