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Angry Shadowrun Fans get to Playtest Shadowrun...


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Not to disagree, but for the record, to those saying people/I/we're "overreacting", please for a brief moment, imagine this:

Think of an IP you hold dear. Maybe one with tons of depth and possibilities.
Now imagine that IP raped of all it's worth, and attached to a random, unrelated project that doesn't fit with the IP's past/what made that IP unique, just to attach then name.

If you can honestly say that you could care less at the misuse of that IP, then fine, we're overracting. I don't feel the same way.


Kabuki Waq said:
This will be marketed as a Cool Sci-fi FPS. It will sell more than any shadowrun rpg would IMO.
Unfortunately it's ugly, multiplayer-only, and one of probably 10 "cool SciFi shooters" headed for X360. Good luck with sales.


This game is competing with Gears of War and Halo 3 and the comparision is extremely unkind. And that's without even taking into account the fact that this game is restricted to Xbox 360 GOLD Live Members due to being Multiplay only.


Azih said:
And that's without even taking into account the fact that this game is restricted to Xbox 360 GOLD Live Members due to being Multiplay only.
Are you sure about that? I'm assuming that they will at least have bot-play and LAN play outside of Live.
border said:
Unfortunately it's ugly, multiplayer-only, and one of probably 10 "cool SciFi shooters" headed for X360. Good luck with sales.

The thing is with Mass Effect coming i really dont think Shadow run had a chance anyways. If they can market it as a Sci fi Counterstrike it will get some sales.

PDZ did alright sales wise i thought?


Kabuki Waq said:
The thing is with Mass Effect coming i really dont think Shadow run had a chance anyways. If they can market it as a Sci fi Counterstrike it will get some sales.

PDZ did alright sales wise i thought?

Counter-Strike for Xbox had great sales and as of last week was the #3 game played on XBL for Xbox. I imagine Shadowrun can have the same type of success.


I think the most important part of this artical is that , xbox product groups dont get the same funding or time. I wonder if this what happened to PDZ?


Kabuki Waq said:
The thing is with Mass Effect coming i really dont think Shadow run had a chance anyways.
There's only room for 1 scifi RPG on the system....but there's room for 5-20 scifi FPS titles? You might as well say that Shadowrun doesn't stand a chance with Gears of War, Halo 3, Lost Planet, FEAR, Prey, etc coming. Even in the multiplayer shooter category it still has to contend with Huxley and Quake Wars, both of which are more ambitious and have 10x better graphics.

They might have pushed it towards FPS because they knew Mass Effect was coming, but I doubt that Mass Effect would have really hurt the sales of a Shadowrun RPG (unless released very close together). Oblivion has established a lot of RPG fans on the 360 who don't have much to play right now.


This still doesn't change the fact that the game will lack a single player campaign, and looks like a hi-res Q3 game with better models.

SnakeXs said:
Not to disagree, but for the record, to those saying people/I/we're "overreacting", please for a brief moment, imagine this:

Think of an IP you hold dear. Maybe one with tons of depth and possibilities.
Now imagine that IP raped of all it's worth, and attached to a random, unrelated project that doesn't fit with the IP's past/what made that IP unique, just to attach then name.

If you can honestly say that you could care less at the misuse of that IP, then fine, we're overracting. I don't feel the same way.

Halo 3 is a racing game, didn't you know?



FASA good.


border said:
Unfortunately it's ugly, multiplayer-only, and one of probably 10 "cool SciFi shooters" headed for X360. Good luck with sales.

How many of those 10 cool sci-fi shooters let you use magic? cast spells? pick a char from a wide range of choices? puts emphasis on team play?

For every bad light one tries to show the game in, there's also a good one you see.

To end the discussion as I go to bed: I agree with both Gaijin to Ronin and Kabuki Waq.

This is not the game Shadowrun fans have waited for but it still will sell good, certainly better than a Shadowrun RPG would.


beelzebozo said:
I know very little about how this game is coming along, but...

is there a comparison to be made to Metroid's transition from third person to first person between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime?

I wouldn't say Metroid Prime represented as dramatic a gameplay shift as the new Shadowrun seems to be, but it's a thought.

There is a bit of a flaw in this line of reasoning, to wit one has to remember that more then just a gameplay shift is underway with the Shadowrun FPS. Metroid Prime did represent a once reviled shift in a revered geek gaming franchise, though upon the release of Metroid Prime the game was praised to the hilt. Why, because despite the changeover to FPS Metroid Prime was, well, how to put this, it captured the gestalt of what made Metroid beloved and transposed it in this new paradigm. Conversly, the Shadowrun FPS is running afoul with people not just because it is a Couter-Strike clone but as it has been mentioned this new Shadowrun omits and changes aspects of the Franchise and is turning it two some oddball bastardized approximation of Shadowrun opposed to the real thing.


