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Anybody else that hasn't finished Halo 2??

Deku Tree

Ninja Scooter said:
i haven't., thanks to BUngies wierdass saving system. Played for about 4 hours last night after renting it, turned it off thinking "Hey, i just got up to a save point and a new chapter (where the little subtitle appears)" and when i boot it up again this morning, what do you know? I have to start the whole fucking level all over again.

Yeah you have to pause and "save and quit" or else your game doesn't save.
Ninja Scooter said:
i haven't., thanks to BUngies wierdass saving system. Played for about 4 hours last night after renting it, turned it off thinking "Hey, i just got up to a save point and a new chapter (where the little subtitle appears)" and when i boot it up again this morning, what do you know? I have to start the whole fucking level all over again.

Yeah. I just noticed that last night. Thankfully my last saved checkpoint wasn't too far from where I stopped playing.

I could have sworn that Halo 1 automatically saved the last checkpoint though. That's why I was caught off guard.


being watched
Bungie were dumb to include NORMAL as it is. If Heroic had been the default then H2 would have been an average 15 - 20 hour game compare to the 8-10 hours of Normal


I haven't finsihed it.

I'm not the type that blows through their games just to say he finished them. i like to fully enjoy them. The first Halo took me some 20-25 hours to complete while playing on Heroic. Halo 2 looks to be about the same in length.

I'm halfway through it-enjoying it quite abit. Man the enemies have me locked down on the stage known as "Delta Halo." I toyed around by playing one stage on to Lgendary..oh man..everything is 5 times more adrenaline enhanced than the already challenging Heroic setting. This is gonna be sweet when I decide to spend more time with that setting.

Anyway friends are dropping by in abit,so it'll be lots of cooperaive play this afternoon,yum. Going to also try out the game over Xbox Live tonight. Best 55 dollars spent this year. Clearly lives up to its hype.

Deku Tree

The Shadow said:
I could have sworn that Halo 1 automatically saved the last checkpoint though. That's why I was caught off guard.

I thought the same thing, but I replayed Halo two weeks ago and it doesn't auto save the last checkpoint. (I found out the hard way!)
man, this game would have rocked with online co-op. THe AI allies driving the warthog are retards or something. They either run you over, or when you are in the back manning the turret gun, they just drive around in circles really friggin fast.


This game is going to be crazy on Legendary. I've been ambushed many times (Truth and Reconciliation style, with guys all around me) , suffered one hit deaths from shotgun blasts, and have gotten my shield drained in seconds by snipers and dual wielding elites....just on heroic. The lack of a life guage that can be healed outside your shield has really made things tougher.

I've been playing a couple of hours everyday and double that launch day and I'm still not done. Game definately seems long enough as long as you're on a difficulty that isn't a cakewalk


First tragedy, then farce.
I played through it on normal just so I could get the story finished with so I could go online without any issues of people spoiling the plot for me.. Still took 15 hours, and had a handfull of surprisingly hard parts for an easy setting. Been playing online a ton, but am gonna break out Legendary later this afternoon.


StoOgE said:
I played through it on normal just so I could get the story finished with so I could go online without any issues of people spoiling the plot for me.. Still took 15 hours, and had a handfull of surprisingly hard parts for an easy setting. Been playing online a ton, but am gonna break out Legendary later this afternoon.

I'd try Heroic first. It's nearly as hard as Legendary in Halo.


Still playing (on heroic)... didn't get a chance to play earlier this week, but got on last night and finished my
missions. Problem with trying to finish single player is that I get a bunch of invites to join parties... who can resist that?
Finished the game last night on Heroic, going to start over tonight on Legendary. Even if there's no extra scenes at the end, I still want to do it. The game was a really great ride all the way through, and even if the game ends on a cliffhanger, it just makes it that much more of a great work IMHO. Let's hope that Halo 3 doesn't falter like Matrix Revolutions did.

Y'all who haven't beaten it should spend some time off of XBL and beat it, just so we can all freely discuss the ending and the storyline without spoiler tags! :p

Oh, and major props to the guy who managed to get that Banshee all the way in to the
Tartarus boss fight
. That's some ownage right there.


