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Anger leads to Health Event... Have you?


Perpetually Offended
Have you lot ever had a health event (like a Tourette episode or a heart attack) that was caused by anger or some other strong emotion?

Earlier tonight a coworker had upset me IMMENSELY (which isn't my norm) and upset another coworker over something that wasn't her business... Both incidents caused me to have a Tourette episode that almost caused me to hurt myself (Tourette Syndrome can have tics that can cause self - harm or self-injury).

Medicine never helped so I try to stay away from confrontation and things that anger me. But tonight...

I had to get a beer and some food to feel better and relax.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I'm sorry :lollipop_pensive:

I'm very mild and don't get heated easily. It seems I'm sometimes totally unable to filter out stimuli though (if there's a ticking clock nearby then I can't focus on anything, I hate hearing people's phones god dammit), but I don't get overwhelmed, say, in crowds. I'm very cozy with crowds. But I remember being puzzled after I actually said "stop!" out loud to my computer, because I was getting too many Steam messages from too many different people. I wasn't like, having a meltdown, but I was sweaty! I keep notifications silent, but too many flashing chat tabs on Steam was weirdly too much. It's like when someone tries to talk to me while I'm on the phone, thanks, now I'm frustrated and I didn't hear either of you.

OH that's why you're called DeafTourette. Are you deaf?


Perpetually Offended
I'm sorry :lollipop_pensive:

I'm very mild and don't get heated easily. It seems I'm sometimes totally unable to filter out stimuli though (if there's a ticking clock nearby then I can't focus on anything, I hate hearing people's phones god dammit), but I don't get overwhelmed, say, in crowds. I'm very cozy with crowds. But I remember being puzzled after I actually said "stop!" out loud to my computer, because I was getting too many Steam messages from too many different people. I wasn't like, having a meltdown, but I was sweaty! I keep notifications silent, but too many flashing chat tabs on Steam was weirdly too much. It's like when someone tries to talk to me while I'm on the phone, thanks, now I'm frustrated and I didn't hear either of you.

OH that's why you're called DeafTourette. Are you deaf?

Dang. It seems you have anxiety from overstimulation... Like when too many things are happening at once. I'm that way too.

Yes, I'm deaf in both ears but I have a cochlear implant as well. I lost my hearing in the late 90s.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Argh that sounds shit OP. Nah, nothing for me. I guess if I get angry, then I stay angry for a pretty long time. But these days, being older and slower and maybe a bit wiser, it takes a lot to get me started.


Ive gotten exasperated from extreme anger and yelling where I started seeing stars and felt faint. Other times where I felt the animal taking over at its peak to where i was but a passive watcher without agency and not at all at the helm....rare for me but scary as hell to feel your IQ slip away and your evolution reverse.


Gold Member
Sorry you had to deal with what seems to be a massive cunt at work OP.
I hope she get a reality check soon !
I get eczema sometimes from stress and internal anger but it doesn't go beyond that.


Yes, I've always had a true anger problem, and it's nearly ruined my life several times. I've mostly got it under control these days, but there are days when it gets untenable and I have to just make sure I'm alone at any cost, as fast as possible. As long as I have some time to unwind and chill out, which can take hours, I'll eventually return to normal, but the pain in my chest during that period is remarkable; it feels like someone is literally pushing on my chest cavity from the inside of my body when I get that angry. Rage is awful, wouldn't wish it on anyone. Controlling one's emotions is the truest form of strength, and I really aspire towards complete control of mine. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting better all the time.
Im having one right now. My life is sinking, my love life is dead, and after 7 years of slaving like a corporate dog, the moment I tried to get a better position in a team where everyone knows me, and apparently I thought liked me, I got refused over random new ppl. I just give up. Im not suicidal, thats chicken shit, but I just want to drop everything, friends, family, and just go live in a cabin or some shit away from everything. Games were my escape from the shitty reality but even those are starting to have no more effect on me. Im a bitter man always have been, my skin is thick, but this news today, broke me. L laughed at depression but I think Im slowly sinking in it as I type this.


Perpetually Offended
Sorry you had to deal with what seems to be a massive cunt at work OP.
I hope she get a reality check soon !
I get eczema sometimes from stress and internal anger but it doesn't go beyond that.

If it wasn't for her making my other coworker angry over something that she had no business bringing up, I would have been ok. My coworker is always helpful with everyone and we're both Gen Xers ... But I saw the pain on her face and for this new girl to go THERE like "I don't care"... I can handle my own stuff but when you antagonize someone ELSE like that? Naw... Just don't.

Supposed to have a meeting today.

I have eczema on my hands. It sucks!


Perpetually Offended
I rarely get angry but remember it's not what happens it's how you react to what happens.

True. I held it in which is what I actually shouldn't do. It caused my episode...

Im having one right now. My life is sinking, my love life is dead, and after 7 years of slaving like a corporate dog, the moment I tried to get a better position in a team where everyone knows me, and apparently I thought liked me, I got refused over random new ppl. I just give up. Im not suicidal, thats chicken shit, but I just want to drop everything, friends, family, and just go live in a cabin or some shit away from everything. Games were my escape from the shitty reality but even those are starting to have no more effect on me. Im a bitter man always have been, my skin is thick, but this news today, broke me. L laughed at depression but I think Im slowly sinking in it as I type this.

Man I'm sorry. I'm also going through something with work (and life being a caretaker) and yesterday was just a small part of it. Mostly my hours and pay. It's hard trying to live life but you're broke from bills and such. *hugs*
Man I'm sorry. I'm also going through something with work (and life being a caretaker) and yesterday was just a small part of it. Mostly my hours and pay. It's hard trying to live life but you're broke from bills and such. *hugs*

Prices have doubled for everything. Salaries remained the same. Fuck society. Hard to move on after so many years but I have to look for something else.


Gold Member
Lucky for me nope. Im super chill.

When I was in grade school I used to get into lots of fist fights. I got pissed easy back then. And we'd duke it out at recess. But something changed in high school and since then. I never get mad. The only thing that gets me is being irritated at being late or other people being late, or I'm at the office and have to explain something 5 times in 5 minutes to someone how to do something, when in reality they could had just googled it, like how I did the first time doing it. But not close to being red faced or Hulk smash.

To me, I think what irritates me the most is lazy people. My example above about those coworkers (everyone has run into them) who instead of using their head to figure something out or google it, they make a beeline to you hoping you do it for them. IMO, people can improve their knowledge and life a lot by learning and dabbling on their own first.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I don't care too much about anything to get too worked up about it. If I'm running late I do get a little anxious. Equanimity has got me through more than most people.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I probably get frustrated more than I need to. But most times I do not express that. I get over the frustration, or talk to my wife in a way that doesn't expose it.

I need to take my wife to dinner more, and she is frustrated I haven't done that in a while. Waffle house(Her choice) last week didn't count.


Perpetually Offended
I probably get frustrated more than I need to. But most times I do not express that. I get over the frustration, or talk to my wife in a way that doesn't expose it.

I need to take my wife to dinner more, and she is frustrated I haven't done that in a while. Waffle house(Her choice) last week didn't count.

Ruth's Chris?


Gold Member
I don't care too much about anything to get too worked up about it. If I'm running late I do get a little anxious. Equanimity has got me through more than most people.
I had to google what Equanimity meant (lol), but I'm similar.

Here's a tip for any of you who might get pissed easy at a store or restaurant. Just keep it calm. Best way to get back at them is sent head office an email about it. I havent done it many times, but had to in a few times the clerk was being a jackass (flipped my Mothers Day cake once and didn't care. The bar code label was on top of the box, so she flipped the box to scan it. Even the customer behind me was like WTF?). Also sent an email to customer service saying the ribs I ate were terrible. One time I got a free printer sent to me by Epson beyond warranty date and CSR even said see if you can refund this back at the store as a sealed box. I assumed since it was past warranty date I was screwed. But ask nice and it worked out. Another time, I wanted to cancel an online order taking forever and might not make Xmas. So I tried canceling across email and chat and got stonewalled (sorry, there's nothing we can do). I emailed the CEO whose email is public and magically the next day some CSR manager called me the next day, says the order is cancelled and offered me I think 50% off my next order.

I have always got a reply back in no more than 48 hours. And I have never had CSR tell me nothing can be done, goodbye. As long as you are right, you'll eventually get it resolved.

Not only are they chill, but they'll always offer you a comp or freebies to make you whole. I dont include my address so they'll call me, sort it out and email me a voucher. If you include your address (I dont), they'll probably send you something. My buddy used to handle situations like this and he said if they included their address, his CSR team would send them a $20 gift card even for minor issues.

Dont get too angry. Most of the people working at the store/restaurant probably dont give a shit. So just sort it out with the office staff. Keep your receipt as sometimes they'll ask you for proof of purchase (ie. the receipt order # is often important).
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I can't remember the last time I was truly angry. I've had flashes of anger, but they fade almost immediately.

I get pissed off, annoyed, bitter or frustrated just like anyone, but those are fairly shallow emotions. I simply can't imagine being so overwhelmed you lose control; it sounds absolutely terrifying.

I suppose I've just gotten adept at avoiding those types of situations and people. Also, I get extremely cold-hearted if someone wrongs me which I feel is worse than getting angry at them. Instead of getting angry, all my feelings toward that person die. Anger is probably healthier - I think it leaves an easier path to reconcile with the other person.


Gold Member
I can't remember the last time I was truly angry. I've had flashes of anger, but they fade almost immediately.

I get pissed off, annoyed, bitter or frustrated just like anyone, but those are fairly shallow emotions. I simply can't imagine being so overwhelmed you lose control; it sounds absolutely terrifying.

I suppose I've just gotten adept at avoiding those types of situations and people. Also, I get extremely cold-hearted if someone wrongs me which I feel is worse than getting angry at them. Instead of getting angry, all my feelings toward that person die. Anger is probably healthier - I think it leaves an easier path to reconcile with the other person.
Some people I know get so mad watching football and hockey games, it's got to be some grey area of insanity. And they arent even drunk. They just get red faced, cuss loud (at home or in public) when their team is doing bad or the QB threw an interception. Crazy. There's been times at a sports bar I had to just tell them to calm down man.

Fools idol

When I worked a summer job in my teens I got so angry with the manager that I threw up and he laughed at me. I then lost my shit and smacked him a few times with a plastic deck chair. Was under the age of 18 so managed to get away with minor legal issues but I did lose my job on the spot.

Still think about it often, guy was a grade A Butthole with a power trip attitude.
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Gold Member
If it wasn't for her making my other coworker angry over something that she had no business bringing up, I would have been ok. My coworker is always helpful with everyone and we're both Gen Xers ... But I saw the pain on her face and for this new girl to go THERE like "I don't care"... I can handle my own stuff but when you antagonize someone ELSE like that? Naw... Just don't.

Supposed to have a meeting today.

I have eczema on my hands. It sucks!
You are an empathetic person and that is great (except around morons) !
Let’s hope this shitty coworker is just adjusting and doesn’t really know how to behave in a work environment… maybe it’s her first job and she feel entitled…

Anyway, as usual some of you guys are cray-zyyy ! I wish I had the balls to beat up my boss with a plastic chair 🤣 i guess I should have done it when I was younger…

StreetsofBeige StreetsofBeige advice about writing a mail to the head office is the best one can give. As long as you don’t send one every week, you’ll be taken very seriously and almost everytime vindicated.


