Timeaisis, be the hero Ass deserves and bring an end to this madness.
Our Ass needs you, Timeaisis.
If you are a true town member Timeasis give us some insight like in the last game .
I dont want to believe that you are HHA![]()
For what it's worth, nin's posting last game was fairly similar to this game. He's also right about how Timeaisis' posting was completely different
Granted, this could just be because he's busy, but it'd weird. And I'm not saying this lightly, given it throws franconp right in the shit as well, which deconfirms my role. Interesting that he was saying to evict me to prove his innocence and not Timeaisis though.
Kingkitty doubted my role. They have already doubted my role when I said Timeaisis's role saying I could have goten it from the gossip chat. You aren't in any chat so the only way I could get your role was investigating you. That would prove my role.
Kingkitty doubted my role. They have already doubted my role when I said Timeaisis's role saying I could have goten it from the gossip chat. You aren't in any chat so the only way I could get your role was investigating you. That would prove my role.
Well, for me to be mafia I either lied to Razmos or your lying to everyone. Considering I'm not mafia, and you are vetting me, I have no choice but to trust you. Sure, you could be playing some crazy game of finding out from the chat that I was an ordinary townie, but that would implicate either Darryl or Razmos, which, in my opinion, are among the least suspicious individuals at the moment. So that would be completely conjecture.First of all, I pretty much 100% believe franconp is an investigator at this point. Too risky a role to try to pretend to be, too much room for error. However, I'm not 100% on his alignment.
Second of all, an alternative situation to the two you've suggested there: If both of you were HHA aligned, you could agree in the HHA chat that you would pose as normal town and you can use franconp to cover you. Which is a much simpler situation.
I know there has been talk of "proving" fran's role by evicting someone he's claimed, which is a awful, terrible idea as we've past that point in the game where we can do eviction prods to learn information. Ultron has ensured that the voting today is going to be the cincher here. Even if we did learn new information from an action like this, as Haly noted a few pages back, we'd have one day to find and identify a mafia before they overtake us and we lose.
So, in my mind our only options this day are two evict either two people that we are almost positive are mafia, OR one person that is almost surely mafia and another that will most definitely prove someone else is mafia.
Or treat today as a normal day and just vote for a no evict.
For the record, I agree that the whole "proving" of fran's role is a terrible idea, but for the reasons stated above. Not the maths, which I haven't really been thinking about to be honest.
So, what are our options? I think Ouro is the best bet for option #1, which many seem to agree with. If I weren't vetted by fran, I'd agree that I'd be inclined to vote for him for #2, as his death would either clear or make suspect a large swatch of players. Seeing as I am town, I doubt fran is lying. For one, I'm not mafia, for two, it seems to be in mafia's best interest at this point in the game to have us vote for eachother, not randomly clear specific townies. If fran were mafia, for example, why would he clear townies and not accuse them? Saving his hand for later would be an obvious and smart play, but he instead shared his information with us forthright. A move that I can only consider pro-town. Mafia would almost never reveal there information at first, in the interest of being able to control the game later. The only ploy I can see possible at this moment is that RNH is mafia and fran clearing me is "clearing" RNH. It's packaging us all together in a giant trust circle:
Essentially, a move to make us believe all this at once:
1. Fran's town
2. I'm town
3. RNH is town
4. Razmos is (probably) town - since he's in my chat
5. Darryl is (probably) town - also in chat
The only possible reason mafia would "clear" so many people, is if they were protecting someone in secret (in this case, RNH). I don't really think RNH is mafia, but if we buy into the theory that fran is lying, RNH would be better target. Killing fran is too dangerous: he is an investigator, that we are almost sure of. Fran is most probably an investigator, or he has a very good network of mafia lies. It's too risky to kill our investigator right now. He could be our source of a win tomorrow. It's one of our few advantages.
Whew. Well I have more thoughts I'll post a little later.
