Whole system is failing on every level really and that's part of the shit culture the west is pushing, i would not be shocked if a huge % of guys grow up without a dad in these times and the only thing mom gives them is youtube. And those guys will all search for a tate.
The algorithm FAVORS a tate. Its not like there's only rates out there. And its not like the east is doing much better, a bunch of them find their society restrictive and prevents them from exploring any individuality at all and they strive to break away from becoming a cog in the machine.
Those are two opposite ends of a spectrum that both end in negativity. We need to focus on teaching young men to be abe to sift through all the BS on their own and make their own path, not to idolize any one person even if they aren't like tate is.
Because ultimately only one csn be responsible for is themselves when it comes down to it. You can't cry that you were misled or something when the crap hits the fan, no one will care. Ir sucks but you have to make the best decision you can at the right time and you have to be taught how to do so.
Tate himself had both his parents, a decent amount of income and plenty of opportunity for success growing up and he still turned out like this. He should be a cautionary tale.