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Anyone considering an XSX instead of a PS5 after the E3 conference?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
My 2080 is just as powerful as the xsx and has better performance in rt games so no, not yet.

None of the gamepass games did anything for me. Starfield was the only game at that conference that gave me goosebumps and made me want to buy an xsx but its so far away it makes no sense to purchase an xsx for it.

The fact that hellblade 2 is just starting full production is infuriating. You cannot do that for a game you used to reveal your console. I might as well just wait for the mid gen console at this point.

For Starfield my options are to spend $700 on a 3080 or $500 on an xsx. those extra $200 will get me 2x more power so I might just do that. I think putting their games on PC is a big mistake, but what do I know.
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Go Away Reaction GIF


Gold Member
Well they did before but also having a job and life I cant/wont own all 3 consoles as I dont have time to play them all together. I have a PS4 Pro and a Switch and yes for a long time I wanted to play again Gears and Forza Horizon but as I said I use my consoles for third party mostly too, I dont buy a console just to buy the 15 exclusives it has. I dont game on PC so when I buy a new-gen console, thats what I use it for and right now just realizing, I can either spend $100 a year to play brand new games day one...almost all games or I stick to traditional of paying $70, even for third party.
If you are going to buy into the ecosystem and you have a lot of back log Xbox games you have not played this would be a good time to jump in. Game Pass will be great for you. Thing is for me, I am not using Game Pass much right now because I have had access to those games for a long time. I expect as the new titles start coming out I will get a lot more use out of Game Pass. As you also pointed out though, you play third-party games. Game Pass might or might not offer those titles so you could end up paying $70 on top of the Game Pass sub.

I do believe if you are going to make the jump you should do it sooner rather than later. There is a chance MS could start closing more of the loopholes on how to get the cheaper Game Pass subs. I don't think you can go wrong with either console. Especially if you are not interested in the exclusives. Just get the one you you want and enjoy. If it was me. I would not sell myself short though and jump on one just because of availability. I would regret that later.


Gold Member
Yes. My brother Solarstrike Solarstrike and I have been discussing if we should keep our PS5s or trade them in/sell to pick up a Series X.

I currently have a Switch, Xbox One X and PS5.

I'm a huge mark for the Forza Horizon franchise and part 5 looks absolutely lit. :messenger_fire::messenger_fire::messenger_fire:

There's a ton of games coming from MS and all their 1st/3rd parties and IMO I'm not seeing anything outside God of War(2022 at the earliest...probably 2023) for the PS5 that is prompting me to "keep"
the system at this point.

My PS5 is currently a $500 Youtube app.

Sony has to show some games here really quick *AND* they better not have "coming in 2023" tags on their promos.

Strongly considering flipping my PS5 on Ebay while prices are remaining high so I have enough money for a Series X and then bank the rest for the Switch Pro(revision).
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Anytime Sony is silent for a few days we have these threads that keep popping up. You guys are like children, you constantly need attention.
Dude did you read my post lol? This is not about which console has better exclusives. Obviously i still want my GT7, new GoW and Horizon but my consoles I also play a shit ton of third parties on. I have over 90 games on my PS4 and maybe 20 of them are exclusives. I dont buy a $500 console just to play 20 games on it. So the whole point was, hey I can either continue to keep paying $60-$70 even for all the third parties or I just realized, holy shit I can pay $100 a year and have access to all those, most DAY ONE.

SONY can announce Silent Hill, MGS 27 or whatever else, thast not the point. The point is, watching the E3 conference, a brand new title is part of the gamepass. You dont wait 3 months or more, a day one game is literally free for you if you have a gamepass. And considering I also play a ton of third parties, this sparked my interest. Stalker 2, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and Flight Simulator....I just wake up and download them with my $100 subscription a year.
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Nope, I’ be been invested in the PlayStation brand since 1995. I tried an Xbox, and a 360. Loved the 360, but still preferred PS3. Sony has proven time and time again that their first party games are, for the most part, games that I have to experience. Microsoft has not. Will I miss TES 6 and Starfield? On PlayStation, yes, but I can play them elsewhere (and better).
Honestly. I just can't stand the Xbox controller with that analog stick placement. And the only franchise that Xbox has ever had that interested me is Gears Of War. Not really interested in Gamepass because I'm not interested in paying a monthly fee to rent games. No more monthly fee services, gaming is already a very expensive hobby. Maybe if it was somehow included in PS+ at no extra charge would I personally be interested.


Given that I just bought a PS5 @~300pm EST today, that would be a "nope" from me. I choose my systems based on what I think will eventually happen rather than what is. The PS3/4 did not let me down with regards to games, and my expectation is that the PS5 won't either.

Still, I hope PlayStation goes all in on PC like MS, 'cause that is where I truly prefer to play.


Im still conflicted. While I technically already have two PS5’s (got a PS5 for both of my sons for Christmas) that I can play if I want to go into their rooms, as far as for myself, I’m still going back and fourth.

