This is an excerpt from America: The Book, which I have been highly enjoying for the past couple weeks in a lesiurely fashion. It's the introduction to Ch. 7, which deals with the Media:
That's actually a trick page, and the real smarmy, sarcastic chapter on the media starts on the next page with this Editor's note: "We apologize for the false start on the chapter concerning the media. The authors have assured us it was a momentary lapse in restraint caused by a deadline-induced Red Bull binge. In no way was it meant to portray any sense of anger and/or disappointment in the behavior and standards of the modern media."
The first chapter is opposed by a full page pic of a demented Howard Beal, captioned with "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" The "real" start of the chapter is opposed by a soothing montage of network logos and faces of anchors, with the caption "We look forward to an endless future of taking it." And yup, the whole Crossfire crew is in that montage.
When the fuck did the media become a bunch of spineless, simpering yes boys? Where the fuck is this generation's Woodward and Bernstein equivalent? Would anyone even give a shit if something truly reprehensible happened and a story broke? Or is everyone too busy watching shitty tv to care? The media should be fighting to break stories and bring us the truth. Instead they just sit there like the bunch of useless, overpaid fucks they are and recite both parties talking points endlessly and call it coverage. The average citizen shouldn't have to read, and the fucking guardian uk just to know what is going on in his country. CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC should be bringing this shit to us. Why in the blue hell aren't they?
Fuck the media. They, too, will be some of the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes.
America: The Book said:A free and independent press is essential to the health of a functioning democracy. It serves to inform the voting public on matters relevant to its well-being. Why they've stopped doing that is a mystery. I mean, 300 camera crews outside a courthouse to see what Kobe Bryant is wearing when the judge sets his hearing date, while false information used to send our country to war goes unchecked? What the fuck happened? These spineless cowards in the press have finally gone too far. They have violated a trust. "Was the President sucessful in convincing the country?" Who gives a shit? Why not tell us if what he sad was true? And the excuses. My God, the excuses! "Hey, we just give the people what they want." "What can we do, this administration is secretive." "But the last season of Friends really is news." The unmitigated gall of these weak-willed... You're supposed to be helping us, you indecent piles of shit! I... fuck it. Just fuck it...
That's actually a trick page, and the real smarmy, sarcastic chapter on the media starts on the next page with this Editor's note: "We apologize for the false start on the chapter concerning the media. The authors have assured us it was a momentary lapse in restraint caused by a deadline-induced Red Bull binge. In no way was it meant to portray any sense of anger and/or disappointment in the behavior and standards of the modern media."
The first chapter is opposed by a full page pic of a demented Howard Beal, captioned with "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" The "real" start of the chapter is opposed by a soothing montage of network logos and faces of anchors, with the caption "We look forward to an endless future of taking it." And yup, the whole Crossfire crew is in that montage.
When the fuck did the media become a bunch of spineless, simpering yes boys? Where the fuck is this generation's Woodward and Bernstein equivalent? Would anyone even give a shit if something truly reprehensible happened and a story broke? Or is everyone too busy watching shitty tv to care? The media should be fighting to break stories and bring us the truth. Instead they just sit there like the bunch of useless, overpaid fucks they are and recite both parties talking points endlessly and call it coverage. The average citizen shouldn't have to read, and the fucking guardian uk just to know what is going on in his country. CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC should be bringing this shit to us. Why in the blue hell aren't they?
Fuck the media. They, too, will be some of the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes.