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Angry Video Game Nerd

Dreamwriter said:
He needs to follow up with Super Hydlide for the Genesis. That was actually the third game in the Hydlide series. And while the gameplay was still rather flawed, the game did manage to have cool music.

I don't think The Nerd has ever done a feature on a Genesis game.

If he ever gets around to it I figure he's going to start with the obvious stuff like Heavy Nova, Cyborg Justice, maybe even Altered Beast.

Seriously he should do Virtual Hydlide next if that's the case. Better to go all out with the most epic shitty game.

I should also mention that I actually paid $15 for a copy of the original Hydlide way back when. I actually played it for quite awhile just because yay experience points yay.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Buckethead said:
I hadn't seen a good 40% of his reviews up until this past weekend.

I want moar.

I've been watching all his reviews for the past week starting from Simon's Quest. Still as good as ever. :D
mavs said:
wtf is that duck tales cart in the intro?

I thought that was one of the funniest parts of the video to be honest.

Overall I thought it was a good review. I still remember renting it back in 89' or 90' and wasting the entire afternoon just dying over and over again. I doubt I made any progress.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh I can't wait to watch! After listening to some music, I'm going to check this out! BTW, I LOVED Super Hydlide on the Genesis. I know a lot of people complain about the graphics or the choppy movement, but I had so much fun with this game. The ending was kind of epic in a way.


I don't get why he gave Zelda's cryptic shit a pass. Because it was more popular, and you could therefore exchange solutions with friends? Because there were guides for it readily available everywhere? Because he's played through it a million times and knows every nook and cranny of the game and has forgotten how annoying it was to not know that you were supposed to bomb this random rock or push that random gravestone? Because it otherwise played better (which really doesn't have anything to do with the annoying cryptic shit)?

I'm sure Hydlide is a much worse game in all other aspects, but it just seems really silly to bring up something as a major complaint in one game, acknowledge that it's also an issue in another game that happens to be more popular, then vaguely excuse the issue as actually not that big a deal - but only in the more popular game.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
dazzgc said:
justin tv usually has a avgn stream up for those interested. All episodes are queued up i believe, it's not 24/7 tho.

What's the point? They're all available for viewing on Cinemassacre.


KevinCow said:
I don't get why he gave Zelda's cryptic shit a pass. Because it was more popular, and you could therefore exchange solutions with friends? Because there were guides for it readily available everywhere? Because he's played through it a million times and knows every nook and cranny of the game and has forgotten how annoying it was to not know that you were supposed to bomb this random rock or push that random gravestone? Because it otherwise played better (which really doesn't have anything to do with the annoying cryptic shit)?

I'm sure Hydlide is a much worse game in all other aspects, but it just seems really silly to bring up something as a major complaint in one game, acknowledge that it's also an issue in another game that happens to be more popular, then vaguely excuse the issue as actually not that big a deal - but only in the more popular game.

I didn't take it as him giving it a pass, but moreso that he himself couldn't figure out why it didn't bother him in Zelda while bothering him in this game.

Edit: Though he did give reasons why he thought so maybe, including Zelda being a better game.
Bisnic said:
I've been watching all his reviews for the past week starting from Simon's Quest. Still as good as ever. :D
I re-watched the Batman ones and I liked those a lot.
The story/review hybrid was a nice change of pace.

Also Mike was pretty funny as the Joker.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I got to hang out with James at MAGfest. He's a pretty chill guy. Wasn't as personable as Ben Croshaw was, though.
Dreamwriter said:
Hydlide series

I think that's the scariest phrase I've ever seen

KevinCow said:
I don't get why he gave Zelda's cryptic shit a pass. Because it was more popular, and you could therefore exchange solutions with friends? Because there were guides for it readily available everywhere? Because he's played through it a million times and knows every nook and cranny of the game and has forgotten how annoying it was to not know that you were supposed to bomb this random rock or push that random gravestone? Because it otherwise played better (which really doesn't have anything to do with the annoying cryptic shit)?

Because Zelda is actually very good at giving you hints as to where to bomb and stuff. If you see a smooth cliff by itself on a corner or in the middle of a bunch of rough cliffs, you have a better than 50% chance of finding something if you bomb there. As a kid I didn't need someone to tell me were the heart container by the sea shore was, I saw instantly that something was going on there. An island of rock? You have two thirds chance of finding something. Same thing with a single width line of trees or a lone tree. Furthermore, everything you need to beat the game is telegraphed like this, though there are some unessential items that are totally random. Not to say it was perfect, but it was leaps and bound ahead of other games of its time in letting you explore and discover on your own without either confusing you or holding your hand.


Gravijah said:
I didn't take it as him giving it a pass, but moreso that he himself couldn't figure out why it didn't bother him in Zelda while bothering him in this game.

Edit: Though he did give reasons why he thought so maybe, including Zelda being a better game.

To be totally honest, I think there are very few games from the NES era that, were you to play them now for the first time, anyone could enjoy. Even if they would have playing them when they were under 10 years old at the time.

Much as I love Zelda, I think it's one of those games. And I always find the most incomprehensibly negative reviews from him are the ones where he doesn't talk about having played the game back in the day. And he usually complains about things that were painfully common at the time. Like password systems in this video, for example. Zelda was the exception, not the rule, there.
KevinCow said:
I don't get why he gave Zelda's cryptic shit a pass. Because it was more popular, and you could therefore exchange solutions with friends? Because there were guides for it readily available everywhere? Because he's played through it a million times and knows every nook and cranny of the game and has forgotten how annoying it was to not know that you were supposed to bomb this random rock or push that random gravestone? Because it otherwise played better (which really doesn't have anything to do with the annoying cryptic shit)?

