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Anime/Manga Community



    Votes: 34 15.9%
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    Votes: 46 21.5%
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    Votes: 79 36.9%
  • Why yes I like isekai!

    Votes: 11 5.1%
  • Anime Thor

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • I'm here for the plot!

    Votes: 41 19.2%

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Mappa's doing the Lord's work out here.

Speaking of Chainsaw Man, the second part of the manga has started off. It's pretty kino so far.


It's pretty Kino so far.

Wow, come on, watch the spoilers. I had no idea Chainsaw Man was doing a crossover.



Tower of God Season 2 is confirmed!

Happy Lets Go GIF by Major League Soccer

I know some weren’t into Season 1 much, but I really loved it. Fun cast to follow, interesting world, and the Kevin Penkin score was god tier as expected. So glad it’s continuing, I don’t like reading manga/comics digitally so I didn’t really want to read the webcomic online, though physical volumes are coming out in the US soon so that’s great as well.


advanced basic bitch
I started watching Belle since it's on HBO Max. It's okay? IDK. I really think this guy peaked with The Girl Who Lept Through Time. I haven't really cared for much of what he's done after. I'll try it again for the visuals.


I started watching Belle since it's on HBO Max. It's okay? IDK. I really think this guy peaked with The Girl Who Lept Through Time. I haven't really cared for much of what he's done after. I'll try it again for the visuals.
I'd go with it being okay as well. Like I could see it becoming great if they tweaked a few things but it just felt off half the time. The pearl looking cg outfits for the girl look absolutely terrible. Plus I hated how they ended that intense scene at the end of the movie. I was like "really?". Loved the music. The visuals were okay.
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It has been announced that Kaiju No. 8 is getting an anime adaptation soon. Don't know the studio whose doing it. My thoughts are that I knew that this was going to happen but it's too soon to do adaptation of this manga. It's only 6 volumes or so out and the story has yet to really spread its wing sorta speak. I would have waited another year or two before announce something like this.

Finished my first complete yanki manga. I dabbled in a yanki mangas before but this is the first one I finished. And damn, I love it.


Plot summary (from Manga Updates): Misaki Hayato returns to his hometown and enrolls in the same high school as his two childhood friends. A lot has changed in the years he has been gone, his former best friends are seemingly distant from each other and leading relatively normal high school lives. Hayato's sudden arrival soon changes that and sends shockwaves through the entire town's delinquent population with his willingness to do anything for his friends and his love for a good fight.

Man, I was not expecting to enjoy this manga as much as I did. This was quite a ride. Firstly is the theme. The theme of brotherhood and stickign together with your bros is so prevalent in this and I really appreciated it. That theme is one of the best parts about the manga. You see, what's funny you see other series like Naruto that try to nail down that theme but fail so hard with it. It's refreshing for sure and welcoming it. It makes you appreciate and understand characters' motivations more. Speaking of characters, I feel like there isn't a single bad character in this that made the series worse or put a damper on the manga. Even the character that is suppose to annoy you and be turned off by her being loud and crass ends up by being the best female character. Characters I thought were going to be one note and end up being on the side of the protagonist and then having their own battles and development. It definitely helps that the series has such strong supporting cast. Maki, a character that is introduced in the later half of the story, ends feeling like more a MC than Hayato, who is the main character, because of how he is portrayed as a character.

Speaking of the main character, Hayato Misaki is not your typical main character in terms of his design. This is how Hayato looks at the start of the manga:

Not your typical highschooler shonen protagonist, isn't he? Hell, I could see twittards getting their panties in a bunch on how this is cultural appropriation, but it's really not. But what makes him so endearing is that he is a big goofball who rags on his friends but has their backs no matter what. IIRC this plot point of Kenji, Hayato's childhood friend, thought he was being dump and Hayato giving his shit over it and then as he walking away, Kenji has this look of how dared she, and utters unforgivable and decides to find out what happened. That right there shows how much of a bro Hayato is. Makes him a compelling character.

Also a lot of the manga is influenced by American culture, the clothing, hairstyles, and food (one of the favorite spots of Hayato is McDonalds). Hell, there were Jay-Z and Eminem posters on a character's wall at one point. But I don't think that this is sort of high jacking one's culture, I think it's more of appreciation of it than anything else. Also the clothing these characters wear, holy shit, are they dapper as hell:


They look like they're just got done shooting for a GQ magazine, lol. Also characters would wear something different every time, another plus in my book.

Another thing is the art. Man, the art is great. It doesn't look off or anything, it is consistent throughout the entirety of the manga. Very dynamic and action oriented. The panels are easy interpreted and read. The slower, more dialogue scenes are consistent on that front as well and usually have something comedic relating happening. So you'll have no trouble blasting through reading this.

The only real complaint I can see people having with this, is that the storytelling is simplistic. It usually involves the main character unknowingly beats a delinquent scrub or underling who works under some crazy bad ass that Hayato and co. has to beat down or gets involved in another character's plight and has to save them from going down a dark path. But honestly, this isn't a really much of an issue with me because everything else is so good that this is a noncompliant with me.

Finally, I have to say that this manga is really easy to read. It's about 400 chapters but man, I could not put this down. I thought that I was getting burnt out on manga but boy, this revitalize me to keep going and reading and finishing this. I could easily see this being one of the best yanki mangas out there. It's just shame that yanki mangas aren't as popular over here than it is in Japan. Outside of GTO and Tokyo Revengers, it is not much a thing here. I am happy that I did stumble upon this and love it as much as I did. (finished 9/10)

Best girl btw:


Welp, finished Tekken: Bloodline. It was very middling even as a Tekken fan and Tekken 3 was the Tekken I grew up on. So apparently this was co-produced by two different studios: Studio Hibari (who has done Land of Lustrous) and Larx Entertainment (who has done Kengan Ashura). So this isn't so newbie studio that has this as their first animation gig as I had initially thought. What's funny that these two are more capable of better animation than what was presented here. My conclusion is that they were on a shoestring budget and limited time to work on this and it definitely shows. Characters appearing and exiting in a few scenes and some scene transitions were jarring. Walking/running animations looked rough at times. Static shots make some characters look flat. The weird triangle shading will never not look off putting.

Although I didn't hate the series as a whole, I did appreciate some of the nods they threw in here. For the most part, they did stick with how Tekken 3's story played out albeit with some changes. All characters uses their moves from the video game. King, who is my favorite Tekken character, does get a bit of love in episode 5, although I think it could been handled better. He even broke out the Giant Swing and Muscle Buster in this.

But beyond that, it's not much to write home about. The music definitely forgettable and skippable. The OP is pretty generic and bland. Same thing with the ED. If you contrast these with the video game opening, it's not even a competition of which is better.

Speaking of the music, there is a string of Tekken 3 music but beyond, it is a completely huge missed opportunity to use the iconic music from 3. Hell, there was a scene of Jin and Jun talking to one another where it was basically the stage from Tekken 7, Infinite Azure, and it was a missed moment to actually play that music and it would have made the moment way better. Instead we were treated to generic music instead. Here's some of the music that could have been in the series:

Back to some of the fanservice in this. While I think both studios tried do their best with what was given to them, I feel like some fans are going to feel shafted in some regards. Eddy Gordo does even fucking appear in this and was essentially replace with Leroy Smith, who jobbed out to Jin. They didn't even have time to show Julia in the tournament, in fact she wasn't even shown to be eliminated, lol, the writers even forgot about her being in the tournament. Not only that there's around 30 characters and only like 6 characters in this got any type of development in this. And if you're not a Mishima (not really a fan of the Mishimas), you weren't going to get much screen time of other characters. King, for example, has all of his backstory spiel out in ONE episode and is promptly defeated by Jin. Then he is still technically in the scene after getting defeated but magically disappears and to be never seen again. Also I do take issue with people saying this looks the way it does is because the studios were trying emulate the graphics of a fucking PS1 game. Because that doesn't make sense, so they make this look worse intentionally?

But aside that tangent, I do not think this is a bad adaptation of Tekken, it has its merits for sure, but it is pretty middling and mediocre especially if you're not a fan of Tekken. The ending episode definitely did drop a point for me because how rushed everything felt.

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Some things I've been keeping my eye on:
The Trigger Cyberpunk anime looks pretty good. I'm kinda anticipating this.

Summertime Rendering is good I'm still behind on it, but is it still good. Sucks that it's stuck in Disney jail. But regardless, still enjoyable nonetheless.

Manga: Man, so much shit to keep up with. Some of the newer manga I've keeping up with:

Valhallian the Black Iron is the newest seinen I've just found out about and man, it's great so far. Art is fantastic.

Ushrio No Shoumen Kamui-san is another manga I read. Guy going around fucking ghouls and ghosts. Nice little comedy.


I watched dragon ball super: super hero. It's a CG 3D anime, a lot of the ideas were recycled from DBZ. Not as good as Broly. I had fun watching it, but I wouldn't watch it a second time.
I watched dragon ball super: super hero. It's a CG 3D anime, a lot of the ideas were recycled from DBZ. Not as good as Broly. I had fun watching it, but I wouldn't watch it a second time.
I have a question.
How is Cell? Does he retain his personality? I saw an image of him without pupils so he seemed kind of berserk.


Gold Member
I watched dragon ball super: super hero. It's a CG 3D anime, a lot of the ideas were recycled from DBZ. Not as good as Broly. I had fun watching it, but I wouldn't watch it a second time.
I found Super Hero horrible. Didn't like it's pace and the transformations that they throw in the movie one bit. Plus, we already had one movie with a brainless villain before.

DBS: Broly is miles better, both in story and art direction.
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What I’ve been watching/reading lately:


Spy x Family - really, no need to elaborate much here, it’s wonderful like everyone says, looking forward to the 2nd cour.

Aharen is Indecipherable - up to episode 9, just super chill series. The humor can be hit or miss, but when it hits, it does so pretty well, particularly during any of Raido’s “logical extremes” (as he calls them) where he comes off with crazy solutions to problems or greatly overestimates his and/or Aharen’s capabilities.


Chainsaw Man Part 1 - binged it all two weeks ago. The hype is real. Now, I will say for the upcoming anime, Cour 1 will be solid, but it will be Cour 2 that will blow people’s minds if they don’t know what to expect. Brace yourselves, boys and girls, you’re in for a wild ride.

(also got the Nendoroids for Denji and Power immediately. Hope they do Aki eventually. I also need to get my hands on a Pochita plush. I could just order one, but I feel confident they’ll come to my Round One arcade eventually, and there’s just something satisfying about winning a plush versus just buying one even if it cost me a little more money)

Golden Kamuy - almost done with Vol. 15. Just reading a chapter or two per day, I just enjoy taking my time with this one, as it’s just become one of my all time favorites and I will be sad to see the journey end eventually. Some crazy developments that shook up the status quo recently, it is kinda nuts how people who tried to kill each other volumes ago will work together completely casually out of necessity, but it fits with the cast’s eccentric personalities


Another manga I tried to read was Gejuu: The Beast.


Plot summary (from Manga Park): Satsuki, a high school boy and his childhood friend are riding in an underground train until it suddenly stops. Upon closer inspection the denizens of the train discover a mysterious beast! Panic sets in as the passengers struggle to survive the beast and escape to the surface.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I didn't like this at all. Hell, I borderline hated this. Now when you look at that image that I posted, the monster looks otherworldly, does it not? Well, turns out it's bears, fucking bears and bears in fucking armor and oh btw they can't fucking see for some reason. The mangaka also made Killing Morph which wasn't good either. Props to scanlators trying keep translating the manga but ultimately dropping the series as a whole, don't blame you. Unfortunately, the manga didn't get fully translated, but I wouldn't waste time reading this, the ending is equally terrible. (Didn't finish) 3/10

It's really nonsensical and left me saying:

Himenospia is another one I decided to drop. I couldn't get behind sympathizing the protagonist.

Plot (Manganato): Abused like a slave by everyone at school, and battered by the single mother she lives with at home… That was the girl’s, Endou Himeno’s, everyday life. However one day a ‘wasp’ that stung the girl changed her fate. Her fate, and that of humanity… Piercing the ‘species’ known as humanity, a thrilling insect suspense story begins!

The author tries super hard to make her sympathetic by having her experience some of the worst bullying a person can experience. And then she gets abuse by her mother. But then say she was a loving mother but never really explains how and why she became that way. I also didn't like how she tries to explain away forcibly making females subservient to her and are essentially drones to protect their "queen". Hell, her yuri/lesbian relationship feels shallow because it doesn't feel real at all and the chick that is in "love" with her, is her bully and has done some terrible shit to her in the past. There's even people are saying this has a feminist agenda to it, and although I don't agree totally with that notion but I could see how someone would come up with that conclusion. All this just feels manipulative. Funny thing is Murata Shinya (the mangaka) has done stuff that I liked. Killing Bites and Jackals I liked enough. But this, nah. Didn't like it at all. (Dropped.) 4/10
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I just read Ghostbuster Osamu, new title in Mangaplus. Pretty funny. It's about an exorcist who is a fujoshi/otaku dealing with ghost that are also a fujoshi/otaku.


The synopsis:
Vengeful spirit is a mass of emotions that clings to this world with a grudge. In the growing modern world, vengeful spirits with various "grudges" were born, and there were also exorcists who specialized in that particular field. The wild "shitty big emotion" that the exorcist Osamu faces is... a fangirl?! She loves manga and anime, and she calms raging spirits. A gag series featuring a contemporary exorcist!

I thought it's gonna be a pure gag comedy from the description, but it's not. The 2nd chapter is about lootbox/gacha lol


Currently watching Jojo part 6. And apparently Netflix changed how Foo Fighter referred to as they/them instead of her. Not only that there's subtitle errors, although I didn't mention it in the Tekken review there were subtitle errors in that as well. When fucking fan subs are doing a better job at subtitling than a company like Netflix, you know that they're fucking up.


Took me a while to understand as I haven't read Berserk fully in a long time. The elfhelm sakura tree was destroyed, all the elfs are gone. Puck is gone, isma is gone as mermaids were also stated to be elfs. It's similar to the sidestory where Guts meets that lady elf bound to a flower, and after the flower wilts she disappears.

Currently watching Jojo part 6. And apparently Netflix changed how Foo Fighter referred to as they/them instead of her. Not only that there's subtitle errors, although I didn't mention it in the Tekken review there were subtitle errors in that as well. When fucking fan subs are doing a better job at subtitling than a company like Netflix, you know that they're fucking up.
I read Stone Ocean a few years ago, wasn't my favourite part, but had some great moments.


The_hunter The_hunter Yeah, I keep seeing how mixed everyone is on Stone Ocean. Right before second part started, it was my least favorite part. I think now that I have finished second part I like Stone Ocean way more now.
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Gold Member
Doing a rewatch of modern hunterxhunter and reached the point where glass dude explain ten, nen etc.

First time i watched this thing the italian subs were crap so i didn't understood shit but this time i had official subs from netflix....boy i was wrong, i don't know how such a big service can have such shitty subs...
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Well depends, for me top jojo was season 2 and 3 and in minor part season 4.

Unpopular opinion but it is what it is.
Yeah, I don't think that's unpopular opinion of those seasons. I mostly have the same opinion of those parts as well. I didn't like part 5 that much, it's probably my least favorite part. Giorno wasn't that compelling as a lead.


Gold Member
Yeah, I don't think that's unpopular opinion of those seasons. I mostly have the same opinion of those parts as well. I didn't like part 5 that much, it's probably my least favorite part. Giorno wasn't that compelling as a lead.
Everytime i talk with jojo fans they tell me that from season 6 going forward is the best jojo.

Maybe it's just people who like overly strange stuff.

For me season 2 and 3 was the perfect balance of classic shonen and quirky stuff with incredibly carismatic protagonists.

I liked season 5 but the bullshittery is way too much.
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Everytime i talk with jojo fans they tell me that from season 6 going forward is the best jojo.

Maybe it's just people who like overly strange stuff.

For me season 2 and 3 was the perfect balance of classic shonen and quirky stuff with incredibly carismatic protagonists.

I liked season 5 but the bullshittery is way too much.
Oh... I thought Steel Ball Run was considered the best jojo to some jojo fans. I guess I was mistaken then.