Gold Member
If someone at work is regularly behaving inappropriately and upsetting other folk at work that should be escalated
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Gold Member
StreetsofBeige StreetsofBeige advice about writing a mail to the head office is the best one can give. As long as you don’t send one every week, you’ll be taken very seriously and almost everytime vindicated.
And further advice to everyone is just be chill. I have never had to resort to being (or even want to) that loud customer complaining and insulting CSR where I'd be trying to win on pure bossiness.

So even when I got stonewalled by CSR twice trying to cancel my Xmas order, I just acted chill emailing the CEO. I could had wrote an antagonizing email cussing his out company trying to get my way shouting. Act cool and it got resolved even if it took me 3 days worth.
Have you lot ever had a health event (like a Tourette episode or a heart attack) that was caused by anger or some other strong emotion?

Earlier tonight a coworker had upset me IMMENSELY (which isn't my norm) and upset another coworker over something that wasn't her business... Both incidents caused me to have a Tourette episode that almost caused me to hurt myself (Tourette Syndrome can have tics that can cause self - harm or self-injury).

Medicine never helped so I try to stay away from confrontation and things that anger me. But tonight...

I had to get a beer and some food to feel better and relax.
Rarely agree with some of your opinions but I wish you well mate. It happens sometimes, for me it's stress related, when work gets insane and I have a heavy schedule with the kids, being a single parent, I get some really shitty headaches. Last one I had a few weeks ago, I didnt even know it was an headache. I woke up and 30 minutes afterwards all my left side was numb. I got scared, thought I was having a brain aneurysm or something and went to the hospital. When I got there, I started to have an insane headache. They rushed me to do some tests, gave me something I.V for migraines and it disappeared. It ended up being an aura migraine.

Get some rest!
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Perpetually Offended
Rarely agree with some of your opinions but I wish you well mate. It happens sometimes, for me it's stress related, when work gets insane and I have a heavy schedule with the kids, being a single parent, I get some really shitty headaches. Last one I had a few weeks ago, I didnt even know it was an headache. I woke up and 30 minutes afterwards all my left side was numb. I got scared, thought I was having a brain aneurysm or something and went to the hospital. When I got there, I started to have an insane headache. They rushed me to do some tests, gave me something I.V for migraines and it disappeared. It ended up being an aura migraine.

Get some rest!

Damn, bruv! I'm glad you're ok. My ex girlfriend has migraines sometimes. Those look the worst! Wish I could do something to help y'all.

I actually got a good night's sleep last night. I was low-key afraid to go to sleep because I hit my head repeatedly because of my Tourette but I didn't have concussion symptoms. I slept well and I'm obviously awake.
Prices have doubled for everything. Salaries remained the same. Fuck society. Hard to move on after so many years but I have to look for something else.

Yeah, sorry to hear about your work situation. I’m trying to figure out how I can be my own boss because investing all your time to build up someone else’s business just so they can take all the value you generate and leave you scraps fucking sucks.

The one in my town sucks.

My sister is a head bitch at ruth’s, I’ll tell her to send in the strike team.

If it wasn't for her making my other coworker angry over something that she had no business bringing up, I would have been ok. My coworker is always helpful with everyone and we're both Gen Xers ... But I saw the pain on her face and for this new girl to go THERE like "I don't care"... I can handle my own stuff but when you antagonize someone ELSE like that? Naw... Just don't.

Supposed to have a meeting today.

I have eczema on my hands. It sucks!

Hope your meeting goes well, as in you come out squeaky clean and new girl gets censured! When I’m too pissed off to function I can release a lot of that energy by screaming into a pillow, then calm down by controlling my breathing. I have to try not to hit random things and injure myself, or at least find something padded to hit. Having something like a punching bag can be a real useful tool, lay it on the ground, straddle it, and just throw your elbows one after the other into its stupid face.


I usually never get angry as I only allow about 5 people in my life to be "close enough" to me to actually be able to make me angry. But these people never did that (so far). Everyone else doesn't matter enough to me that I'd allow them to hold such power (over me).
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