Jealous Bastard
Shard said:
There is a bit of a flaw in this line of reasoning, to wit one has to remember that more then just a gameplay shift is underway with the Shadowrun FPS. Metroid Prime did represent a once reviled shift in a revered geek gaming franchise, though upon the release of Metroid Prime the game was praised to the hilt. Why, because despite the changeover to FPS Metroid Prime was, well, how to put this, it captured the gestalt of what made Metroid beloved and transposed it in this new paradigm. Conversly, the Shadowrun FPS is running afoul with people not just because it is a Couter-Strike clone but as it has been mentioned this new Shadowrun omits and changes aspects of the Franchise and is turning it two some oddball bastardized approximation of Shadowrun opposed to the real thing.

Yeah, I sort of figured.


I would have been freaking out if they tried to turn Metroid into an RPG, or a point and click adventure. I sympathize with the fans of the series.


beelzebozo said:
Yeah, I sort of figured.


I would have been freaking out if they tried to turn Metroid into an RPG, or a point and click adventure. I sympathize with the fans of the series.

Well, there was that Metroid Prime Pinball game that came out for the DS, and even that was rather well liked. Let me put it to you this way, hardcore fans would be reacting to the changes in Metroid if it were set in the modern day, featuring a male protaginst and you had to mindlessly fight skeleton warriors or something.


Shard said:
Well, there was that Metroid Prime Pinball game that came out for the DS, and even that was rather well liked.
It wouldn't have been if it was replacing the main series.


tahrikmili said:
Well.. this does get me interested in the game once again..

this is neogaf sacrilege of the highest order....dig deep within your soul and you shall find that core of hate once again.


Dave Long said:
Everyone has overreacted in a major way. This game played really well at E3. I sat down with it on two occasions and came away wanting to play it more. Just because it isn't what you wanted doesn't mean it isn't good.
point missed.

FFS. I guess turning Zelda into a FPS would be okay, just as long as it played well.

Now throw yourself off a cliff. NOW.
Blame! said:
this is neogaf sacrilege of the highest order....dig deep within your soul and you shall find that core of hate once again.


I'm a long time pen&pencil rpg nerd, it was a real blow to me to find out Shadowrun (a very rich rpg setting too..) had become a multiplayer fps..

But if it's at least a good FPS with an authentic Shadowrun feel (unlike all the negativity that most people reported from E3 had) I would play it, I think..


Lots of text.
I think the part where the hero turned from a guy who was "on our side", willing and able to take our vengeance to FASA, to a guy who was overwhelmed by the dazzling awesomeness of FASA and Shadowruin, so he forgot his point and started mimicking all the arguments and excuses from FASA which we've all heard before, was a little forced and unrealistic.

Generally pretty entertaining though. Lots of hope, followed by despair mixed with delusion. Final score says that I feel just slightly more betrayed by FASA than I would've had someone simply bumped the main Shadowruin thread.


Borys said:
How many of those 10 cool sci-fi shooters let you use magic? cast spells? pick a char from a wide range of choices? puts emphasis on team play?
Doesn't really matter. The market is crowded and at the mainstream marketing level none of the particulars are going to show through. It'll just be an unattractive game that's no good without a pay-to-play Live subscription. I dunno if it will bomb or anything, but it's got enough strikes against it for me to say an RPG version could do better. It might be different if the game looked like Gears of War or something.

This is not the game Shadowrun fans have waited for but it still will sell good, certainly better than a Shadowrun RPG would.
I've yet to hear why this is true, outside of dull, mostly unfounded generalizations like "FPSes sell better than RPGs". If sales are the be-all end-all, then what motivation would there ever be to turn the series back into an RPG? Why doesn't Microsoft just make everything into an FPS?


viralmarketer said:
This is a game that will appeal to FPS fans first, and Shadowrun fans second

Sounds pretty ****ing heretic to me. I mean, we could really use a Shadowrun RPG (Biowaaaaaaaaaare!).

All said, I'm not a Shadowrun fan, but that's only because it was nearly impossible to find the old SNES and Genesis games back when I could actually afford to go looking for them. I'd get the ROM, but that would be...wrong.

Is it worth getting the game on eBay?


On another note entirely, a Halo RPG might kick considerable amounts of arse, but would Halo fans flock to it and declare it Best Game Ever, or would they be all up in arms, calling it a "betrayal" of the franchise? Even though the Halo universe already has a fully developed backstory (through the books and previous games)?

Something to think about, I think.

