So the Japanese players must've hit 500 days by now, right?
Has anybody seen the big tree?
Is it good??
I know I could just google it, but I don't think I actually wanna see it.....
She's great. I love how her design is completely unique from any other villager in the game. She's part of my original 5 along with Tom, Cousteau, Clyde, and Freya. I love them all so I'll probably cry for weeks if one of them ever moves away.
I sometimes regret not hanging on to all my OG's.
I had Lobo, Nibbles, Annalise, Zell and Dizzy.
Only Lobo remains. He's staying with me.
All the rest were tough to let go, I'd agreed to let Nibbles go twice before changing my mind both times.
Second time I u-turned I got Stitches in my campsite a few days later and now didn't have space for him
I like the animals that are part of a certain species but are clearly a completely different animal, like how Flora is a flamingo, or a lot of the deer villagers are things like gazelles and antelopes. I've got Drago the crocodile who is clearly a dragon, and Tammi the monkey, who seems more like a kind of lemur based on the tail. Just something cool about those villagers
Yeah those animals are amazing, I've had a few of them. As well as Flora I have Savannah who's a horse, but she's actually a zebra.
Tucker also is an elephant but he's brown and has tusks like a mammoth.
Really cool.