I seriously can't even, and don't get the point of these gratuitously shockingly violent films and shows. It feels like one of those things i missed the chance to develop an interest in during my a-typical late teens. I don't think it's funny, i don't think it's awesome, i don't think it's instructive, i don't think it's inspiring, i don't think it's educational, i don't think it's a slice of life, i don't think it's stylish, i just think it's visual clickbait. Dolla dolla bills y'all...
Edit: I should insert here the point that daily life in South Korea is pretty horrible for certain groups on certain levels, that it has huge problems with abuse, suicide and inequality, that in that sense this show is relevant, so i do give it props for that.
I also totally don't get the appeal of getting drunk every weekend and puking with a bunch of guys. I don't get the reasoning behind the thought process: "this Friday won't be complete, this work week won't be capped off, if i don't find some group of people somewhere to go get drunk with". Like i don't know why anyone would like that unless they associated healthy friendships with bar crawls. It all seems like a very globalisation kinda deal.