Mine is a bit odd, and I'll talk about it more in a sec, but first anyone else have a sexual problem of any sort ?
It could be genital herpes, hard time getting an erection, penile leakage, or whatever.
If so is it/was it hard for you to seek a Dr.'s advice/help about it ? *spam email not included*
I've always been able to sustain an erection for long periods Before I cum, but now it's extremely rare that I do cum at all.
The problem I'm having has been going on for about 4 years now, and it's so odd I've never heard of anything of the sort before.
I get erections just fine, only problem is it takes forever before I cum, in fact most times hours if at all.
No I'm not bragging, wtf is there to brag about when I can't even cum at all ? :lol
My fiance, and past GF's were all loving it at first with all the 1-3 hour sessions in bed *no joke*, but considering I hardly ever cum it makes thme feel inadequate like they aren't turning me on, when in fact they were.
I told them if they weren't turning me on I sure as hell wouldn't have a 3 hour hardon. LOL
I suppose it's sort of a good/bad problem, but it's certainly nothing to brag about considering I'm missing out on the best part
Anyone ever hear of anything like this before ? or have anything similar to tell ?
Ok let the flaming, sorry bad choice of words, let the bashing begin for those who think this is something to brag about.
Mine is a bit odd, and I'll talk about it more in a sec, but first anyone else have a sexual problem of any sort ?
It could be genital herpes, hard time getting an erection, penile leakage, or whatever.
If so is it/was it hard for you to seek a Dr.'s advice/help about it ? *spam email not included*
I've always been able to sustain an erection for long periods Before I cum, but now it's extremely rare that I do cum at all.
The problem I'm having has been going on for about 4 years now, and it's so odd I've never heard of anything of the sort before.
I get erections just fine, only problem is it takes forever before I cum, in fact most times hours if at all.
No I'm not bragging, wtf is there to brag about when I can't even cum at all ? :lol
My fiance, and past GF's were all loving it at first with all the 1-3 hour sessions in bed *no joke*, but considering I hardly ever cum it makes thme feel inadequate like they aren't turning me on, when in fact they were.
I told them if they weren't turning me on I sure as hell wouldn't have a 3 hour hardon. LOL
I suppose it's sort of a good/bad problem, but it's certainly nothing to brag about considering I'm missing out on the best part
Anyone ever hear of anything like this before ? or have anything similar to tell ?
Ok let the flaming, sorry bad choice of words, let the bashing begin for those who think this is something to brag about.