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Any IT people know how to fix an Internet connection


Gold Member
Not the end of the world, but I just got a new 1gb modem/router from Rogers cable (Hitron) a few days ago. It acts as both a modem and router.

Since then, everything is fine, but a few sites don't work anymore in any browser (we tried Firefox and IE too). But they do if I use my phone or a proxy server. Some reason the wireless feed to my laptop doesn't work for some sites.

I chatted with customer service on live chat and even she said it works on her end. She even remotely took over my laptop to try all kinds of fixes while I watched and nothing worked. She gave up.

A few sites that now don't work are www.rockradio.com and www.kickassfacts.com and some others I forget, but 98% of sites still work. If I try going to these site, it tries connecting for 20 seconds and then I get a white screen saying The Site Cannot Be Reached.

Here's a list of things we tried. Nothing worked:

- She said she zapped it from her end and then I unplugged the power for 30 seconds
- Rebooted my laptop
- Cleared caches
- Uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome
- In the router, set the time to my correct time zone
- Messed around with Ad Blocker and extensions
- DNS flush
- Tried manually setting DNS to and instead of using the automatic detection
- She checked off all boxes like SSL and TSL (I forget what they were)
- Switched off the firewall to see if that's it
- Did some stuff in Safe Mode


Any ideas? Thanks for any solutions.
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Gold Member
Do you have any other computers to try? If it works there I’d guess the problem is with your laptop.
No other PCs. But I tried using the browser in my Xbox and the same thing. And that's even connected direct to it with an ethernet cord. Other sites I check using Xbox's Edge browser work fine.

I even went into my Hitron router settings and didn't see any filters or blocked sites. Everything is open and allowed access.


I'll keep trying, but if nothing works, I'll return it for another one.


Gold Member


Are you using a VPN? If you are trying turning it off and visit the sites and see if that is a factor.


See if your isp is throttling you. One time I downloaded a movie and my isp (Comcast) slapped some kind of throttle/content limit on my internet.


Elden Member
Just for the sake of fully eliminating any type of firewall/touting issue, is their a DMZ setting on the router? If so, assign it to your laptops ip, reboot and test those sites. If they work, than we know it’s a firewall/routing issue. Turn it off after testing wether it works or not.


Are you sure she completely reset the box? There’s usually a pin hole or a tiny button on the back of the modem. Take a paper clip and push it in until the lights start flashing. Usually 8 to 30 seconds, then release.


Gold Member
Thanks for all the help guys. I tried it all. Nada.

One of these days I'll get hold of customer service again and see if someone else there can do it.

The only thing that might be it???? is I was Googling and some people say my IP address might be banned, so I did a site that checks for bans and one link thing says my IP address is red flagged for a certain criteria. The other 100 checks are green lit. Maybe that's it. Who knows.

Not the end of the world if it doesn't fix. I can access these sites through a proxy server if I really need to.

Cheers GAFFERs.
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Try ping the address. The ping will draw back the IP if found. Enter the IP into the address bar.

If they’re blocking your IP you should be able to change it by resetting your router providing your not static.

Enter ipconfig to find yours and see if it changes.

Also when you’re talking about that it works on your phone have you hooked your phone up through your router or is this external to it? If it works hooked up we can rule out the router as the issue.
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Gold Member
Try ping the address. The ping will draw back the IP if found. Enter the IP into the address bar.

If they’re blocking your IP you should be able to change it by resetting your router providing your not static.

Enter ipconfig to find yours and see if it changes.

Also when you’re talking about that it works on your phone have you hooked your phone up through your router or is this external to it? If it works hooked up we can rule out the router as the issue.
Tried pinging, all I get is Request Timed Out.

I've tried resetting the router by pushing the pinhole button and also many times unpluging it. Nada.

There is something with my router wifi because for the phone test, I can get to the sites if I use the normal airwaves, but if I try to go to the site using my router's wifi, I can't.

