BeOnEdge said:
azala! good info! very informative! i have a question. i know all women are different but for the chicks who "like" it, do chicks really like anal? does it do anything for females or is it all a sham and the woman trying to give the guy his porn fantasy?
Some like it, some love it, some tolerate it, some are just going along with the fantasy. But remember, even those that like it will have stipulations on when and how it's done to make it comfortable. Generally speaking it shouldn't hurt, if it does someone is too tense, or not being gentle enough, or it's the wrong time/angle to try it.
Incognito said:
maybe x3.
Half the "women", aka girls I know or have dated were past 8 by their 20th birthday.
Well let's see. The study encompassed quite the age range, so it took into account the looser generations of today as well as the more conservative older generations (many of which had only 1-2 partners) because sexual believes tend to work in trends and balance out over time; and even then the current teen/twenties generation is not all necessarily that casual with sex. It is a crowd thing. Plus it's a few years old. I know people my age that are virgins, and people that have slept with over 100 people, and many in between. I think the polyamory trend is a bit disturbing and will have a temporary increase on averages. However, I don't expect it to last. I think we're seeing the pendulum swing back.
Bogdan said:
As for girls maybe ugly girls and religous girls sleep with 8 dudes on average. But your average college going (okay looking) chick is for sure going to be around 3 times that.
I don't think so. I know plenty of very attractive females that are not overly religious or even religious at all that simply have higher ethics and a less casual view on sex. Some people simply desire an emotional connection and thus generally their sexual relationships are fewer and last longer.
And come hither is fine for inducing orgasms, even female ejaculation, but multiples? I'm not seeing it. Are you sure you're not mistaking some vocalness for orgasms? I've had that happen before.
Teflar said:
While I agree with the sentiment, there are physical reprecussions to being that... used. Usually men like tighter spaces, but there are a lot of men and I'm sure some enjoy loose women. (Not "easy" loose..)
But if there is mutual trust, love, etc and such matters don't bother you then no, there is no difference between 5 and 50 previous lovers.
Woah again, tightness has nothing to do with how many partners you've had, or technically speaking it would be how *often* you've had it (the body doesn't say, oooh that's #5 better loosen up). It's all about the PC muscle and how much strength it has. Even childbirth loosening a woman is a common myth. The important thing is how many kegels she does, or everyday activity that works the PC muscle. You can have a loose virgin and a very tight mother of 10.
And while I agree it shouldn't matter how many people your partner has been with, I personally couldn't be with someone who had such casual views on sex and had frequent one night stands and casual sex. I'd have a very hard time feeling loved and respected. I would feel like just another conquest and nothing special, assuming I was able even to get past his reputation to agree to go out with him. Plus I'd have a hard time looking at him the same if he could really view women in that way. Most of these casual guys are players, and no matter how smooth they are, you can sense it.
Tazznum said:
C-section does a body good. Especially after I heard that sometime they have to cut open.
Another myth actually. It only prevents the stretching of the birth canal during delivery - something it is made to do and recover from - but in reality it doesn't overlook the effects of 9 months weight on the PC muscle, which is the real issue. Plus it's major abdominal surgery and bladder related complications (like nicks and cuts) can occur along with more serious ones (at rates twice that of vaginal when done electively). And episiotomies are sewn back up, evil things that they are, so essentially they make no difference sexually aside from providing a sensitive (which can be good or bad) area just like a c-section scar. Personally I am generally against elective C-sections as they pose unnecessary risks to mother and child.
Teflar said:
I assumed the used = loose was true just cause it makes sense... if you stretch something over and over it doesn't get bigger?
Hmm, does your ass get bigger? Has it been feeling loose lately from all those BM's? Have you had to have someone stitch it tighter? :lol It's a muscle, it's doing what it's supposed to do. I think nature has more talent than that.
Trakball said:
Now you're talking about the labia. How the fuck are you going to pull THAT outta shape?
Actually labia can be stretched. There are some tribes that consider longer labia attractive, and the answer is yes, believe me they can be stretched. Actually most women inadvertently stretch them a minor amount with masturbation, but the increase is not generally noticeable over a lifetime. Though some women are just born with them big.
And to revisit an older thing, flacid size and erect size don't correspond; but there was an interesting study that showed that penises that tended towards overly large flacid generally showed the smallest percent increase when erect, whereas the smallest flacid penis showed the greatest. If you think about it, they all pretty much ended up around average, so it makes sense. So don't go thinking girls are sizing you up. We get that flacid size means nothing, and guys get cold. Most of us are not morons.