hmmm, having light sleepers not being able to tell how many actions are in a night kinda throws a wrench in things. Would make sense they get multiple reports since they are light sleepers

.So where are everyone's thought in regards for who to vote other than Lunatic due to inactivity?
Looking at the LS range, doesn't provide too much information, with hopefully more information to come from LS at some point, since one or both held back a little?
I think RNH MAY be clear in regards to actions, since Toma didn't pick up activity n1 while Kalor did. So that leaves Haly, KingKitty, and Mazre having an action performed on them or doing an action that night, possible both since LSs can't tell if more than one activity in a night. There is currently a theory floating about what the actions were and that could explain Kalor's reports of activities. Curious to see if there is activity for Kalor on Night 5. Fran, if possible, don't investigate anyone in Kalor's range in Night 5. Since Tucah had an action performed on him(eviction) but didn't show up for Toma, that opens up the opportunity of a silent killer. If that is the case we won't be able to get info in regards to kills until the silent HHA member is found.
Has there been nothing of value discussed in the gossip chats?
Was there any reason Foshy didn't invite Nin to the chat? I want to say I saw a post where Foshy said something about not trusting nin, but no sure.
I find it weird that none of the vocal/post heavy users have been targeted by HHA, but that is just reading about last game and barrylocke