I'm going to summarize most (not all) of the info that Mazre left me before his untimely eviction.
-There are potentially 3-5 mafia. There's Timmy, Tommy, Nook, and the lost partner. He also thinks there might be an extra one.
-Possible that franconp is mafia, fits within Animal Crossing New Leaf theme where there are inspectors who snuck into people's houses.
-Night 3 may have been a no evict because mafia had to pick up the lost partner.
-Mazre concurs with my belief that there isn't a serial killer role.
-Mazre believes we likely have 2-3 day phases left until mafia can reach a majority. (He didn't mention the possibility of a double eviction)
-It's highly likely roomies have mafia. And it's likely there is an investigator type role, too many things line up. Although the alignment of that investigator (franconp) is still unknown. A suspicious note for mazre is that franconp did a relatively early roleclaim on day 2, even when there wasn't much roomie talk and no votes for roomies at that point.
-Important to look at the Day 4 votes.
-Razmos claimed in post 740 that something was revealed in his gossip chat. Mazre tried to search his following posts in the thread to find an update on this, but he couldn't find any. He found this weird because Timeaisis and Daryll have both claimed ordinary villager. This info should be followed up on.
-Thinks Toma and Kaly are legitimate. Most interesting day concerning these two is Night 1. Toma heard nothing on Night1, but Kalor did. There may have been either an inbournd action on kingkitty (me), Haly, Kalor, or Mazre, OR an outbound action by Haly or kingkitty.
Known actions of those night sinclude Tucah's commuting, an investigation, and the eviction. There's also the possibility of an odd night commuter, but Mazre's gut thinks it's due mafia, but not sure what exactly.
That's most of what he told me. I'll be sure to post my own thoughts a little later after I eat this taco.