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An Open Letter To Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara (Contains: Ether)

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It made $668 Million, minus $375M is $273M Profit? From what I can tell that doesn't include home market sales or merchandising. What am I missing here?

You've forgotten movies are shown in these here things called movie theaters, which make money out of every ticket sold.
It made $668 Million, minus $375M is $273M Profit? From what I can tell that doesn't include home market sales or merchandising. What am I missing here?

There needs to be some sort of auto-reminder in the OP of every box office thread explaining about studio cuts from box office revenues.


I was responding to the idea of WB floundering because they don't make "filmmaker driven" films with ingenuity and creative risks, but also, let us agree to disagree about what constitutes a "good movie overall". Call me crazy, but I don't watch Pixar, comic book movies, franchise wannabes, or event tentpole films. I'll watch and support ten Neon Demons if it gives us a Bronson and Drive.

That's not what I was suggesting:

Me said:
WB is making plenty of shit now, and doing so for entirely commercial reasons.

I don't mean that WB is floundering because they won't take risks on more filmmaker-driven movies, I mean that a lot of their current output is terrible and it can't even be excused as taking a risk on a filmmaker. Like, Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas may have been terrible failures (and ones I personally disliked), but at least WB took the gamble on the Wachowskis. There's no "at least" with a lot of their current movies; they're just bad movies made to chase franchise money.


Jupiter Ascending was such a sad disappointment. Awful. Definitely the last chance WB gives the Wachs. :p


There needs to be some sort of auto-reminder in the OP of every box office thread explaining about studio cuts from box office revenues.

Seriously, I would consider myself a film buff but I don't really follow box office news. I always presumed it was the studios cut. What percentage do they get in general?
Snyder's movies have either broke even or made a shit ton of money. Yeah, lets fire him just because rotten tomato scores. And Suicide Squad at the end of the day is going to do a lot of money, It will even make more then a good chunk of DC/MCU non sequel movies.

Unlike the Wachowski's who have been the true sinking ship for WB for years.
I agree the CEO needs to get his shit together though. They've been fucking up royally with ridiculous budgets. 100mil for Point Break. lol

1st bolded: This isn't really true at all though. 300 was a big hit, yes. He then had three outright failures in a row with Watchmen, Legend of the Guardians, and Sucker Punch. Then Man of Steel and Batman v Superman underperformed, both of which had key executives either stepping down or having roles reduced. Yet Snyder goes on.

2nd bolded: Yeah... yikes at that. Whoever greenlit that needs to put in the corner to think about what he did.
No, Man of Steel was profitable on box office alone. Well below expectations, but profitable nonetheless.

To put it mildly.

Variety, 6 June 2013

Warner Bros. motion pictures group president Jeff Robinov went so far as to predict it will be the studio’s highest performer ever.

To be their highest earner, it would have needed to outperform Deathly Hallows Pt. 2's $1.3b worldwide. It ended up making $668m.

Needless to say, Jeff Robinov resigned a few months later.
I am betting even money WW's RT score will be between 25-35%

I hope not. I liked Man of Steel, so I've entered this "please at least let the solo movies be good" bargaining stage of this nightmare. I really want Wonder Woman, Batman, and Aquaman to deliver the goods.

Flash and Cyborg ain't getting made.
To put it mildly.

Variety, 6 June 2013

To be their highest earner, it would have needed to outperform Deathly Hallows Pt. 2's $1.3b worldwide. It ended up making $668m.

Needless to say, Jeff Robinov resigned a few months later.

That's the incredible part of the three DCEU films. They're not well received but still making a decent profit off the brand and marketing. Stating the obvious here, had these films resonated with the general audience, they'd be doing ridiculous business. As it is, you get strong openings and significant drops. At least they're not Green Lantern or Jonah Hex failures...


Anybody order some damage control?
It's an interesting, very eye-opening letter, and i started to believe it, but upon reread it does feel very much like a "surface-level" view of how Hollywood functions, and i really do cast doubt on whether or not the author actually does work for WB or knows anything. Most of the top insiders and bloggers I follow share a similar sentiment and seem to be disregarding it. Also, in regards to the "Wonder Woman is a mess" bomb the author drops ,Faraci still suggesting its fine, and i trust that dude. The Wrap has also done some digging and suggests thats pretty much inaccurate.

Warner Bros. declined to comment on the letter, which drew immediate attention online. But Warner Bros. insiders questioned whether the author was truly a former employee. One noted to TheWrap that the writer of the open letter said internal buzz on the upcoming “Wonder Woman” is bad.

“I haven’t heard that at all,” the insider said. “They aren’t even done!”
The better response is no response.

So then it becomes:

"Oh, why hasn't she/WB commented on it yet? They're keeping quiet. It must be true."

EDIT: The more I read through that letter, the more surprised I am that it got the level of traction that it did. It's a double nothingburger with cheese.

It reads like an anonymous 4chan post with *slightly* more credibility.
Anonymous sources are my favorite flavor.
Especially ones with knowledge over an entire multibillion dollar company making egregiously wide-sweeping comments across numerous film productions all spurred by the "critical failure" of a smash hit film.

He must have been someone high-up, but who also simultaneously worried he would be fired every day.

Excuse me, she.


So then it becomes:

"Oh, why hasn't she/WB commented on it yet? They're keeping quiet. It must be true."

EDIT: The more I read through that letter, the more surprised I am that it got the level of traction that it did. It's a double nothingburger with cheese.

It reads like an anonymous 4chan post with *slightly* more credibility.

That response is debatable. I will say it is a "lose-lose"situation for her.

I think the letter itself has merit on its own as an example of doing business in hollywood.
Jupiter Ascending was such a sad disappointment. Awful. Definitely the last chance WB gives the Wachs. :p

Id love to see them go back to a lower budget film like Bound.

