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And so Katamari Damacy was bought, and all was good.


Great game, great music, great quirkiness all around. Near the end I truly felt like a god. For a while I thought there were no more original games out there, then this one comes right out of left field and delivers in spades.

Now it's time to hunt for the soundtrack. Kudos Namco.

Jim Bowie

I agree. Best 20 dollars I've ever spent.

This was my last weekend (spilled over into Monday)

Get up at noon
Play Katamari Damacy, unshowered and unshaved, in a bathrobe, for 6 hours
Play Katamari Damacy til 2 AM
DJ Brannon said:
Now it's time to hunt for the soundtrack. Kudos Namco.

I'll warn ya now, I asked for help looking for the soundtrack in my own thread, and it looks like it will cost you more for the music than the game.

I'm hoping the local GameWare might have this in stock though. They've got a bunch of video game music.


mightynine said:
I'll warn ya now, I asked for help looking for the soundtrack in my own thread, and it looks like it will cost you more for the music than the game.

I'm hoping the local GameWare might have this in stock though. They've got a bunch of video game music.

Make sure it isn't a bootleg music CD. I have seen some stores sell a lot of knockoff game music CDs.

Musashi Wins!

I was almost afraid to finally play this, I suspected it was (like a few others I've tried here and there) being hyped more for it's oddity than true greatness. Well...I was wrong. Game is brilliant. One of the best games I've played this year easily.
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