I haven't beaten it yet... Half-Life 2 is now a bigger priority... As is Mario Tennis.

... and Metal Gear Solid 3, when that hits..


Yah same here. I beat level after level and I haven't finished it yet. People who say it's short are used to extensive long rpg's I guess or they are just insane or power players :D

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
not yet

half life 2 arrived :p
i'll go back to the single player one day.. more excited baout getting Live tho for multiplayer


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Bungie were dumb to include NORMAL as it is. If Heroic had been the default then H2 would have been an average 15 - 20 hour game compare to the 8-10 hours of Normal

The flood section was completely retarded even in normal. I was seriously >|< this close to pulling my hair out. I'd always die by some stupid circumstance at that part of the game.


Still playing. I'm on the last stage now. I've clocked in close to 30 hours with playing on Heroic. This game is not short,hell no.

Its been an awesome ride thus far. I haven't even touched the multi player Xbox Live side to this game yet,wow. Game of the Year for me.

Bungie delivered big time.


im on level 14 on heroic. The game gets pretty hard and the levels are humongous because of all the dying and epic battles. I cant believe some people think this game is short, ive put in 15 hours easy so far, it will probably take me 20 plus hours.

If you think this game is too easy and short up the difficulty level to get a more satisfying experience.


Just got the game the other day, and holy hell, my ass is already kicked. I was not expecting it to be this good after the "backlash".


Flatbread said:
im on level 14 on heroic. The game gets pretty hard and the levels are humongous because of all the dying and epic battles. I cant believe some people think this game is short, ive put in 15 hours easy so far, it will probably take me 20 plus hours.

If you think this game is too easy and short up the difficulty level to get a more satisfying experience.
Quite frankly, playing on Heroic, the game is too damn long. I'm a little burnt out at this point, but I sense the end is in sight.


Just wrapped it up. The last battle wasn't that tough next to some of the others in the game.
That last cinematic though,wow,kind of shocking.

Though I don't think its that easy to assume anything just yet. Its probaby just something to play with our heads and keep us guessing. Haha,nice cliff hanger though.

Bungie know how to stir the pot.

And yes,like the guy above me stated-the game leaves you pretty winded when you play on Heroic. You have to play it in spurts to enjoy it all.


Angelus said:
And yes,like the guy above me stated-the game leaves you pretty winded when you play on Heroic. You have to play it in spurts to enjoy it all.
I agree with this. Some of the firefights get down right brutal. And you'll die a ton in the process. Brutes being accurate as hell with stickies doesnt help :p.

The game kicksass.


I played on Heroic for a few levels, then I started over with a friend in co-op. I forgot to set the difficulty though, so we played it on normal without knowing so. First, I thought it was because we were two players, but after a while I realized that enemies died like flies even though we didn't attack much. Normal is just too easy, enemies barely get a chance to shoot back and they die from just a few shots, how fun is that? Heroic is perfect (at least in co-op), almost like Heroic in the first Halo, perhaps a bit harder at places.


Now I can play Metroid Prime 2 in peace,knowing that Halo 2 has been beaten,and on Heroic.

Legendary I've heard nightmares about,I think I'll save that setting for a dry month of gaming,haha.

But yeah,the game can mindfuck you if you play for too long. Because the battles are almost aways back and forth. And yeah..totally-the brutes as you said are wicked tough. If you miss with a sticky grenade then youre in deep shit,since they tend to hang in groups and to make matters worse-half the time they don't not die from a direct hit from the alien swords,not from a direct frontal attack anyways. It often takes two hits to kill each. And with the way they charge,youre lucky to not die from one hit from them,its total accuracy with you throw that grenade on them,otherwise you'd better hope you have a really high powered weapon to take him down while he charges at you. Though my personal favorite maneuver is to charge one from behind and take him out with a clean swipe,that never gets old.

Haha,the tv just played another Halo2 add again. The Halo hysteria is crazy. I'm glad I beat the game though,that game was wicked tough.

Sho Nuff

olimario said:
The single player in halo 2 just isn't fun for me.
THe style of gameplay is EXACTLY the same as the first and is exactly what I dislike in FPS titles.

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