Slowly build themselves up. I think they had a great vision back in the day as far as speed racer. But Jupiter was such a shit film.

However their influence is still seen. Mr. Robot for example owes so much to the Matrix's direction for instance.

I would understand if they did do it but I hope WB doesn't drop them from the team. But they definitely need to reign in their budget and ask them to go for something small.
Sounds like an emotional rant from a disgruntled ex-employee. Wonder Woman may be a mess, but not because this person says so. Also a couple of industry people dismissed this claim as well.
Not suprised to be honest. After Harry Potter and TDK trilogy ended, WB has been pretty much throwing down their chips on anything to make $. Hopefully that means they'll have a mega hit in the future and they have Nolan to save them next year.


You know what? Why did we entertain an anonymous letter that has said nothing "new" said? This was all public knowledge and frustrations, with WW "being a mess" tacked on at the end. I mean, I'd expect an insider from the company give a more in depth look at the failures and what cause them. But no, all we get is bashing with surface level knowledge that any person a gaf or Reddit can spew. It's ridiculous that this got so much attention.


The entire script should have been thrown out...I'm not even a Superman fan and even I know some things...

1. Superman would never allow someone to die if he had the power to stop it. ("Bye Dad, LOL!")
2. His father on earth instilled in him these altruistic traits...instead we get a scene where dad actively tells THE MOST POWERFUL BEING ON EARTH that its better to let other people die than reveal your true identity.
3. He would do everything in his power to prevent putting others in risk...like NOT fighting to the death in a major city.

There are other structural and pacing issues with the film but to pass on the 3 points above means that Snyder simply "doesn't get it"...he is instead approaching these stories and characters with an experimental eye ("Let's try something different! Something unexpected!") instead of "rehashing" old stories. I understand that motivation but abandoning the core tenets of one of the most beloved fictional characters of all time is beyond stupid and should have earned him a kick to the curb.

1) that was more his father's sacrifice than Clark's. Give it to Pa Kent he practiced what he preached

2) didn't say that. He said maybe.

3)rewatch the final battle. All of the collateral damage is Zod. Zod who didn't give two shits about collateral damage and relished in it. Maybe Snyder should have Superman do a you can't see me and tea bag him when he snapped Zod's neck, it might have gone down as well as when Reeve smiled when he killed Zod in Superman 2.
You know what? Why did we entertain an anonymous letter that has said nothing "new" said? This was all public knowledge and frustrations, with WW "being a mess" tacked on at the end. I mean, I'd expect an insider from the company give a more in depth look at the failures and what cause them. But no, all we get is bashing with surface level knowledge that any person a gaf or Reddit can spew. It's ridiculous that this got so much attention.

There's enough sketchy news coming out about WB's DC efforts that the fabrications are accepted uncritically. It's weak but it is what it is.


If it means the Wachowskis stick to making Sense8 awesome I'm okay with this.

Me too. I still think that Jupiter's was so bad because they got the OK from Netflix to do Sense8 and they stopped caring about Jupiter's... Man, I was so hyped about a new film by them. I do not watch trailers and stay as far away from news and stuff about movies, especially ones I know I will see, so I really didn't expected it to be that bad, I almost cried in the cinema watching the disaster that the movie was... But then I saw Sense8 and I really forgave them.


Look, whether or not Wonder Woman is indeed a mess remains to be seen but there's not a shred of evidence that this writer can back up anything in that article. Yet it's taken at face value while Jenkins tweet was met with "damage control". Explain that one to me.


It's an interesting, very eye-opening letter, and i started to believe it, but upon reread it does feel very much like a "surface-level" view of how Hollywood functions, and i really do cast doubt on whether or not the author actually does work for WB or knows anything. Most of the top insiders and bloggers I follow share a similar sentiment and seem to be disregarding it. Also, in regards to the "Wonder Woman is a mess" bomb the author drops ,Faraci still suggesting its fine, and i trust that dude. The Wrap has also done some digging and suggests thats pretty much inaccurate.

Didn't Faraci also say he was hearing bad things about Daredevil? Look how that turned out. So him saying it seems fine doesn't mean much.


Technically one film had a mother's death trigger a fight the other had a mother's death end it.

Honestly. Civil War was pretty mediocre. However it was fun and it's whole was watchable despite being entirely reliant on fan service.

Batman vs Superman was mediocre fan service, but it only served a small niche of fans who like Frank Millers take on Batman. So the amount of people who liked the film because of the fan service was less then DC/Warners anticipated
I'll say this. The issue is clear. WB tried to reinvent a winning formula and are failing. Movies just are not good. Call them whatever you like.
rewatch the final battle. All of the collateral damage is Zod. Zod who didn't give two shits about collateral damage and relished in it. Maybe Snyder should have Superman do a you can't see me and tea bag him when he snapped Zod's neck, it might have gone down as well as when Reeve smiled when he killed Zod in Superman 2.
Straight bullshit. Superman is directly responsible for his share of the destruction. Especially in Smallville, where he takes the fight in the first place. Then in Metropolis, he throws Zod through structures, jumps out of the way of a gas tanker to let it destroy a building, and shows absolutely no attempt to save lives or prevent destruction until the neck snap. Oh, and then there's the creepy, gross sucking face with Lois on top of a pile of corpses.

Then the movie ends with him destroying expensive government property for the lols.

These arguments have been around since 2013 and the facts haven't changed. I've seen the movie 4 times, as recently as 2 days ago. Superman's responsibility to the death and destruction in Man of Steel is a completely valid criticism.


Never really thought about it that way.

They had no say in a movie called Batman V Superman only having 8 minutes of Batman fighting Superman in it, that ends because their moms have the same name.

I still can't believe that was part of the film.
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