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Angry Shadowrun Fans get to Playtest Shadowrun...


Ryudo said:
I just dont get it, we already have counterstrike and its free. Why do we need another ?

I could see this sort of game selling for $10 on XBLA but a full game ? Its multiplayer only.

Microsoft needed a first party widget for Live Anyway and Shadowrun was chosen.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Here Be Dragons said:
Why should anyone have sympathy? FASA Studios is pretty much done.

That's reason enough for me to feel for them. I can identify with being in the position of having designed and worked on something for very long only to have the reception be extremely (almost personally hurtful) negative.

Yeah, the graphics are bad.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
That's reason enough for me to feel for them. I can identify with being in the position of having designed and worked on something for very long only to have the reception be extremely (almost personally hurtful) negative.

Yeah, the graphics are bad.

Yea, wasn't there some rumor going around about how Shadowrun is the last chnace for FASA Studio and if it fails they are going to end up like Digital Anvil?


Shard said:
Yea, wasn't there some rumor going around about how Shadowrun is the last chnace for FASA Studio and if it fails they are going to end up like Digital Anvil?

I dunno about last chance, but Microsoft certainly isn't interested in anything else they have to offer.


IGN: So what happened to Crimson Skies, Brute Force, and MechAssault? Are we going to see those games making a comeback on next-generation systems?

Shane Kim: Um, I don't know. You might see them coming from another publisher. We don't have any plans right now to publish new versions of those titles. Are those a few of your personal favorites?


Brute Force was never in the hands of FASA, MechAssualt 2 fared poorly in the sales as I recall (No thanks to Microsoft, releasing a game like that a month after Halo 2 and so on and so forth) and as for Crimson Skies, I do not know but "poor sales" always seems to be a good fallback.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
I don't think FASA even really did Crimson Skies or MechAssault.

They did directly program High Road to Revenge and they were the producer firm on Mechassualt. (The actual coding was done by Day 1)

Dave Long

border said:
I dunno about last chance, but Microsoft certainly isn't interested in anything else they have to offer.


IGN: So what happened to Crimson Skies, Brute Force, and MechAssault? Are we going to see those games making a comeback on next-generation systems?

Shane Kim: Um, I don't know. You might see them coming from another publisher. We don't have any plans right now to publish new versions of those titles. Are those a few of your personal favorites?

This is probably better commentary on Shane Kim not being much of a games guy than it is on FASA Interactive. You guys are poopooing Shadowrun, but clearly the reason this game is being built to be more generically appealing is because of Kim and the current mentaility of Microsoft Game Studios to push in that direction.

Joe Molotov

border said:
Doesn't look like they worked that hard....


Give them some credit. It's not easy making X360 games when all you have to work with is a Dreamcast dev kit.
Y2Kevbug11 said:
The game isn't the game I want, but I am gonna give it a try I guess. They've worked too hard for the hate they have received. Nobody in any field deserves to have the black wave of vitriol engulf them the way FASA has been engulfed.
The reason no one is letting FASA off the hook is because there is an utterly simple solution that would make all the hate go away, and still allow this game to be released to whatever success or failure its mechanics and gameplay warrant:


Immediately all the doomsayers would quiet down, and while a lot of them will hate the game anyway out of principle/narrow-mindedness, the game would then stand simply on what it offers as a game, and not a franchise installment.


Nah, I think what they really need is a little more money and a lot more time from MS, who should realize that's what's needed to make this game a success. There's no sense shoving it out the door if it won't sell worth a damn in that state. They did this all the damn time with nearly ever first party xbox game, and *suprise, surprise* nearly all of them bombed.


Oh good, another thread to kick me in the balls.

Mistwalker said:
The reason no one is letting FASA off the hook is because there is an utterly simple solution that would make all the hate go away, and still allow this game to be released to whatever success or failure its mechanics and gameplay warrant:


Immediately all the doomsayers would quiet down, and while a lot of them will hate the game anyway out of principle/narrow-mindedness, the game would then stand simply on what it offers as a game, and not a franchise installment.

Agreed. It's so damn simple and yet they refuse to do it?

Existing Shadowrun fans wouldn't mind if this is some sort of spin off (like Mario Kart, Metroid Pinball etc) but they don't want the name to be locked into being a FPS. And if it does well that's exactly what will happen.

Shadowrun name means nothing to casuals...so why use it?

Shadowrun name means a lot to fans...so why use it on a FPS?

They are ****ing retarded at FASA.
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