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Ant-Man and the WASP: Quantumania Reviews, as expected, it's depressing and unbearable


Gold Member
Like bro wtf I am dying

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Gold Member
I dont watch many superhero movies. I've seen my share but definitely not even half of them.

But the TV trailers look cool for this movie. BUT, just curious. Every superhero movie has epic action and music trailers. But are Ant Man superhero movies in reality chock full of cheesy jokes, one liners and witty comebacks?


The post credits scenes have now inevitably leaked onto social media. Some people were describing them as the best ones yet prior to the film coming out......

Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN
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Can you link me or give me a tldr in spoiler tags pls?
Not Funk but here are the mid credits and post credit scenes. Reports are that while the first one may be a comic geek’s wet dream on paper it is executed in what can be described as resembling an Saturday Night Live skit.

  • Post Credits Scene 1: The Council of Kangs gather discussing how the Kang they exiled has been killed. The council is led by Immortus and includes Rama-Tut, and possibly a version of Scarlet Centurion (however, they are not red). They are NOT happy that their exiled variant was killed by others, and vow to stop “them” - our heroes who have started to meddle in the multiverse - as they may kill everything they’ve built (interconnected timelines). They call upon all other Kangs for support in preparation for a dastardly plan. The scene ends in the Colosseum full of Kang variants (including a Skrull version).
  • Post Credits Scene 2: We see a stage, and then Victory Timely, another Kang variant, as he is making a presentation to an audience. He has his classic mustache, and the set looks like it is in the 30s or 40s. In the crowd, watching Victor on stage, is Loki looking terrified and Mobius looking confused.
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I guess rotten tomatoes matters now XD

Honestly as this series becomes more similar to the comics I worn be surprised if the critics grow weary. Thats fine.

But I've disagreed with them plenty on MCU movies. Theres nobeay you can tell me, for example that Eternals is worse than Thor the Dark world or that Captain Marvel is better.

I'll be seeing it for myself to decide, as usual.


they should have taken a big break after Endgame, everything after that has been mediocre at best.

They did. So did the rest of Hollywood XD
Maybe, finally, the bubble has burst on this bloated, creatively bankrupt mess.

Mmmmyeaaaaaa me thinks not lol

I still find these movies quite awesome. And most others do as well. Though your opinion is valid of course

Thing is DCEU took 10 years to die. And had near constant critical flops. Worse than anything the MCU has stooped to. Star Wars movies haven't achieved the heights of ESB after 40 years.

The MCU isn't going away for a long, long time. Theyd have to out exclusively trash for years in end; which, let's be honest, hasn't happened, AND they'd have to stop making money.
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Gold Member
Not Funk but here are the mid credits and post credit scenes. Reports are that while the first one may be a comic geek’s wet dream on paper it is executed in what can be described as resembling an Saturday Night Live skit.

  • Post Credits Scene 1: The Council of Kangs gather discussing how the Kang they exiled has been killed. The council is led by Immortus and includes Rama-Tut, and possibly a version of Scarlet Centurion (however, they are not red). They are NOT happy that their exiled variant was killed by others, and vow to stop “them” - our heroes who have started to meddle in the multiverse - as they may kill everything they’ve built (interconnected timelines). They call upon all other Kangs for support in preparation for a dastardly plan. The scene ends in the Colosseum full of Kang variants (including a Skrull version).
  • Post Credits Scene 2: We see a stage, and then Victory Timely, another Kang variant, as he is making a presentation to an audience. He has his classic mustache, and the set looks like it is in the 30s or 40s. In the crowd, watching Victor on stage, is Loki looking terrified and Mobius looking confused.
Thanks man.

Aye that's fucking lame that you guys are posting spoiler images pre release.
Modok isn’t a spoiler. He was in one of the trailers.
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Not Funk but here are the mid credits and post credit scenes. Reports are that while the first one may be a comic geek’s wet dream on paper it is executed in what can be described as resembling an Saturday Night Live skit.