On one hand, I’ve always been a PlayStation guy, I prefer the Playstation controller since one of my primary genres is fighting games, I have a PSVR, and with PlayStation plus I have a massive library of games.

on the other hand … Game Pass. I don’t know how anyone can argue that Game Pass is not appealing. Microsoft’s first party exclusives along with tones of other games, day one.

I really wish Sony would put more into PlayStation now to make it a true competitor to game pass.

At the end of the day, I’m almost 40 years old. I don’t have the time to invest in games like I use to especially when considering games are $70 now and game rentals aren’t really a thing anymore, so being able to pay a set price every month for a library of new games is pretty appealing.

Luckily it’s not that pressing since you can’t find either consoles in stores anyway.

For now I’ll stick with my Switch / PS4.


Im a playstation guy, love the games and the platform but this covid next gen hasnt hyped me as much. Even when announced, I really didnt get the XSX appeal with its gamepass. I chose my platform based on the games I have most connection with. Im not gonna lie, I do wish some titles were on PS like Forza Horizon, Gears of War, Flight Simulator etc. And then the E3 show happened and at the end of almost every single trailer: "Day one gamepass". And considering how often I see GP on discounts I was like wait...I can play all these new games, day one if I wanted with a single subscription of under $100 a year (taking advantage of discounted GP). And on the other side I have to think if I want to part with $70 for each game on PS5. Sure, ill miss out on the big exclusives from PS but I never said I wont buy it later as well.

Im at a similar spot where as playstation fan I bought an xbox360 first and then a PS3 when the slim version came out because at the time it was just a better purchase and took awhile for those exclusives to pile up. Now I feel like im in the same spot, that maybe ill go for XSX first and get a PS5Pro or slim later. This time being because I get the appeal of gamepass. Its a financial decision but I also play a shit ton of third parties. And not gonna lie, even Halo Infinite got me interested again. Not to mention I can find XsX way easier than a PS5 atm. Anyone else in a similar boat?
I have both. I don't think there's anything unreasonable about what you just said... although the avalanche of "lol no" responses might drive you to think you're insane. There's going to be a lot more to this Xbox generation than just "Gears, Halo, Forza" though.... and there's some folks here that seem to be in denial of that fact.

So far - Game Pass has been great to have for me. This holiday will be great. If you do a little research you can even get Retroarch installed on your console without "dev mode". It has been an awesome experience. As of today I'm more excited for the future of my XSX than my PS5.

Could that change suddenly during a "state of play"? Yeah sure. At the end of the day it is just about what you're excited to play.


Never really understood this. Each system has it's selling points. PS5 for their amazing exclusive library and upcoming VR, Xbox for gamepass and a damn decent library on its own which the value for that is 2nd to none and Nintendo, well that one is self explanatory. Each have their reason to be had and for that I will eventually own all three. Already have a series x and switch, just waiting on finally getting a PS5.
Nope. GamePass doesn’t appeal to me at all, I’m a simple man who enjoys buying a few games a year and taking my time completing them. Of the stuff Microsoft showed there wasn’t anything that jumped out at me to drop $499 on a new box.


What time is it?
My One X died in December and I was lucky enough to get a Series X in January. I'll be buying my first two games this year in Flight Sim and FH5. Gamepass the back half of the year looks pretty loaded with Dark Alliance, The Ascent, Psychonauts 2, Back4Blood and Halo. With Ratchet and FFVII released for PS5 already, most of my gaming time the rest of the year will probably be with the Switch and Xbox.


Its all about the games I want to play, so no. There are some Bethesda games that I am excited about, but I have always played their games on PC and will continue to do so.


My One X died in December and I was lucky enough to get a Series X in January. I'll be buying my first two games this year in Flight Sim and FH5. Gamepass the back half of the year looks pretty loaded with Dark Alliance, The Ascent, Psychonauts 2, Back4Blood and Halo. With Ratchet and FFVII released for PS5 already, most of my gaming time the rest of the year will probably be with the Switch and Xbox.
why are you buying Flight Sim and FH5 if you have game pass presumably (given the back half is loaded comment)


PS5, Index, and my PC are more than enough for me.

Microsoft had a really solid and diverse conference this year but nothing they showed really moved the needle for me personally. Objectively they are definitely headed in the right direction as far as diversity and volume of content but the stuff that I'm interested in is still over a year away, and as far as consoles go Playstation is still vastly more in line with the way I consume games and the type of experience I like to have.

I just have very little time these days and pretty specific tastes. Call me unadventurous but I don't want/need a huge on demand library of games from every category. I already have a massive and pretty well curated backlog I can't even find time for. I'm sure as hell not paying Microsoft $15 a month for the right to have a worse one.

Guess I'm just simple. I like big high production cinematic single player adventure/rpg games, the occasional platformer, and some VR games As long as Sony keeps on giving what I want X-box and gamepass just aren't in the running.

