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Angry Video Game Nerd


bish gets all the credit :)
LoL. even NG is too hardcore for the nerd. i love these hard game reviews rather than th e awful game reviews.


Everything is moe to me
Lost Fragment said:
Every opportunity I get, I like to mention that I can beat Ninja Gaiden without dying.

best i can do is beat the original star wars on gameboy without dying. :(


I have no idea how the hell I got good enough at this game at 6 years old to beat it. Of course now I'm lucky to get through 6-1 on a good day.

One of my most vivid memories of this game was watching my brother beat Jaqui with only the sword, since before that point we always hoarded the large ninja star boomerang to use against him.


I am Korean.
Ysiadmihi said:
This makes me wish he'd do a Game Center CX-like spinoff. I'd have preferred to see him make his way through the game without the ninja filler crap (though it did get funny towards the end).
The meaningless advice the ninja kept offering had me laughing through most of the review.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
The Ninja Gaiden one was hilarious. Great stuff :lol


Hahaha, very nice.

Lost Fragment said:
Every opportunity I get, I like to mention that I can beat Ninja Gaiden without dying.

I used to be able too as a kid. I played the game so often I had every enemy pattern memorized on each level...I could just keep running and tear through a level unscathed. Nowadays I would be lucky to make it halfway through the game. :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
BigJonsson said:
They don't make games like that anymore

Thank god. I don't have the patience for games that are unfairly difficult anymore.
I dled the game on the VC and was pissed that when I made it to the final boss, that I was sent back to the beginning of the level. The second boss just gets to me. I didn't really have a problem with the level itself, but it was just too tedious. I'll pick it back up and beat it one of these days.


IIRC, the second form of Jaquio isn't that hard to beat once you know the pattern. You just have to take it slow, running left to right and using the wall jump to hit him one time as he comes at you, then rinse and repeat. It takes awhile to do but you can dodge the fire and also slowly bring his health down.


The Ninja Gaiden piece was great. I started playing it again via the Virtual Console a few weeks ago and seeing segments of stages 6-2 and 6-3... and then seeing the game revert back to 6-1 after dying during the boss battle-- resounded strongly with me.

I've always thought that Ninja Gaiden II was the best game of the NES trilogy. Although Rolfe cites the "hazards" for making the game too challenging, Ninja Gaiden II is quite beatable. Ninja Gaiden III was not only hard, but as Rolfe mentioned, tagging limited continues to a series that never had them was a poor design choice. As for the first NES Gaiden game, the first five stages are great; it's just the hellaciously hard sixth that makes it so maddening.


I am Korean.
NeoUltima said:
I only ever played III(hey its all I had)...Needless to say I never beat it. I got pretty far if I recall though.
I rented 1 and 2, never got very far in them and avoided 3 because by then I knew that I loathed games that feature your character leaping backwards into pits if you get hit. :lol

Ninja Gaiden 1 did teach me a valuable lesson though. I rented it mainly due to EGM's review scores. I never bought or rented a game based on review scores ever again. I mainly went by content and/or genre after that.

Red Scarlet

2 was really easy..I could never beat the last boss in 1 (not even the first part) nor the last level in 7 without a game genie and I still ran out of time on that a few times.


Surprised the Nerd said he couldn't beat NG. The fact that they didn't show the end in the vid makes me think he still hasn't beat it!

I loved this game when it was new, I worked my way through that mother and killed its ass... 2nd one as well (the "easy" one). Never picked up #3, although I am tempted to have a look at it sometime (though I am sure I am 20 years too late to still have patience for that stuff). Can anyone recommend the Sega Genesis/Game Gear/Master System versions? (All completely different!) I've barely played any of 'em..
II is far from being an easy game, but it is definitely the least punishing of the three and the most polished.

I still have a soft spot for the first though. The last set of stages is bullshit - as is being sent back to the start of 6-1 if you die at Jacquio (and you will), particularly when you consider that 6-2 is incredibly difficult, no matter how much of a NES champ you are. Prior to playing NG I had beaten nearly all of the NES's hardest games and still found 6-2 an absolute pain in the ass.

Beating the game was bliss though. :D

Edit: Nunchuk-fuck! :lol


I think I got to the 2nd stage of the final boss and then died once.

6-2 is pretty ridiculously hard due to getting kicked all the way back to 6-1 every time.
Great episode for sure... and yeah, Ninja Gaiden 1's last level is just unfairly hard. Between the insane difficulty of the level itself and the very difficult bosses at the end and that it sends you all the way back when you die, I haven't finished it either, despite also getting to the second form of the final boss. It's just too hard, and it stops being fun eventually.

The second game I have beaten though, and it's a lot easier than the first one really. First, the last level isn't nearly as hard as the last level of the first game, and second, it doesn't send you all the way back to the beginning of the level when you die at the bosses -- you start from about midway. It's still cruel, but not quite as cruel. Also it keeps the 'bosses you beat you don't have to fight again' thing, which really helps. And I don't think any of its forms are as hard as that second form of the first games' final boss...

As for the third one, yeah, because of the continue limit the NES version is no fun. Either play the Japanese Famicom version, which has infinite continues and password save, or the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (SNES collection) version, which also has infinite continues and password save. Just don't play the US NES version unless you like to suffer.