EDIT: Or, as Vyse said above, Halo Warthog Racing. Guest-starring Crash Bandicoot! :lol

Joe Molotov

You know, I bet there were people who defended Superman 64 before it came too.

"Come on guys, the graphics aren't that bad. And it has that authentic Superman feeling!!"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dambrosi said:
On another note entirely, a Halo RPG might kick considerable amounts of arse, but would Halo fans flock to it and declare it Best Game Ever, or would they be all up in arms, calling it a "betrayal" of the franchise? Even though the Halo universe already has a fully developed backstory (through the books and previous games)?

Something to think about, I think.

EDIT: Or, as Vyse said above, Halo Warthog Racing. Guest-starring Crash Bandicoot! :lol

Depends. Obviously Halo 4/RPG or whatever is not the only game to come along in the series in 10+ years and it isn't going to face the sales challenge. A shadowrun sequel may never happen.
So much crow will be eaten when this game comes out. It's easily better than Crimson Skies and MechAssault 1/2 multiplayer were. It's better than PDZ multiplayer. It's better than Quake Arena III multiplayer. It's quite possibly one of the most fun multiplayer FPS games ever created.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are moving mountains to reword the game's terminology and timeline to appease angry fans, but they can do only so much and as the article states they are obviously budget and time strapped.

It would make sense for MS to have Bethesda or Pandemic or Phantagram or some other studio do the Shadowrun RPG, in my opinion. Let's say hypothetically that the PC+360 version of Shadowrun sells 1 million plus, so they greenlight a sequel to that and a more authentic RPG game from a different developer, who would you want to have to it? Personally I say Bethesda is busy with Fallout, so hunt down some hungry upstart studio that is begging to show what they can do (like Lionhead did with Fable).


Dude's blog was written better than most of the stuff I have read on so-called professional gaming websites and magazines.

I declare shenanigans.


my reputation is Shadowruined
As someone thats played a lot of Counter-Strike, I got to say this Shadowrun FPS sounds really cool. A whole new gameplay dimenson is added by having magic spells to go along with guns.

Want to camp at a certain choke point, go ahead I'll just teleport thru a wall. Once I teleport to the other side of the wall, I'll fire a few shots, then teleport back to the other side.

You have a lot of incentive to resurrect your teamates because you get half of all the money they earn after you resurrect them.

The gameplay sounds like it has the potential to be really fun.

Joe Molotov

Odysseus said:
Dude's blog was written better than most of the stuff I have read on so-called professional gaming websites and magazines.

I declare shenanigans.

These are quite shocking accusations, sir! Are you saying there may be reason not to trust Microsoft for reviews of Microsoft games?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
As a person who knows almost nothing about Shadowrun, I'm completely uninterested in this game. Why play a good multiplayer FPS with crappy graphics when I have access to tons of other great FPSes with excellent graphics?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I am tearing up reading those impressions from the OP.

Those people must try so hard and work so hard. The internet took a shit on those people post-E3 and their three years of hard work probably felt like three years of getting bitch slapped in the wang with a razor.

The game isn't the game I want, but I am gonna give it a try I guess. They've worked too hard for the hate they have received. Nobody in any field deserves to have the black wave of vitriol engulf them the way FASA has been engulfed.

If it isn't a good game, it isn't good. It looks fun. It needs major graphical work. Maybe it'll be a budget title.


My opinion? USED.
I just dont get it, we already have counterstrike and its free. Why do we need another ?

I could see this sort of game selling for $10 on XBLA but a full game ? Its multiplayer only.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ryudo said:
I just dont get it, we already have counterstrike and its free. Why do we need another ?

Because that's what they wanted to do. And then they added the Shadowrun twist.


My opinion? USED.
Y2Kevbug11 said:
Because that's what they wanted to do. And then they added the Shadowrun twist.

I want to make love to jack nicholson but it just aint gonna happen, you know ?

Seriously though, at what stage did they think they providing gamers with something new ? Being a multiplayer only game its already cut well over half of its target audience away. Then they go and copy counterstrike and alienate original shadowrun fans.

Fasa are capable of great polished games, this is just like watching a train wreck about to happen.

Here Be Dragons

Junior Member
Y2Kevbug11 said:
Nobody in any field deserves to have the black wave of vitriol engulf them the way FASA has been engulfed.

That should really tell them something. I mean how many games get shit on this hard by the loyal fanbase? People were clamoring for a Shadowrun game and instead they got Generic FPS with License #245.

Why should anyone have sympathy? FASA Studios is pretty much done.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
Those people must try so hard and work so hard. The internet took a shit on those people post-E3 and their three years of hard work
Doesn't look like they worked that hard....

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