And yes Game pass is unquestionably a great deal. But for me, I'd much rather pay a premium for what I want than pay less for what I don't.
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I mean, I loved the hell out of the 360 (went through six of them), and certainly enjoyed the original big boy Xbox back in the day. Never bothered with Xbox One for obvious reasons. I guess what I'm trying to say is this isn't unfamiliar territory.
Same - though a little opposite - I skipped PS4, thought about a PS4 Pro but never came around to getting one because was extremely busy. Now I have all 3 consoles (and a PC).

Originally I had set out to upgrade to a 3080 last year only - but after that paper launch - I simply tried for XSX and PS5 since I had the money set aside anyway.

Now I'm really enjoying both in playing through all the back log of games I've missed these past few years while waiting for actual next gen games to be released.

Looking forward to a few games the remaining of this year and really excited to see how things open up next year.


I have a 3090 and subscribe to Gamepass Ultimate. Why would I play Microsoft exclusives on a low end machine like a XSX?
Because you can't lug your PC around everywhere and want options?

There's something to be said for portability and comfort of playing on your couch/TV.

Obviously - if you only want to invest just a PC - yes - obviously. Really depends on how you enjoy playing games.

Over the past year however, I've began to re-evaluate whether or not I want to continue to invest so much in my PC as it's significantly more expensive to upkeep/maintain than a console.

Not to say I won't ever upgrade my PC again - but at these prices - I'll be hanging on to my 2080 until prices drop or it dies and I'm forced to buy a new card.


What time is it?
why are you buying Flight Sim and FH5 if you have game pass presumably (given the back half is loaded comment)

For a few reasons. I like supporting game series I like. In the case of FH5, I have all the other games and DLC and those are prone to getting delisted eventually because of licensing issues. Lastly, my game pass expires in a year and while I like the service, I don't think I use or enjoy it enough to pay the normal fee (I did that crazy $1 upgrade deal a few years back). I'll eventually treat Gamepass like I do Netflix. Get it for a month or two every year and catch up on the 1st parties titles I'm interested in but would probably never buy.
I have a PS5. I was going to get an X or S later this year (obviously for Halo & Forza!)... but I might just build a PC. But fuck is it hard to find anything but a pre-built 3090 PC! I'll either be paying $1200 or $3000... so yea.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Nope. Still getting both, and more than likely I'll get my PS5 before my XSX.
Im a playstation guy, love the games and the platform but this covid next gen hasnt hyped me as much. Even when announced, I really didnt get the XSX appeal with its gamepass. I chose my platform based on the games I have most connection with. Im not gonna lie, I do wish some titles were on PS like Forza Horizon, Gears of War, Flight Simulator etc. And then the E3 show happened and at the end of almost every single trailer: "Day one gamepass". And considering how often I see GP on discounts I was like wait...I can play all these new games, day one if I wanted with a single subscription of under $100 a year (taking advantage of discounted GP). And on the other side I have to think if I want to part with $70 for each game on PS5. Sure, ill miss out on the big exclusives from PS but I never said I wont buy it later as well.

Im at a similar spot where as playstation fan I bought an xbox360 first and then a PS3 when the slim version came out because at the time it was just a better purchase and took awhile for those exclusives to pile up. Now I feel like im in the same spot, that maybe ill go for XSX first and get a PS5Pro or slim later. This time being because I get the appeal of gamepass. Its a financial decision but I also play a shit ton of third parties. And not gonna lie, even Halo Infinite got me interested again. Not to mention I can find XsX way easier than a PS5 atm. Anyone else in a similar boat?

Instead of a PS5 is probably the wrong way to put it, but rest assured OP MOST want an Xbox Series X after that conference if they didn't already, and many will in fact be looking to get one now. Some will admit as much, some will have too much pride to admit they've done so. Most gamers who just love games for games won't deprive themselves over console wars. Not everybody has that beast of a PC people always brag about, so most are going to grab an Xbox Series X.


Sure, but I'm always considering each over the other. Neither has enough out to tempt me at the moment, and the $70 greed and the general scarcity of the consoles has me content to sit back and wait.

I'm also seriously considering building that gaming PC at long last.


I think I may get both at this point.

When Halo comes out I will try it out on PC using my bog standard 1060. If the game is actually good, I might choose to get a XSX instead of building a new PC. I mean it's a $500 box with pretty sufficient performance at 120FPS, that you can plug a m/kb into. Also, a plug and play avenue to Flight Simulator.

I REALLY like the way my current PC setup feels for making precise shots in FPS games and I'm in no hurry to change a THING. An XSX is pretty much the price of just the gfx card so I mean...

That said. I knew long ago that I will eventually get a PS5. A revision would be nice though. An Xbox could help soothe the wait.
Just a heads up buddy. There is a massive shortage on GPUs. If you want a 30 series it'll run you well over 1,500$. If you want a 3090, more like 3,500$.
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