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Anybody else that hasn't finished Halo 2??


I've been really busy with work and haven't been able to finish the Campaign yet, but have been playing on Xbox LIVE a lot though. Am I the only one that still hasn't finished Campaign??


i haven't finished it yet...
still playing around with the multiplayer, which shits all over the campaign mode.


I havent. Heroic is kicking my ass (I didnt even touch Normal). But im loving every goddamn second of it. The SP kicks the original in the ass IMO.


PhatSaqs said:
I havent. Heroic is kicking my ass (I didnt even touch Normal). But im loving every goddamn second of it. The SP kicks the original in the ass IMO.
Yeah, I just finished "The bridge" level. :) Blowing up everything was awesome!
I have not yet finished it either.. then again, I've only put about two hours into co-op, and I don't own the game either.. my fiancee's brother owns it, so I've played it with him once..


I'm playing Campaign through surely and steadily on heroic with my brother. I assume I'm about halfway now. It's fun. I think I'll go through it by myself again then with other people.


I haven't finished it. As good as the Campaign is, I can't keep myself away from the Live mode.


PhatSaqs said:
I havent. Heroic is kicking my ass (I didnt even touch Normal). But im loving every goddamn second of it. The SP kicks the original in the ass IMO.

Yeah, what he said verbatim.

I just met Gravemind. You'll know what that means if you've been there. Every level in this game is superior to every level in Halo.

Short game my ass.
I havent. I dont like rushing through games, I prefer playing one or maybe two hours per day at max. And I have been playing on Live too...and little bit of Flatout also.


Wario64 said:
After like 4-5 hours of gameplay, I finially beat the first level on legendary. WOO.

I'm looking forward to torturing myself with that in a few weeks. Loved Legendary in Halo, but Halo 2 looks like they took it to a whole new level.


The bridge level? That's like the beginning of the game. What, have you only played it for 3 hours total in SP?

For shame.
I haven't even touched the campaign yet. LAN and Live are just too much fun, and I have no desire to play the boring first level (which I've watched being played in its entirety).
I'm on the level
where you're that elite
but not really far beyond the beginning. I haven't really played much in multiplayer either. Too busy with stuff.

I kinda doubt I'll really commit myself to Halo 2 anyway. Half-Life 2 is just around the corner and I know it'll take up more of my free time than Halo 2 will.
Yesterday I played that level with the old castle... holy shit the music was awesome when you got the tank and had to drive over that little bridge, and then drive inside the castle ruins. I felt almost majestetic when I blasted those poor little banshees and covenants. :lol
I'm still waiting for my copy of the UK Limited Edition. It was sent to me last tuesday and usually takes 5 working days from Jersey to Austria. It should be in my hands by monday/tuesday.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Just had a look at the official Xbox forums, (I was looking for info on system linking Xboxes). There is a mega amount of hate towards halo 2, I think it’s mostly people without Xboxes logging on and trolling but I was blown away.

Deku Tree

I played SP three nights in a row on Heroic and now I'm done. The story wasn't as bad as most people said. Actually, most of the story was interesting and well told. The later levels can get very hard on Heroic. But there are tricks that I found you can use to make some of them easier.


I havent' finished it yet and I have probably played more than 15h allready. The campaign is just awesome. Much better than the original. I am also playing on heroic difficulty level.
I'm pretty far into SP, although I've been playing MP a LOT more. Some of the firefights are extremely memorable in SP, but a lot of the maps are a tad confusing the first time around. At times I could have used a compass or map of sorts.
I haven't yet. I got pretty far into it, then stopped playing in favor of Mario Power Tennis, which I did for a straight five hours or more last night. Tried Live for a while, but to no avail. I'll try in a few weeks after Prime 2 and the DS.
I too have not finished the Campaign mode. My weight of Heresy has stayed my feet. The reason for not finishing is not due to multiplayer - it's due to the actual Campaign - it's too fun, and I take it too seriously. If I die at anytime I must start again. For the glory of mother-earth. Nevertheless, it's mad fun - has anyone noticed that in some levels they're up to 3 different paths to take? Once I got onto 'the ruins', i have not played the same scenario within that level. Much props to Bungie. My sacrifice will not go unrecorded...


Do The Mario said:
Just had a look at the official Xbox forums, (I was looking for info on system linking Xboxes). There is a mega amount of hate towards halo 2, I think it’s mostly people without Xboxes logging on and trolling but I was blown away.

uhh, I go to Xbox.com all the time. What hate do you speak of? The only hate I've really seen is people upset that it's not compatible with their widescreen tv. For me, it fits perfectly though. :) But people with problems are always going to be more vocal then those that don't have any.
I'm on level 14. I played levels 1-12 on heroic, but I dropped down to normal so I can finish it and get into the multiplayer. I haven't touched the MP because I don't want anyone who has beaten the game to spoil anything for me.