Sharing his information is only pro-town if he's sharing truthful information. It's very easy for an investigator to cover another HHA as an ordinary villager, especially in a situation like this where no-one can actually disprove it without an eviction. Also, accusing villagers is a much riskier, and probably more difficult tactic to pull off - you'd need to base your entire argument for accusation around the role name. And you can't lie about the role name, because as soon as you do and that person gets lynched, you're fucked.
Another point, I want to go back to the weirdness of the last day phase - it still seems too convenient to me. It's possible that Hobo did something similar to what I attempted at the end of the last game, purposefully getting himself lynched to clear other players. I mean think about it, it was almost guaranteed that Hobo was going to be evicted no matter what, so why not get some clearance out of it. Fran outs his role, he role claims but then claims an impossible list (I can't quite believe the HHA would all overlook that in chat, we had a lot of double checking our lists before sending them out to the wild), which gives the HHA a free pass to cover themselves. Though I may be looking way too hard into this, but it makes sense to me.
Well, for me to be mafia I either lied to Razmos or your lying to everyone. Considering I'm not mafia, and you are vetting me, I have no choice but to trust you. Sure, you could be playing some crazy game of finding out from the chat that I was an ordinary townie, but that would implicate either Darryl or Razmos, which, in my opinion, are among the least suspicious individuals at the moment. So that would be completely conjecture.
Clock bells chime in the distance
Thing is though, getting it from gossip chat still means fuck all. HHA wouldn't come out as HHA in gossip chat. It's not like you're not allowed to lie in there. On top of that, I'd said I was ordinary town in the main thread, so evicting me would have essentially the same outcome as evicting Timeaisis - if we're ordinary villagers, we're ordinary villagers, you haven't proved your alliance. If we're anything else, you've been lying.
Sorry , was at work but i could now give you insight on my oh so strange behaviour
i will try to give you a response to everything that i have said. Even though i was not very active the last day since i had to do some work.
Nothing of interest has happened to me besides being invited into a dead chat were only me and retro talked for the last night.
I will say that Ouro is for sure prime suspect for me, and that I don't think lynching two people today is very wise unless we've got something way more solid than "I don't much like this person". 2 town down today plus a death tonight is a death sentence.
Who has made this argument trying to get someone evicited?
Completely agree with that. I fail to see how evicting me/fran/you is any "different", when it's all boil down to trust of a second party to affirm their role.
As for the part about no evict, how would that work now that we have two "evictions"? If we had most people vote for, say, Ouro, and then the next majority vote for a no evict it would end up that way? If so, I'll tentatively go for that.
Normally, I'd say no evict is a terrible idea, but since Ouro has enough votes as it is to go down, I'd prefer only him over him and someone else that has essentially a 50/50 at being mafia.
VOTE: No evict
For now.
No one in actuality, but lots of the arguments against many people (that isn't Ouro), to me are amounting to "I don't trust you". E.g. arguments against fran, Haly and RNH. Kingkitty is a big "huh", just like he was last game. I have no thoughts on his alignment.
So perhaps it would be better if I asked more specific questions, I want to hear from people who shifted their voting and what it was that actually convinced you and I want to hear from Nin and I want to hear his reads on other people in town, particularly his top mafia (except ouro) and his top town and how he thinks other players have been interacting with him and what it might mean.
I hope I can get some clarification on this. If we have tied votes today instead of doing a no evict both targets get evicted right?
Special provisions for this day
This day phase, there will be two evictions up for a vote.
Each player will get 1 vote, as normal, but the top 2 nominees with the most votes will be evicted.
In the event of one nominee receiving a majority (8 votes), that option (and those votes) will be locked in. Remember, you only get one vote this round. If your vote reaches majority, your vote is locked in.
It is possible for players to vote for "No evict", but it can only take up one of the two eviction slots for today.
Have fun!
Looks like the two ppl with ties would win out, assuming no evict doesn't have majority?