Stone Ocean is definitely strange for sure.

Pretty much agree with you on season 2 and 3. Hell, I know part 1 isn't that well liked but I liked that enough as well.


Gold Member
Oh... I thought Steel Ball Run was considered the best jojo to some jojo fans. I guess I was mistaken then.

Stone Ocean is definitely strange for sure.

Pretty much agree with you on season 2 and 3. Hell, I know part 1 isn't that well liked but I liked that enough as well.
I liked part 1 slightly less than part 5 and 4 and more than 6 (for now), so you are not alone.

It was such a simple story but dio being such a huge hatable bitch, my dude zeppelli and fucking bandwagon narrating everything make the season worth.

What the hell is steel ball run?
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Well depends, for me top jojo was season 2 and 3 and in minor part season 4.

Unpopular opinion but it is what it is.
Personally I'm not sure what my favorite season is. I watched seasons 1 and 2 long after 3, 4, and 5, and I was surprised by how good they were. Zepelli's fate with Roundabout starting is possibly the best cliffhanger in anime, and season 2 has such incredibly emotional and dramatic moments.
GymWolf GymWolf
The next part of Jojo.
I believe it goes back in time and redoes the first part
To be more accurate:
It takes place in an alternate universe and is not tied to Parts 1 to 6, unless Araki retcons this sometime in the future.



Less than a month away, oh boy. And each episode has its own ending theme?!


Also was pleasantly surprised to see the CM author’s one-shot volume Look Back just came out in physical form here in the US. Very emotional and inspiring stuff.
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Less than a month away, oh boy. And each episode has its own ending theme?!


Also was pleasantly surprised to see the CM author’s one-shot volume Look Back just came out in physical form here in the US. Very emotional and inspiring stuff.

Do you want better news? Chainsaw Man is getting a different ending every episode.

The artists are: Aimer (Demon Slayer S2 OP, Vinland Saga ED1 )

Eve (Jujutsu Kaisen OP1)

TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Unravel)

Zutomayo (ED for this season's Drifting Home. Here's another song by them)

Vaundy (Ranking of Kings OP2)

PEOPLE 1 (This is their first Anime song. Here's two songs by them)

TOOBOE (Seiin Highschool Boys Volleyball Team OP. EDIT: They only wrote the lyrics for this song. These might be more representative of his work Song 1, Song 2)

syudou (TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- OP)

Kanaria (This their first Anime song. Here's one of their popular songs)

ano (Tiger and Bunny 2 ED)

Ziyoou-vachi/QUEEN BEE (Dororo OP 1, Tokyo Ghoul RE ED)

Maximum The Hormone is doing an insert song. They did Death Note OP2 and Death Note ED2


Nier Automata anime got a trailer:

Yeah, saw the two teasers before heading into work 8 hours ago. Looking solid so far.

A few more teasers were posted:

Tomo-Chan is a Girl!

Only read the first volume and never got back to it, but it was fun.

Mashle: Magic and Muscles

Again, only read the first volume since I figured an anime adaptation was likely. This one will be great, I was worried when starting the manga it would feel like a cheap clone of One Punch Man, but it has a nice sense of its own humor.

Arknights (anime)

I played the gacha game for almost 2 years, but I pretty much skipped all the cutscenes. I just have trouble sitting through lengthy visual novel scenes with only a few exceptions like Persona. So this will be a nice way for me to experience the story.

Finally, fuck yeah, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is coming back! (I’m not watching this teaser as I still need to get around to the movie)

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Classroom of the Elite season 2 ends again in an awful way

Anime version - Kei is dependant on me, she is my most useful tool
Novel version - If I get rid of all the obstacles to class A, maybe Kei and I can be more than friends


Just finished watching Danmachi S4. Was confused with the cliffhanger ending, turns out they split the season. Pretty good season, still irritated by Bell who always asked his enemies their reason.


Slight Macross Delta Zettai Live spoilers but fuck

Max still based even after all these years

I haven't really kept up with macross at all over the years despite it being what got me into mechs. Would the watching order be frontier -> delta -> and this show you just posted?

Also all these new shows showing up is real nice
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