I'm sure Hydlide is a much worse game in all other aspects, but it just seems really silly to bring up something as a major complaint in one game, acknowledge that it's also an issue in another game that happens to be more popular, then vaguely excuse the issue as actually not that big a deal - but only in the more popular game.

Zelda was fun and rewarding.

I tried Hydlide once. Gave up when I couldn't kill anything. Now I learn you were supposed to hold A. What's so rewarding about that?

Plus, most of the important secrets in Zelda are logical. Like level 8. I burned the fuck out of that bush way back in the day before I even located level 1. There was nothing more logical than burning that bush. Level 7 I think you get a hint for. Level 9 isn't that tough. Level 5, that was a bitch. Although maybe you got a hint for level 5, I don't remember. Most of the tough levels to find you get a hint for. At least for the first quest.

The 2nd quest is supposed to be a bitch. I have no idea how the fuck I found level 8 in that quest. Holy mother fucking shit that's a tough one. Level 7 was pretty tough to find too. And level 4.

So anyway, Zelda is just a funner game. You want to play it to find secrets.
maharg said:
To be totally honest, I think there are very few games from the NES era that, were you to play them now for the first time, anyone could enjoy. Even if they would have playing them when they were under 10 years old at the time.

Much as I love Zelda, I think it's one of those games. And I always find the most incomprehensibly negative reviews from him are the ones where he doesn't talk about having played the game back in the day. And he usually complains about things that were painfully common at the time. Like password systems in this video, for example. Zelda was the exception, not the rule, there.

People today want instant gratification. They don't have the patience to explore and find things. Zelda 1 is perfectly playable today if you are patient.

Probably also because we're older now. I've grown much more impatient as I've aged. I loved exploring when I was little.

I was overjoyed when I found a heart container in Zelda.

It's an ADD world now.

Then again, I've been playing New Super Mario Brothers Wii and I've located every secret coin in worlds 1-8. Some were a bitch to find. Some about as hard to find as the hard secrets in Zelda. I put up with it because the game was fun. Like Zelda.


Lyte Edge said:
What's the point? They're all available for viewing on Cinemassacre.

That's true, but it's good for the lazy like me. I have it on in the background alot while im doing other things and you can chat with the tards on justin tv as well.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
I don't think The Nerd has ever done a feature on a Genesis game.

KevinCow said:
I don't get why he gave Zelda's cryptic shit a pass. Because it was more popular, and you could therefore exchange solutions with friends? Because there were guides for it readily available everywhere? Because he's played through it a million times and knows every nook and cranny of the game and has forgotten how annoying it was to not know that you were supposed to bomb this random rock or push that random gravestone? Because it otherwise played better (which really doesn't have anything to do with the annoying cryptic shit)?

I'm sure Hydlide is a much worse game in all other aspects, but it just seems really silly to bring up something as a major complaint in one game, acknowledge that it's also an issue in another game that happens to be more popular, then vaguely excuse the issue as actually not that big a deal - but only in the more popular game.

Because we were young with nothing better to do.
SlipperySlope said:
People today want instant gratification. They don't have the patience to explore and find things. Zelda 1 is perfectly playable today if you are patient.
Truth. I have a friend who's a die-hard Nintendo fan yet he never played Zelda growing up. So about 5 years ago (I know, not exactly "today") he got a used copy and started playing for the first time with no guides. He got all the way to the last dungeon before the battery died and he lost his save. :lol


SlipperySlope said:
People today want instant gratification. They don't have the patience to explore and find things. Zelda 1 is perfectly playable today if you are patient.

Probably also because we're older now. I've grown much more impatient as I've aged. I loved exploring when I was little.

I was overjoyed when I found a heart container in Zelda.

It's an ADD world now.

Exploring is fun. I love exploring every nook and cranny of a world. There is little that gives me more joy.

What's not fun is when the game expects you to bomb every single tile in the game, but gives you an extremely limited stock of bombs to do it with. So if you don't find something with the first ten bombs, well, congratulations, you get to spend the next hour killing enemies and trying to get them to drop more bombs.


Yeah, I have to say the most frustrating thing in both LoZ and the first Metroid (the two best examples of pure exploration games from the era) is the amount of grinding you have to do if you run low on something you need. Later Zelda and Metroid games swung a little too far to the other extreme, but somewhere out there there must be a happy balance.
DimmuBurgerKing said:
Re: Ninja Gaiden

Yeah, it is. But it's also frustratingly hard, which means it's epic James material. :lol

Not liking him raging over good hard games.
Seems like he is running out of material when there are hundreds of crappy NES games he could play.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Not liking him raging over good hard games.
Seems like he is running out of material when there are hundreds of crappy NES games he could play.

He showed his complete collection once and he pretty much have all of the NES games ever made, he only miss a few (the extremly rare one).


This makes me wish he'd do a Game Center CX-like spinoff. I'd have preferred to see him make his way through the game without the ninja filler crap (though it did get funny towards the end).
Nice review. I have gotten pretty damn good at the game over the years, but that one section near the end with the birds and the guy lobbing stuff at you will always be one of the biggest pain in the asses I have ever seen in a game.
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