VOTE: No evict
One vote is good for now. If Ourobolus turns out to be a Vengeful Townie, then we'll end up losing two anyways. If Ourobolus was bluffing (hopefully), then we got mafia.
If we were lynching 2 town today, and let me be clear we're not, then we'd go to either
7-4 or 6-5 if you're pessimistic about the mafia count. From 7-4 with two misses today I think it would be almost impossible to miss an additional 2 lynchings and lose the game.
We can't hold back, we will lose the game, if we think it out 2 executes today puts us a day's worth of action ahead of mafia and I'd rather take a 50/50 shot to kill scum than a 100% chance that they kill another town. Even then I have stronger feelings about some players than 50/50 so I'm more than willing to see them go down so we can find out who mafia is this game.
Lets outline a serious problem here, you're talking about how we could lose the game in the next two days, if we make mistakes then yeah it could happen but now the ONLY person you can generate a strong mafia read on is Ouro? that's not good enough for town in the mid to late game, you need to have reads, we need all our townies to be alert, generating information, processing information, and you're sort of "eh, i dunno, seems like a 50/50 shot" at this point in the game you should know something!
Vote: Kingkitty
I hope I can get some clarification on this. If we have tied votes today instead of doing a no evict both targets get evicted right?
I have said the same thing without explaining all the scenaries and offered to investigate Ourobolus the next phase to be sure and squidyj said that I'm HHA.
Let's ser if you have better luck.
If we are dead set on voting for Ouro, unless we have a really, really, really good argument for a 2nd lynch, I'd much prefer killing Ouro alone. This is a very high risk/reward scenario here. We could strike it rich or screw up the entire game. I'm not really willing to take the chance right now, but can be swayed with some solid leads. I haven't seen anything particularly strong, except the general argument against Ouro, which I find generally good but the role claim is damn scary.
I'm sorry. I also proposed, when Kingkitty said that I should be evicted to prove my role, to evict Robotninjahornet as he is an Ordinary Villager and not an Investigator. Completly crazy.
If you have any other doubt just say it and I will answer it.
I think I made a good case against KK.
Completely agree with that. I fail to see how evicting me/fran/you is any "different", when it's all boil down to trust of a second party to affirm their role.
As for the part about no evict, how would that work now that we have two "evictions"? If we had most people vote for, say, Ouro, and then the next majority vote for a no evict it would end up that way? If so, I'll tentatively go for that.
Normally, I'd say no evict is a terrible idea, but since Ouro has enough votes as it is to go down, I'd prefer only him over him and someone else that has essentially a 50/50 at being mafia.
VOTE: No evict
For now.
Thats legit since i only reacted to others so far and never put out a list up to this point since i did not had a read on most of the players. Since we have some time now and the EA conference is 2 hours away i will do thar right now.
Nin/Hodo/OB voted within 10min of eachother for hippie
I don't know if I'll get the chance to post this tomorrow so I'll post it now even though I'd like to wait a little longer for a response.
Nin said he was going to get back to us with reads shortly, in his post he said he'd work on writing them up immediately, now maybe something happened (and either way he will claim something did) but I can't help but feel like either he decided, or his mafia teammates convinced him not to say anything and just stall until the end of the day because they don't want to get into a conversation and they don't want to have him picked apart. I asked for some simple information and as of now nobody has responded. I want to lynch ouro+nin, I want to lynch nin quite badly based in large part on how difficult it has been to gain information from or about him.
Without being able to engage in that conversation however I don't know how to get the rest of town to see what I'm seeing in Nin and to understand the pattern of behavior that is protecting him right now.
I didn't remember that Toma had given some sort of proof he was a Light Sleeper.
What do you mean by that?
I read it as Nin saying that he also doesnt recall Toma ever providing proof to back up his role.
Kalor said that he was because he corrected him with something he informed bad. Haly posted it. And I took the post from Kark as some sort of confirmation of his role. He can be an HHA light sleeper but I'm not too convinced yet.