Seems to match up perfectly what with is going on.
Asian countries wear masks to prevent these infections. Fauci says Americans should not wear masks in March because they do nothing to prevent infection. Fauci says in June that everyone should have been wearing masks, but he lied because he wanted hospitals to have them.
Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades in countless people to fight malaria and autoimmune issues. Media says it is the most dangerous drug ever and will make your heart explode. Studies start to show benefits, then a bunch of studies magically appear that show it killing people. Those studies were fake, and more studies show incredible benefits.
The world is told we need to wait for Remdesivir, and when it comes out a run of it costs thousands and shaves a small fraction of time off of hospitalizations. It is held up as a miracle cure and hydroxychloroquine is continually demonized.
Protests start about two weeks after lockdowns start ending, and infections spike two weeks after protests. The media has gone on about how there is a 1-2 week lag in infections, but now claims the lockdowns caused the spike.
The media claims ending the lockdown is causing deadly consequences, but the death rate is continually dropping even as tested positive infections increase.
Antibody tests are demonized despite giving information on the actual death rate of the virus and that it was spreading in the US likely as far back as early January.