Yeah, I think the reviews that say this game is 10-12 hours are total bullshit. I have easily put in 20 hours on heroic. I think reviewers need to quit pussying around and up the difficulty when they review things. On chapter 13 I blew through it in about 45 minutes on normal. Every level before on heroic took me at least 2 hours.

This game does blow everything away in the first Halo (pop ups aside).


I played the first couple campaign missions and wasn't impressived.
The gameplay in HALO just isn't that fun to me. I much prefer the single player aspects of TS2 and Goldeneye.

The multiplayer, however, rocks more than I ever thought it would. I didn't like HALO's multiplayer but I'm having fun here.

Dave Long

Since my Xbox is ailing, no, I haven't finished it yet. I've barely started it because I don't feel like restarting my box every time I get to a new level. :(


Project Midway said:
Yesterday I played that level with the old castle... holy shit the music was awesome when you got the tank and had to drive over that little bridge, and then drive inside the castle ruins. I felt almost majestetic when I blasted those poor little banshees and covenants. :lol

I think this is the music used.


It's called Heretic, Hero. I loved it before the game came out and was hoping it would be used well, and it was used better than I could have ever hoped. Marty uses music that generally goes against the usual mold, to stirring effect.

More snippets here:



The single player in halo 2 just isn't fun for me.
THe style of gameplay is EXACTLY the same as the first and is exactly what I dislike in FPS titles.


I started right away on Heroic and I've only put in 3 hours into the Campaign.. needless to say.. I'm nowhere near finishing the game.


Scary Euro Man
Ramirez said:
Did this mofo just say he enjoys Time Splitters 2 single player to Halo?


Yes, and he's not the only one. I'm more than happy to agree that my opinion's in the minority, but I just didn't find Halo fun at all. I don't like FPS games in the first place, and Halo represents most of what I don't like about them.


What do you all hate,the fact that it actually takes some thinking and skills to beat?I know that in TS2,it doesn't matter what weapon or how you go about things you can just mow down the mindless AI in no time,lame.

Is that it?! :D


PhatSaqs said:
The early levels severely pale in comparison to the later ones.

Yeah, no kidding. Just got thought the biggest vehicle battle I've ever seen in an action game - well over 20 vehicles, some of which are secret until you meet them - all going at it at once
(From four different sides, no less).
It was nuts.
Man legendary is harsh. Made my way through the first couple areas with no problem, but once I hit the landing bay I hit the wall.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Mr. Lemming said:
Man legendary is harsh. Made my way through the first couple areas with no problem, but once I hit the landing bay I hit the wall.

I got stuck on that checkpoint for the whole week, until last night when I decided that I won't sleep until I beat that level. And indeed I did beat it :p

Now the 2nd level...one sniper hit = DEATH. Fucking ridiculous. I'm loving the difficulty though, I feel so satisifed when I get to the next checkpoint


I also went right to heroic. No point in pussing out on normal. I don't know how many hours I've put into it, but it is vastly superior to Halo in every respect.

Taking the scorpion through the city tunnel is one of my most memorable experiences in gaming. I like how Bungie tried to fool me into think I couldn't take that bitch over the barrier... no sir, that baby can climb. Put a wrecked vehicle in front of it to give me a boost and then went right over.


jedimike said:
I also went right to heroic. No point in pussing out on normal. I don't know how many hours I've put into it, but it is vastly superior to Halo in every respect.

Taking the scorpion through the city tunnel is one of my most memorable experiences in gaming. I like how Bungie tried to fool me into think I couldn't take that bitch over the barrier... no sir, that baby can climb. Put a wrecked vehicle in front of it to give me a boost and then went right over.

Dammit! lol

I took that part on foot, then hopped in a Warthog for about 1/2 of it (the warthog had an...accident. Not my fault, I was on gunner.).

It's sections like that I'll play over and over, using the different vechiles and even trying them on foot. This game is gonna have SP replay value like nobody's business.


I've beat it, storyline was great
except the big cliffhanger ending
, though it helps that I'm just getting it online this weekend.

The first few missions in Halo 2 are absolute shit compared to the later levels, but are still better than the best levels of Halo. Seriously, I don't know how they did it but every level in Halo 2 is better than every other FPS I've played.

So damn awesome single player, going to try bumping it up to Legendary when my brother and I get together to play this week.
i haven't., thanks to BUngies wierdass saving system. Played for about 4 hours last night after renting it, turned it off thinking "Hey, i just got up to a save point and a new chapter (where the little subtitle appears)" and when i boot it up again this morning, what do you know? I have to start the whole fucking level all over again.
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