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Angry Video Game Nerd


Yeah, thought i'd give it a shot, but not funny. Isn't he ment to be angry? He's mostly just mildly displeased whilst not even attempting to play the game. Hmm.

he isnt nearly as angry as he was 2-3 years ago.

Davey Cakes

Yeah, I actually think Winter Games marks his angriest video in a while.

Though, I don't necessarily see it as "more angry = better." He was only mildly displeased in his NES Accessories video and that's one of my favorites.


paid requisite penance
Rash said:
Yeah, I actually think Winter Games marks his angriest video in a while.

Though, I don't necessarily see it as "more angry = better." He was only mildly displeased in his NES Accessories video and that's one of my favorites.

The Batman one, especially the Batman Forever segment was the best showcase of the Nerd's Anger, if you ask me, and it was hilarious in that case :lol.


The Amiga Brotherhood
He wasn't funny at all in his Winter Games review. Complaining about controls when he probably knows perfectly fine how to play (and seriously, the Hot Dog event is not Ski Jump, and it's an easy event), acting like he's angry but it shines through that he's just desperately trying to make a funny video, and failing horribly. It's not what I call humour. It's just dumb. I felt more embarressed than entertained by looking at him. He's done a lot better videos than this. This was one of his worst. He's trying too hard, and it ends up unnatural (but not in a good way) and just awkward.
Nice review. I especially dug his tangents about Saturn and TG 16.

SF 2010 is just like he says it was. All the bad memories about the final stage came back to me in this review. I remember getting so worn out from continuing over and over foolishly thinking I could beat it. AVGN should be proud to be able to be such a bastard of a game.
Dude. The autograph thing where he signs the n64's and stuff is fucking heartwarming. If you disagree you are an internet tough guy.

edit: I'm getting buttfucked up the dick :lol :lol
dallow_bg said:
I learned something new.

Had no idea Final Fight was originally called Street Fighter 1989.

I remember playing a side scrolling Street Fighter game every vacation in a milk bar when I was a kid, i'm pretty sure that's what yr talking about. Fucking ruled.


this was one of the better episodes ive seen lately... i laughed when he talked about the different stages of skill you get with a hard game lol this seems like his older work


I bought this game as a kid after our little group of neighborhood friends got into SF2.

I was not amused.
ntropy said:
i never knew it had a cd-rom attachment


Why didn't you listen? Why?


m3k said:
this was one of the better episodes ive seen lately... i laughed when he talked about the different stages of skill you get with a hard game lol this seems like his older work

That part killed me because its exactly what happens to me :lol
I remember picking up Street Fighter 2010 on the cheap when I was a kid because the box looked cool and it was Capcom. I remember being pretty much baffled by how shitty and weird it was, an early lesson in not just picking up games based on the cover.


Subete no aware
Man, they really should work in FutureKen into the next Street Fighter game. We need a new gimmick character to replace Dan!


Street Fighter 2010 was a great game.

Awesome variety of levels, cool alien worlds. The entire game is one set piece after another.


This felt like a classic nerd episode, despite all the tangents, legit criticism and not fake angst and anger.

The game really should've been called anything else than Street Fighter, it would stood as its own unique sci-fi scroller action game.

You can climb the fucking waterfalls of diarrhea!


The Nerd makes a good point: Why hasn't Street Fighter gotten updates when it was more deserving of them than SF2?


MAtgS said:
The Nerd makes a good point: Why hasn't Street Fighter gotten updates when it was more deserving of them than SF2?

Street fighter 2 WAS the update to the first game. Quite possibly the single best sequel to anything ever really. Given that the first one only really gets points for trying something which at the time was new.
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