  • Post Credits Scene 1: The Council of Kangs gather discussing how the Kang they exiled has been killed. The council is led by Immortus and includes Rama-Tut, and possibly a version of Scarlet Centurion (however, they are not red). They are NOT happy that their exiled variant was killed by others, and vow to stop “them” - our heroes who have started to meddle in the multiverse - as they may kill everything they’ve built (interconnected timelines). They call upon all other Kangs for support in preparation for a dastardly plan. The scene ends in the Colosseum full of Kang variants (including a Skrull version).
  • Post Credits Scene 2: We see a stage, and then Victory Timely, another Kang variant, as he is making a presentation to an audience. He has his classic mustache, and the set looks like it is in the 30s or 40s. In the crowd, watching Victor on stage, is Loki looking terrified and Mobius looking confused.

Thanks, sounds like ass.
Like bro wtf I am dying


This is how I picture some people in the acquisition thread.


I'm of two minds here...

Reviewers have the intellect of a 5 year old child in special needs classes. So when they hate something it's usually good

On the other hand the MCU is hot shit now and has been for a while and it's pretty clear where the MCU is heading. I assume ant man will die and Cassie Lang will take over or something that makes her the new "ant-mxn"

Either way I'll wait till D+ release


I prefer Modok from Avengers game. This feels too human for me.
Haven’t played the Avengers game, but when I saw that in a play through, I immediately thought that would be the direction the MCU would take for Modok. It’s too weird they decided on a big head as if it was a “big head” cheat on a video game from the 90s
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I enjoyed doctor strange and spider man. BP2 was as mediocre as the first one, possibly worse. Thor 4 was disappointing and Black Widow was predictable.
There have been moments in the TV shows, but the good is outweighed by the bad.

CG has suffered post endgame and this push for diversity, while admirable, hasn't paid off.

Reduce output, improve quality. Make the MCU something to look forward to again. Stop playing it safe and predictable with the stories. We need more edge and less Disney.
Chris Evan's and RDJ's departures clearly left a Void that has yet to be filled.

I'm sure Chadwick Boseman was meant to be one of the big faces of the MCU.
Cancer sucks

It is however true that their content hasent been as appealing as it used to be.

I'd say the first half of Shang Chi was great.
Boseman never had it in him to lead a multibillion franchise. He was barely leading in his own BP movie.

MCU should have simply started over with another saga. Slowly raising the stakes. Avatar 2 is about the live of a couple people still makes billions, you don’t need Multiverse ending threads to make a compelling movie.
Aside from the latest Spider-Man, I’ve checked out since whichever the final ‘Thanos arc’ movie was. From what I’ve seen since… meh.

Thor is an especially egregious example of the decline in writing that has plagued phase 4.

I had zero fucks to give about the new Ant Man and it seems that it was justified, oh well another movie that I can just read the Wikipedia plot summary and not lose anything of value.

Which is a shame as most movies fall into that bucket nowadays.
I don't like to be a snob about things like movies, music and TV. We all like different things and I don't see why once genre (classical music, for example) should be regarded as better than another (like heavy metal).

However, I think it's time that the hold comic book movies have over Hollywood dies off. It's not that I don't like the genre (I don't but that's neither here nor there) it's the fact that it has so completely dominated movie making for so long and strangled all the creativity out of it.

I like 1 on 1 fighting games but if that's all that got made I'd get bored of video games pretty quickly.


Gold Member
Marvel went off the rails after Endgame and never recovered. If any the train is still tumbling down the cliff at full speed.

All their output has been variant degrees of bad. Once the pinnacle of entertainment, now the laughing stock of many.

Maybe, just maybe stop churning out soulless shows and movies like clockwork, take a moment and, you know... think for a time. Take your time to create a new path ahead instead of creating as much shit as humanly possible to keep the "flow" going. Because that flow is a flow of shit in an open sewer right about now. There's so much potential but it's all squandered on low-hanging fruit.

