dream would argue that a windowing system does not make CMx behave in "fundamentally different ways" from Android proper.
That said, I think it's a dumb idea unless someone starts shipping 13+" tablets.
or ups the Res in a major way
dream would argue that a windowing system does not make CMx behave in "fundamentally different ways" from Android proper.
That said, I think it's a dumb idea unless someone starts shipping 13+" tablets.
An advice for anyone who wants to buy a new smartphone:
Galaxy S2 owner here and now thanks to this screen i hate this phone, the (S)AMOLED screens have a lot of problems an in my opinion the technology isn't mature enough for mass production, every phone i've seen with (s)amoled screens (Nexus S's, Galaxy S's, Galaxy S2s, Lumia 800's and Galaxy Note) have a series of defects that obviously can't be connected to bad luck like someone would say to you...
The problems i've seen are these:
Discoloration (the screen presents discoloration, from what i've seen most of the times the discoloration tends to be pinkish)
Color sensitive discolorations (like above but this appear only when the on the screen are displayed some colors, the most noticeable are the yellow spot when gray is displayed, usually it's on the sides of the screen)
Image retention (the screen will have a retention of the previously displayed image if it was darker than the current one)
Also a lot of them are Pentile screens which means less subpixel and not the same color fidelity of the RGB ones (but this isn't a defect per se but more lika a characteristic of some displays)
Obviously the technology have tempting qualities such as way more vivid and warmer colors and (even if it isn't too noticeable) better power consumptions but that's it, they have problems and like i said isn't bad luck because i sent the phone 2 times to Samsung to change the screen and every phone with (s)amoled i've seen had at least 2 of the problem i've listed.
Obviously this message is to the people that hate to have a not perfect screen and have to pay a lot of money to have a product that have such defects that aren't mentioned most of the times in reviews and such, for the people who can get over these problems good for them because aside from the problem mentioned before they are stunning screens...
I hope this could help someone and sorry for the bad English ( it took 30 mins to write this :/ )
yeh ..umm , just no.
i'me never ever investing $$ in a mobile device that isn't OLED ... hell i may not buy another display period that isn't oled.
have had a htc desire, and now a S2 .. and yeh ...would not give up those blacks for anything. and PS i've never noticed any image retention issues at all :/ ... ulgy as dark grey wanna be blacks on other displays are far more visually jarring to me these days than what you talk about. but i guess every one has their own prefences etc.
New king for the Best Galaxy throne? Samsung Galaxy Note Tab 10.1 w/ SPen by Wacom. Wonder if it'll have SAMOLED HD+ and 4G LTE.
New king for the Best Galaxy throne? Samsung Galaxy Note Tab 10.1 w/ SPen by Wacom. Wonder if it'll have SAMOLED HD+ and 4G LTE.
My nexus one has burn-in from the notification bar. It has never gone away. The only reason it doesn't bother the shit out of me is that I use my phone in landscape maybe a minute a month at most.its not burn in, its image retention. Lets clarify that up front. AMOLED screens have it, but it depends on how its used and what screens you jump back and forth to if you notice it. I rarely notice it but it does happen. Amoled does have its issues and if you look around its pretty easy to find a lot of people talking about them. The fact is, even with its issues, its close to the best screen you can get. Hell, i have only owned pentile displays. If I can merge the iphone display with amoled, i'd be in heaven.
And samsung needs to get some bigger models to offset the size of that damn phone
My Best Galaxy posing with his slightly dumber, Qualcomm'd AT&T Best Galaxy brother....
My Best Galaxy posing with his slightly dumber, Qualcomm'd AT&T Best Galaxy brother....
If one could get one of those AT&T Galaxy Notes for free, would one be an idiot for passing it up?
Mind telling us what wallpaper/widgets you're using there? The white S2 that is.
Mind telling us what wallpaper/widgets you're using there? The white S2 that is.
SiMi Clock is what I use for Clock, Weather and Battery....
....and HERE is the wallpaper I'm using.
*Edit* Not a S2, tis Best Galaxy (Note)
The post right above you...
Best Galaxy continues to shock and amaze
That's not a GN.
What do you do to start using that simi clock thing?
I love how wacom pens are finally making their way onto Android tablets. Maybe if they're decent, I can unload this gigantic Cintiq tablet for something more portable. Consolidate all my art stuff into one device. A good thing dropbox is so awesome at keeping everything synced for me or I'd be carrying a bunch of memory sticks everywhere.New king for the Best Galaxy throne? Samsung Galaxy Note Tab 10.1 w/ SPen by Wacom. Wonder if it'll have SAMOLED HD+ and 4G LTE.
Is it really that bad? I was considering getting an S2 to replace my N1
Buying an HD2 tomorrow. I plan on 'upgrading' it to ICS and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with installing ICS on the HD2? any preferred version, suggestions, tips, etc. are all (VERY) welcome.
I recommend sticking with GB on the HD2 for now. The battery life with ICS just isn't there yet.
Cm7 is still so good. I love how smooth and functional it is on my galaxy s.What rom do you use, I haven't upgrade my HD2 for more than a year. What are the kids using nowadays?
New king for the Best Galaxy throne? Samsung Galaxy Note Tab 10.1 w/ SPen by Wacom. Wonder if it'll have SAMOLED HD+ and 4G LTE.
I had to install, then uninstall and then install again. But it's just a widget. Add it and you'll get some options from there.
Hmmm... Should I be hyped for MWC this year? On one hand, nothing shown is likely to be released during this quarter, but on the other hand the OEMs must have learnt from thier lesson last year and know the iPad3 on the horizon. What are the odds that functional products are demoed at MWC that aren't rendered obsolete by Apple a week later?
Hmmm... Should I be hyped for MWC this year? On one hand, nothing shown is likely to be released during this quarter, but on the other hand the OEMs must have learnt from thier lesson last year and know the iPad3 on the horizon. What are the odds that functional products are demoed at MWC that aren't rendered obsolete by Apple a week later?
Is it really that bad? I was considering getting an S2 to replace my N1
his N1 uses a regular AMOLED screen and the superAMOLED+ screens in the S2 are better in a lot of ways lolIf you have the possibility try a phone with those screen for a day and see if these problems bother you then decide if it's worth it.
This is awesome.
ICS for the OG Transformer got delayed until march, feels bad.
Link isn't working for me...can you screenie and upload it so I can read it toooo
ICS for the OG Transformer got delayed until march, feels bad.