(On that note, sure the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy doesn't have perfect audio, and the "parallax" elements in the third game are gone, but the added password save system makes up for that I think... games are better with saving. It's too bad Ninja Gaiden Trilogy is so hard to find and somewhat pricey.)
Seeing that Ninja Gaiden video just reminds me how ridiculous and frustrating that game is. Over 20 years later and I still have not beat it. I tried a few years ago but just end up quitting before the last boss. I've pretty much given up on Ninja Gaiden.


I always laugh at people who complain about the newer Ninja Gaiden games being hard. There's no such thing as an easy Ninja Gaiden game. This series was hard as fuck back in the era where games were hard to begin with.
Stage 6 is insane, I played the game for the first time when it came out on the VC and I only managed to get up to stage 6-2. That stage is crazy, 6-2 alone is at least 10-15 mins long in of itself!

After seeing what lies ahead, I think it's safe to say I'll never beat the game :lol

Great game, but only the hardest of the hardcore will ever play it to the end.


_Alkaline_ said:
I still have a soft spot for the first though. The last set of stages is bullshit - as is being sent back to the start of 6-1 if you die at Jacquio (and you will), particularly when you consider that 6-2 is incredibly difficult, no matter how much of a NES champ you are.

True but if you make it through level 6 again you'll start at Jacquio with your weapons. (Which is a huge help because when you defeat your father you lose all your special weapons. A friend of mine found out if he beat dad, lost to Jacquio and then played through level he started at Jacquio and he had that rising fire weapon. Makes him much easier.)


Hell yeah Ninja Gaiden!

I actually finally beat the first game just last year on VC. 6-1 was as far as I'd ever managed to get back in the day, being returned to that point after dying at Jaquio was rage inducing :lol
Ninja Gaiden 1 is a legitimately difficult game. Jaquio isn't the worst part though. He nailed the worst part.

Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3 are a lot easier, but there's little room for error in NG3.

His Street Fighter 2010 video got me thinking about something though, and this cemented it. He keeps referring to these games confusing him because of connections to Street Fighter II. But if he played Ninja Gaiden when it was released or even within a few years of release, there was no Street Fighter II yet.



Sorry for being a killjoy or controversial but that game looks as shit as all the other games that AVGN hates.

The collision detection seems off, to say that the game is badly designed is an understatement! Some of those deaths are just plain wrong! I'm not saying this as someone who thinks the PS2 is retro, I was there in the NES days playing rock solid games, but Ninja Gaiden seems like a really fucked up game!

I don't understand how NG gets a free pass yet Ninja Turtles gets assraped by him!
Brera said:

Sorry for being a killjoy or controversial but that game looks as shit as all the other games that AVGN hates.

The collision detection seems off, to say that the game is badly designed is an understatement! Some of those deaths are just plain wrong! I'm not saying this as someone who thinks the PS2 is retro, I was there in the NES days playing rock solid games, but Ninja Gaiden seems like a really fucked up game!

I don't understand how NG gets a free pass yet Ninja Turtles gets assraped by him!
If you haven't played NG, you really shouldn't be talking. The controls are extremely precise and the collision detection is as good as anything you could find. It's one of the best action games on the NES, which makes it one of the best 2D action games of all time. The last level is indeed disgustingly hard, but there's nothing "bad" about the design. It's meant to be extremely challenging.

That's not you being a killjoy or controversial, it's you looking like an ignorant fool.


Only AVGN I ever liked. Probably cause' he wasn't screaming enjambed strings of profanity like a thirteen-year-old middle school comedian hopeful.
Brera said:

Sorry for being a killjoy or controversial but that game looks as shit as all the other games that AVGN hates.

The collision detection seems off, to say that the game is badly designed is an understatement! Some of those deaths are just plain wrong! I'm not saying this as someone who thinks the PS2 is retro, I was there in the NES days playing rock solid games, but Ninja Gaiden seems like a really fucked up game!

I don't understand how NG gets a free pass yet Ninja Turtles gets assraped by him!

One of those cases where you should either play the game or simply not make a comment. As difficult as these games are, their mechanics and controls are superbly designed. Even twenty years later they still rank among the most exhilarating sidescrolling action games you will find.


Segata Sanshiro said:
If you haven't played NG, you really shouldn't be talking. The controls are extremely precise and the collision detection is as good as anything you could find. It's one of the best action games on the NES, which makes it one of the best 2D action games of all time. The last level is indeed disgustingly hard, but there's nothing "bad" about the design. It's meant to be extremely challenging.

That's not you being a killjoy or controversial, it's you looking like an ignorant fool.

There's no need to be so aggressive.

I asked a fair question, I've played enough games to know when one is hard and when one is hard because it's badly designed. Some of the deaths and bits shown are just criminal and look as though you rely on pot luck to get past!

In fact I'll download it now on VC and come back in a bit!
The Ninja Gaiden video was great. One of the few times I enjoy when AVGN gets theatrical (enjoyed his Batman reviews).

That said, I have yet to finish any Ninja Gaiden game, 20+ years later.
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