When I check the routers settings, it has no kind of filters, or anything weird. I even set the time right (which some sites suggested). It was a brand new Hitron modem/router combo gagdet which I even had to cut off the shrinkwrap.

If anyone has any other ideas, totally approeciate it. If not, no worries. Don't want to bug you guys any further. I'm also heading out shopping for a bit now, so if anyone else replies, I'll try any ideas when I get home.


The sites are active. Any of you checking out rockradio.com or kickassfacts.com should get a working site. But trying to access these sites on my laptop or phone through my router's wifi doesn't work.
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Tried pinging, all I get is Request Timed Out.

I've tried resetting the router by pushing the pinhole button and also many times unpluging it. Nada.

There is something with my router wifi because for the phone test, I can get to the sites if I use the normal airwaves, but if I try to go to the site using my router's wifi, I can't.

When I check the routers settings, it has no kind of filters, or anything weird. I even set the time right (which some sites suggested). It was a brand new Hitron modem/router combo gagdet which I even had to cut off the shrinkwrap.

If anyone has any other ideas, totally approeciate it. If not, no worries. Don't want to bug you guys any further. I'm also heading out shopping for a bit now, so if anyone else replies, I'll try any ideas when I get home.


The sites are active. Any of you checking out rockradio.com or kickassfacts.com should get a working site. But trying to access these sites on my laptop or phone through my router's wifi doesn't work.

So the problem is definitely on the router side. Have you logged into the router to see if these sites or IPs are included on a blocked list within the router?


Tried pinging, all I get is Request Timed Out.

I've tried resetting the router by pushing the pinhole button and also many times unpluging it. Nada.

There is something with my router wifi because for the phone test, I can get to the sites if I use the normal airwaves, but if I try to go to the site using my router's wifi, I can't.

When I check the routers settings, it has no kind of filters, or anything weird. I even set the time right (which some sites suggested). It was a brand new Hitron modem/router combo gagdet which I even had to cut off the shrinkwrap.

If anyone has any other ideas, totally approeciate it. If not, no worries. Don't want to bug you guys any further. I'm also heading out shopping for a bit now, so if anyone else replies, I'll try any ideas when I get home.


The sites are active. Any of you checking out rockradio.com or kickassfacts.com should get a working site. But trying to access these sites on my laptop or phone through my router's wifi doesn't work.

Exchange the router for another one. It may look new but may have been used by someone previously that got it flagged.


Gold Member
I checked the router and there are no filters or keywords or anything that would show something is blocked.

Pinmetal, yeah, I might go exchange it later this week.


Gold Member
I swapped it for a new router. Everything works fine!

Who knows why the old one didn't work for some sites. You'd think all sites would work or not.

Everything seems a bit smoother and faster too.

Thanks for the help and ideas guys.


Gold Member
You may have been assigned a new IP address when you switched modems/routers and may have had one that was being blocked by those sites.

You can do a blacklist check to find out https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check
I did that before and after the modems.

Both tests showed one of those being red-flagged. The same one too. But for some reason this new modem/router works flawlessly. Not only do the blocked sites work, but also it seems faster.

One thing I did do last night before bed was a Registry clean and a Defrag. I did this after I packed up my old modem, and didn't do it when I was fiddling with the finicky modem. So when I hooked up the new modem this afternoon and worked, perhaps it had to do with that??? Maybe the whole time, it was some crud in the registry or sectors that screwed things up? Who knows.
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looks like i am late to the party. glade you fixed it by swapping out the router. The routers provided by ISPs usually suck. I always use my own wifi router.


looks like i am late to the party. glade you fixed it by swapping out the router. The routers provided by ISPs usually suck. I always use my own wifi router.

Yup. I prefer having my own router so I can own my settings, not to mention most, if not all, ISPs have a built-in "backdoor" in their firmware that allows them to remote control it (usually for remote customer support, i.e help you reset certain definition if needed).
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