Phase 4 was just catastrophically bad.


I really enjoyed the first Ant-Man, 2nd was a slog... cannot understand how they took what I consider the 2nd most charismatic character they had next to RDJ as Iron Man and somehow fuck that up.

Spoiler free review. Some quotes:

“Kang is the defibrillator of the movie when he finally shows up”
“People who hated how overly comedic Thor: Love and Thunder was will not like this movie”
“Kang, like Gorr from the latest Thor movie, is too serious for this movie and deserves to be in a better one.”
“Discarded plot points for laughs”
“It’s enjoyable enough…on a Disney Plus level”
“Waited a day before posting the review to see if they disliked the movie as much as they did. After sleeping on it, they did, and refunded their second viewing tickets.”
“If Marvel continues down this path, the James Gunn DCU will blindside them with better quality content and they will laugh if things flip to where the new DCU becomes the favored one”


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Marvel is making the same mistake the CW did when they got the green light to make more DC shows after Arrow’s success: Stretching their writers, actors, artists, and directors too thin because they’re trying to make a video game-esque live service out of the property, by releasing new content too often and too soon.

I know people might state otherwise, but you could see the large attempts at executing a great creative vision with Arrow S1 and S2 and Flash S1 and S2 vs their later seasons where even the effects artists are just doing what they can to be “good enough”. Marvel is currently at that later seasons point. They really need to slow down.

Creativity simply can’t fully fit to a factory-level workflow. It’s a round peg square hole situation but it’s forced anyway.

Excellent points. Did anyone ever stop and think if this new stuff was even good?

I think there must be so many people that were very much MCU fans until End Game but have dropped right off the bandwagon since. Spider-Man was good and some of the TV has been a fun ride, but the cinema output has been almost entirely a string of disappointments that have failed to establish anything remotely interesting since EG. I haven't seen Wakanda Forever, so that is currently exempt from opinion.

People laughed at me in another Marvel thread, but the MCU can't be sustainable at the current pace. Once they run out of the few noteworthy characters they have left, they're fucked if they don't bring in new ones. X-Men and Fantastic Four as #1 focus might be their "Break glass in case of emergency" move. God knows the current Avengers line up isn't worthy of carrying a franchise.

I don't think I watched anything after End Game. Infinity War was a lot better IMO.

I would reboot starting w xmen and Fantastic 4 and bring in iron man and avengers etc w new actors after.

I don't think you can overstate how important it was to have Iron Man and Captain America, not only were they well cast with good actors and people loved them, but it's the sort of superheroes that people want to watch on the big screen.

Guardians of the Galaxy 1 is one of my favorite Marvel movies but I think it's success hurt the franchise in the long run because now they try to promote any smaller characters.
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I don't think I watched anything after End Game. Infinity War was a lot better IMO.

I would reboot starting w xmen and Fantastic 4 and bring in iron man and avengers etc w new actors after.
I'm with you there. End Game has its big moments and is the climax of the franchise, but Infinity War is the more entertaining of the two by a decent margin.

At this point I'd be okay with Deadpool popping up and 4th wall breaking and lampshading some sort of soft reboot or other change just so we can skip the awkwardness it's all become and get to something better.

However, I will say that the D+ series slowly integrating Daredevil and Kingpin into the MCU gives me some hope for that side of things. The success rate of the TV side might be higher than the movie side at the moment.


I don't know what the opposite of having the Midas touch is, but Marvel sure as hell has it now.

I'm glad they got Endgame out when they did, but the cracks were already starting to form starting with Captain Marvel and parts of Endgame itself.


Thor and BP2 were the final straw for me.
In fact, my son was misbehaving yesterday and I threatened to take him to this movie if he didn't wise up.

Kinda bummed that my 8-year-old son actively hates Star Wars and has lost all interest in the MCU thanks to the last few years of trash.
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